Syrian desert - Deserto siriano

Syrian desert
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Syrian Desert - Location

Syrian desert is a region of the Syria extended to the east of the city of Aleppo up to the borders withIraq.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

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Urban centers

  • Al-Hasakah - Second city in the east of Syria, Al-Hasakah has nothing of interest but it could be a stop for those coming from Aleppo. The city is located near the border line with Turkey and is equipped with a railway station and essential services.
  • Al-Mayadin - Village 44 km from Deir el-Zor. In its surroundings, the ruins of Qalaat Rahba stand out, a fortress from the 12th century and later destroyed by the Mongols. The ruins are impressive and from the battlements of the fort there are magnificent views of the surrounding desert.
  • Ar-Raqqah (Raqqa) - First urban center of a certain size that one encounters once left Aleppo to proceed eastwards, Ar-Raqqah was the summer residence of the Abassid rulers but today it is only a modern city of 200,000 inhabitants that has retained almost nothing of its past glories.
  • Deir el-Zor (Deir ez-Zor) - A city of 250,000 inhabitants with a majestic modern bridge that spans the Euphrates, Deir el-Zor boasts an archaeological museum which is one of the most interesting in the Syria. Many of the exhibits are from pre-Islamic times and come from the archaeological site of Doura Europos.
  • Doura Europos - Hellenistic city founded by Seleucus I Nicator on the right bank of the Euphrates. It is located near the village of Salhiyé, not far from the border with theIraq.
  • Halabiyya
  • Mari - The site of a city built towards the end of the fourth millennium BC. passed later to the I would love to.
  • Qala'at Najm
  • Qasr al-Heir al-Sharqi
  • Rasafa - The ruins of the Roman era Sergiopoli stand out in the middle of the desert about 30 km from the artificial reservoir of Al Asad. To see the ruins partially submerged by the sand you will have to resort to a taxi from Ar-Raqqah or to a minibus from the village of Al-Mansoura.
  • Tell Brack (Nagar)

Other destinations

  • Al-Assad lake - One of the largest artificial reservoirs in Middle East, the al-Assad lake was formed following the construction of the al-Thawra dam in 1973. The project involved the disappearance of ancient archaeological sites and the transfer of the population to today's village of al-Thawra of unspeakable ugliness. Some monuments from the Islamic era were rebuilt elsewhere following the example of Abu Simbel. This was the case with a 27 m minaret. located in the submerged village of Maskana which today stands in the center of al-Thawra.
  • Palmira - Ancient Aramaic city, Palmyra is one of the most visited places in the Syria. Its ruins stand out in a desert oasis, 215 km east of Damascus.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Syrian desert
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Syrian desert
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