Eurasia - Eurasia

Silk Road
Eurasia - Localization

Eurasia it is a mass that is made up of two continents: Asia is Europe.

To know

The distinction between the two continents is somewhat arbitrary. Territories like the Caucasus, can be considered as part of one of the two and some countries such as the Russia and the Turkey they are actually partially present in both.

Of course, the two continents have always been connected. See the Silk Road for historical trade routes or the Trans-Siberian railway which to date is probably the most famous overland trip between the two continents.

Geographical notes

Europe is Asia they are a single continental mass, the two continents not having a clear geological and geographical separation. There is therefore no universally recognized border between Europe and Asia; the conventional dividing line is that of Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the northern shore of the Caspian Sea and the Kuma-Manyč Depression, located in the Russia European.

The Isthmus of Suez joins Eurasia to theAfrica; in fact we speak of Eurafrasia or Ancient Continent, a term in contrast with New Continent, consisting of the two Americas, and with Brand new continent, L'Oceania.


Eurasia was formed from 375 to 325 million years ago, with the merger of Siberia, Kazakhstania is Baltic, which was merged with the Laurentia, Now North America, to form Euramerica.

Eurasia has been home to many ancient civilizations, including those based in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and the China. In the Axial Age (mid-1st millennium BC), a continuous ribbon of civilization stretched across the Eurasian subtropical zone from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This belt has become the mainstream of world history for two millennia.

Territories and tourist destinations

Its territory includes about 90 states.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Eurasia
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Eurasia
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