Dion (excavation) - Dion (Ausgrabung)

Dion, Greek Δίον
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The ancient city Dion is an archaeological site in the Pieria, the region around the Macedonian city Katerini.


Archaeological plan Terrain

Dion is an ancient city at the foot of Mount Olympus and was the place of worship of the god father Zeus, whose name it also bears.
Today it consists of the excavation site and a small town. She is close to Katerini or Litochoro (the starting point for Olymp tours) near the Olympic Riviera.


The ancient city of Zeus, the father of the gods, with its watercourses and tall trees, was the central place of worship for Zeus and the Muses (the daughters of the union of Zeus and Mnemosyne), near the Greek residence, which has been handed down in mythology Gods, des Olympus.

The city of Dion was first mentioned by the Greek historian Thucydides in the description of the Spartans' march to Thessaly in 424 BC. mentioned, according to tradition, the city founded by Pieriners had been around since around 700 BC. inhabited by Macedonians.

Under the first Macedonian king Archelaos I were here towards the end of the 5th century. B.C. first time Olympic Festival held with nine days of sporting and musical competitions with theatrical performances in honor of the Olympian Zeus.

Diodorus tells how Alexander the Great held festivals with sacrificial acts here before his farewell campaign; he also stipulated in his will that a magnificent temple of Zeus should be built in the city of Dion. 219 BC the city was devastated by an Aetolian campaign and soon rebuilt, numerous inscriptions date from this period. The magnificent city with numerous public buildings was built in 169 BC. occupied by the Romans and experienced as Colonia Iulia Augusta Diensis a second heyday. The city existed as a bishopric until the 4th / 5th. Century and was abandoned as a result of devastation from earthquakes and mudslides and barbarian invasions.

The ruins near the village Malathria were identified by the English travel writer WMLeake as those of Dion in 1806 and researched by L.Heuzey after the liberation from Ottoman rule in 1861/65. Systematic excavations began under G. Sotiriadis by the University of Thessaloniki in 1928. Around 1931 the Hellenistic theater uncovered, from 1973 the third phase of the excavations took place under D. Pandermalis.

getting there

By plane

The nearest airport is that of Thessaloniki AirportThessaloniki Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaThessaloniki Airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsThessaloniki Airport (Q127958) in the Wikidata database(IATA: SKG), a good hour's drive from Dion.

By train

The nearest train station is that of 1 Katerini, on the express train line from Thessaloniki to Athens.

In the street

Via the toll motorway A1 of Athens to Thessaloniki you can reach Dion. The excavations of Dion are from the highway (Symbol: ASDion - Museum). At the archaeological park numerous parking spaces, some in the shade, at the one in the center of the village museum the availability of parking spaces is scarce. the distance is 700 m and can be covered on foot in about 10 minutes in the summer heat.


The archaeological park extends over an area of ​​approx. 1.2 x 0.8 km, from the park entrance you can reach most of the sights in 6 - 8 minutes on foot on a well-signposted network of paths, most of the gravel paths are also graveled limited barrier-freelimited barrier-free wheelchair accessible.

Tourist Attractions

1  Dion Archaeological Park. Tel.: 30 23510 53484, Email: . Open: 8 am-3pm.Price: Combined ticket with museum 6.00 € / children & young people. free, archaeological only. Park € 4.00.

limited barrier-freelimited barrier-free

2  Dion Archaeological Museum. Tel.: 30 23510 53484, Email: . Open: Tue-Sun summer 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Nov-March 8.30 a.m.-3 p.m.Price: Combined ticket with museum 6.00 € / children & young people. free.


Tour of the archaeological park

The theater in Dion
Zeus sanctuary
Thermal baths - the reconstructed Odeion
Main road
early Christian basilica
Musical instrument "Hydraulis" in the museum
Archaeolog. museum
  • the entrance area leads to the 3 Holy springsrelated to the cult of the muses; the spring water flows like a river Vaphyras in the Thermean Gulf. Between the aquatic plants you can see fish in the clear spring water, bathing is prohibited.
  • to the right / south you get to the Hellenistic 4 theatre. This theater was rebuilt on the site of the theater of the classical period. Of the rows of seats, the substructures, the orchestra (100 antique feet or 25 m in diameter) and the foundations of the proscenium (stage building) have been preserved, the rows of seats for the spectators are from more recent times. The festivities before the campaign of Alexander the Great had been held in the open space between the theater and the sacred precinct of the Zeus sanctuary.
  • the 5 Sanctuary of Zeus lay in a shallow pit surrounded by a wall in the open under tall oaks, sacred to the todays. Here, among other structures, there was a 22 m long one altar from the 4th century BC BC, which was probably built on the site of older structures. This is where the famous bronze equestrian statues of fallen companions of Alexander the Great, created by Lysippus, were probably also found, which according to ancient reports had been brought to Rome.
  • the 6 roman theater was probably in the 2nd century. A.D. been erected. The segment-shaped substructures that supported the 24 rows of seats, the orchestra with a diameter of 20 m and the foundations of the proscenium (stage building) have been preserved from him. A statue of Hermes and a Roman emperor statue with armor were found here.

Along the watercourse the path leads to other sanctuaries, which were laid out outside the city walls ("extra muros") and between which there was enough space for the streams of pilgrims at the time of the Olympic Festival.

  • the 7 Sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistus dates from Roman times. In the holy area ("Temenos") surrounded by a wall, a path with columns decorated with eagle statues led to the temple. This consisted only of a cella surrounded by columns, on a pedestal was the amazingly well-preserved statue of the gods of Zeus, holding a lightning bolt in the right hand and the scepter in the left. A marble sculpture of an eagle with outspread wings faced the statue.
  • that was in the west 8 Demeter - sanctuary, in which on the one hand the oldest buildings were found, but which also went up to the fourth century AD. was operated. Small, house-like individual temples were later built in the area.
  • to the east a bridge over the watercourse of the Vaphyras leads to 9 Isis - sanctuary, previously dedicated to Artemis. This holy place was specially venerated by Alexander the Great. A path leads to the central temple with four columns at the front, basins on both sides symbolize the waters of the Nile. Here was an image of the deity with a sheaf and a scepter and stone slabs with a large and a small footprint, probably left by pilgrims to thank them for their mother's happiness.

Along the city wall, which was a special feature of having a passage for the water of the Vaphyras river (a modern bridge leads over it), you get to the walled city area. Passing a residential area (where numerous statues were found) one arrives at the

  • 10 Great thermal baths: In Dion there were several thermal baths, the large thermal baths were not only used for personal hygiene, but also as a meeting point and for cultural events. The hypocaust system of the Warmbad, the latrine system with numerous seats ("Vespasianes") and a floor mosaic with a water bird motif and, as an eye-catcher, the newly reconstructed brickwork remnants are recognizable Odeion. In this Semicircular theater theater and music performances were given. The beautiful mosaic floors with partly geometric motifs are well worth seeing.

Past the public buildings of the Agora can be reached on the main road Cardo to private villas in the northeast of the city.

  • noticeable on the main street that 11 Signs - Monument: probably as part of a victory memorial or part of the facade of a public building, the monument with relief depiction of shields and tanks existed since the fourth century BC.
  • at the junction with the cross street 12 polygonal building, probably a market hall, adorned with floor mosaics depicting athletes.
  • Numerous bronze objects were found in the living area. The discovery of one is outstanding Hydraulis. This musical instrument, a forerunner of one organ, consists of two rows of "organ pipes" of different lengths, which were probably played with a keyboard, and an air tank, which was kept under constant pressure by water pressure to operate the organ pipes (similar to the bellows of the old organs). The find is on display in the museum.
  • next to it the 13 Villa of Dionysus: In the extensive building complex with banquet halls, private thermal baths and probably also shops there was a floor mosaic of outstanding quality, which depicts the god of wine Dionysus on a chariot drawn by two black panthers (under a roof).
  • one was found in the northwest 14 early Christian basilica. The three-aisled basilica is accessed from an outer forecourt with an octagonal baptismal font and a second forecourt. Apparently an older building was destroyed by an earthquake in the fourth century and the currently recognizable basilica was built over the old foundations; the rooms were provided with mosaic floors.
  • a second smaller one basilica was found in the area of ​​an early Christian necropolis.

Tour of the archaeological museum

  • Finds from several in the courtyard & vestibule Macedonian chamber tombsexcavated at the foot of Mount Olympus.
  • On the ground floor, the numerous marble statues from the sanctuaries of Isis and Demeter and from the thermal bath complex are particularly striking. In addition to various statutes of gods (Isis, Aphrodite), the stone slabs with footprints each of a man and a woman, which pilgrims had left as consecration gifts, stand out. In addition to numerous inscriptions and grave steles, there are also small finds and coins on display.
  • on the upper floor is the one otherwise only mentioned in ancient writings Hydraulis, an organ-like instrument with an air tank compressed by water to maintain the air pressure to operate the organ unique. There are also numerous reliefs and grave steles on display.
  • In the basement there is a didactic exhibition, objects and finds from everyday life in antiquity are vividly exhibited here for younger visitors, especially Greek schools and students take advantage of the offer

The labeling in the museum is consistently Greek - English, and explanatory texts in the guide are in German.


  • sightseeing the archaeological park with its partly shaded paths along the watercourses. It is best to come early in the morning before the tourist buses arrive.
  • sightseeing of the archaeological museum with three halls on three floors
  • In the summer evenings, plays are performed in the ancient theater, programs are available on site.


  • At the entrance to the archaeological park, a museum shop offers excavation guides (also in German) and souvenirs
  • In the street to the archaeological museum there are several souvenir shops with replicas of Greek vases and statuettes, etc.
  • There is a small supermarket in a side street in the village of Dion


  • Drinks and ice cream are available at the entrance to the archaeological park
  • In the street to the archaeological museum, several taverns await tourists at noon during the season.


The excavations are closed at night. If you want to experience something, you have to go to something nearby Katerini dodge. There is always something going on here; you can find Greek cuisine and Greek night life. Another option is the locality Litochoro, from where many take the tour to Olympus start.


In the village of Dion, guest rooms are offered in the season.


Just follow the usual tips and everything will be fine.


Practical advice

Sturdy footwear makes it easier to walk the paths, in summer take sunscreen and enough drinks with you. Water dispensers with drinking water bubble up like small fountains, however, in different places in the archaeological park.

Mobile phone connections to all networks are available on site. But you won't find a WiFi connection. Post to Germany takes 2-3 days. Postcards can be found in the shop at the entrance.



  • Guide "Dion - Archaeological Site and Museum", Dimitrios Pandermalis, Adam Editions, ISBN 960-500-082-2 (offered on site)
  • Free travel guide about the Olymp region. Twenty-three landmarks are featured, including the Archaeological Park and Archaeological Museum of Dion. Title: Olympus - ancient sites, museums, monasteries and churches.

Web links

  • Website the archaeolog. Site of Dion, Greek, English, German, with virtual tour
  • Website of the community of Dion, Greek, not very productive
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