Caprivi's finger - Dito di Caprivi

Caprivi's finger
Driving on the B8 from Grootfontein to Katima Mulilo

Caprivi's finger is a region in the north east of Namibia.

To know

The Caprivi region is a thin strip of land that wedges hundreds of kilometers between Angola is Zambia to the north and Botswana South. Unlike the rest of the country, water abounds in the region and consequently the herds of animals are more consistent. To protect the fauna, the parks of Bwabwata, Mudumu and Mamili plus the reserves of Mahango and Caprivi have been established.

The main regional center is Katima Mulilo, on the bank of the Zambezi River and surrounded by lush vegetation.

For many tourists Caprivi e Katima Mulilo they are only a hasty stop on their journey to Victoria Falls, the Chobe National Park and the Okavango River Delta, all destinations within easy reach, although they are located across the border

Geographical notes

Caprivi - Aerial landscape

To the south lies the Botswana with its natural wonders, such as the Okavango Delta and the Chobe National Park. The Victoria Falls they are not far from the eastern border of the Caprivi Finger. Further west is the Etosha National Park.


The Finger of Caprivi was negotiated by the Great Britain in 1890 for the colony German of German South-West Africa (corresponding to the modern state African of the Namibia), in order to have a river connection to the German colony of Tanganyika (former German East Africa), now known as Tanzania. The connection proved unsuccessful, due to Victoria Falls.

There was a conflict in Caprivi in ​​1999, but it only lasted a few days and the strip has been peaceful ever since.

Spoken languages

You can mostly hear locals speaking their local language. L'English it is almost the only foreign language spoken. Other languages ​​widespread in Namibia such as German is Afrikaans they are not spoken or understood by the locals.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Katima Mulilo - Capital of the Zambezi Region once known as the Caprivi Region.
  • Rundu - 715 km from Windhoek and 348 from Otavi, where the B8 begins, Rundu is the capital of the administrative region of Kavango.

Other destinations

  • Mpalila Island
  • Khaudom Game Reserve
  • Bwabwata National Park - Formed by the union of the former "Caprivi Game Park" is "Mahango Game Reserve", is the largest park covering the whole of Caprivi Dito and has a somewhat unique landscape. It is situated on an old dune system which means that there are several drainage lines running northwest-southeast along the length of park.
In the rainy season the drainage lines fill with rainwater which accumulates in pools that provide drinking water for the animals in the dry season. Once the water has completely evaporated the animals move to the Kwando and Kavango rivers, so if you are staying on the riverfront the best time of the year for a safari is July-November. When there is water in the pools there is an almost unexplored road network (most of which consists of old routes created by the military of the South Africa) inside the park.
The vegetation is a mixture of river forest, teak forest, acacia forest in the part of the drainage lines and open pasture.
Typically you can see buffaloes, hordes of elephants, lions (which are proliferating in the area), leopards, wild dogs, sables, roans, giraffes and the widespread impala, kudu and zebras.
Bwabwata has a national route (B8) that runs along the park, with a speed limit of 120km / h. The road has no fences so it is advisable to limit your speed and, if possible, avoid driving at night. Many animals are killed by vehicles every year including endangered species such as wild dogs which are very intrigued by vehicles.
Nkasa Rupara is an amazing swamp and by its nature often inaccessible so it has been cut off from the human population of the area for many years. As a desert experience it has few equals and even if it does not have the diversity of fauna of the Bwabwata, at the end of the dry season it can be fantastic.
There is a stable population of lions in the park which mainly preys on huge herds of buffaloes inhabiting the two islands (Nkasa and Rupara). They are generally fairly easy to spot if they don't move between islands.
Thanks to the diversity of habitats in Caprivi, the avifauna in all three parks is splendid, with over 400 species recorded including the particular little egret slate, racquet-tailed jay e blackish cucal.
Like the Mudumu it was established to protect the complex of swamps formed by the Linyanti.
  • Mudumu National Park - It is located about 30km south of the main paved road B8 which crosses the strip and has its western boundary on the River Kwando. To the east of the transit route through the park there is a large area of ​​beautiful mopane forest where the fauna moves during the rainy season and to the east of the road, a mix of mopane and river forest, which is the corresponding place for the dry season.
Mudumu is a very under-rated park with easy access and beautiful scenery. You can see in the dry season a large number of elephants, buffaloes, zebras, leopards, hyenas and lots of Roan antelopes.
Established to protect the complex of swamps formed by the Linyanti. The dense vegetation offers shelter to a varied fauna.

How to get

Chobe River

By plane

There are some small airstrips on the opposite side of the strip, but it is preferable to get there by road.

By car

The main access route is the B8 via the Bwabwata National Park. The B8 can be accessed from Rundu, via the D3400 or the D3309.

On boat

There are a few river crossings in Angola, Zambia is Botswana, but be aware that these can be closed at any time.

How to get around

By bus

There are minibuses running from Katima Mulilo to Windhoek, 1,227 km; there is also a bus Intercape Mainliner.

What see


  • Wenela - Bridge over the Zambezi which serves as a border crossing with Zambia. The road runs along the river bank and leads to Livingstone, 10 km from the Victoria Falls.
  • Goma Bridge - Border crossing with Botswana. As soon as you cross the Goma bridge you enter the territory of Chobe National Park. From here you can also reach the Victoria Falls.

What to do

  • Safari - Caprivi is an area rich in fauna and includes three wonderful national parks that are still a little underestimated compared to the neighboring parks Botswana. The safari can be experienced either by traveling in a tent or with a boat cruise inside one of the parks. For more information on the parks, you can consult the relative sheets on the website of the ministry of tourism.

At the table

Tourist infrastructure

Typically you can stay overnight in tented camps or lodges. Here are some references.


Wandering around Caprivi is an experience not to be missed. However, any warnings should not be underestimated. Be more cautious and alert to the black mamba and other deadly snakes, elephants, hippos and crocodiles. Many die from snakebites, crocodiles and hippos, but mostly from snake bites. Especially the black mamba and the Mozambican spitting cobra are more common in this region than one might think. They strike quickly and death is almost instantaneous. Be very careful, even when you are on the premises of a lodge or even in your own room or dining room.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Caprivi's finger
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Caprivi's finger
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