Dehcho - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Dehcho — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Sunset at Fort Liard
Sunset at Fort Liard
Regional capital
61 ° 51 ′ 47 ″ N 121 ° 21 ′ 18 ″ W

Dehcho, also spelled Deh Cho, is a region of Northwest Territories to Canada.


The Dehcho region is located in the southwest of the Northwest Territories. The "Dehcho Circuit" consists of a drive from the border of theAlberta crossing the region and joining the border of the British Columbia.


  • 1 Fort Simpson (Liidlii kue)  – The only village located in the region of Dehcho, it is the gateway to the region and to the Nahanni National Park Reserve.
  • Enterprise  – Located at the junction of Highways 1 and 2, gateway to Twin Falls Territorial Park.
  • Kakisa (K'agee)  – Located on a side road past the entrance to Lady Evelyn Falls Territorial Park.
  • Fort Providence (Zhahti Kue)  – Located across the Mackenzie River, craft center.
  • Jean Marie River (Tthek'ehdelj)  – Located at the junction of the Jean-Marie River and the Mackenzie River.
  • Trout Lake (Sambaa Ke)  – Only accessible by plane or winter road, includes a lodge and cabins on Trout Lake.
  • Wrigley (Pedzeh Kj)  – Dene community.
  • Fort Liard (Echaot'je Kue)  – Located on Highway 7, craft center.

Other destinations

To go


By car

A circuit allows you to discover the region of Dehcho and the north of the provinces ofAlberta and some British Columbia.

To buy


Have a drink / Go out



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Complete list of other articles in the region: Northwest Territories
Destinations located in the region