Finnish - Finlandese


Flag of the Finland
Spread of the Finnish language
      Finnish as a minority language
      Finnish as a majority language

The Finnish is the most spoken language in the Republic of Finland, related to theEstonian, the Sami languages, the Karelian and theHungarian, even if in fact completely different from the latter. Spoken by about 5 million people, it is the official language of Finland and of the European Union, also recognized as a minority language in Sweden, in the variant of mäenkieli, and in the Republic of Karelia.

Suomen murteet.png

The above map shows the diffusion of dialects of the Finnish language in Europe

      1 Southwestern dialects
      2 Dialects hämäläismurteet
      3 Dialect ofSouthern Ostrobothnia
      4 Dialects keskipohjalaiset is pohjoispohjalaiset
      5 Dialects peräpohjalaiset
      6 Dialects of the Savo
      7 South Eastern dialects
      Language areas Swedish

A little grammar

  • Since Finnish does not have prepositions, in the table below there is a list of some of the most important Finnish cities declined according to the case. Declining the name of a city can become complicated since even proper names undergo the rules of grammar and therefore change their root. The table also presents the variants of the names in Swedish, as Finland is a bilingual country.
Nominative caseSwedish translationInessive case

(Been in place)

Illative case

(Motorcycle in place)

Elative case

(Motorcycle from place)

VantaaVandaIt boaststoIt boastsanVantaalta
  • As in Italian, in Finnish, there is a form of the verb for each person. It is interesting to note that there is no future tense. To talk about future actions, verbs conjugated to the present are used together with terms such as tomorrow, next month, etc...
olla (olla)
Here I'mPastFuture
he sheon(on)oils(oils)on(on)
  • Verbs have a form for each person and to do negations it is necessary to put the inflected form of and, that is, no, followed by the root of the negated verb

The table presents the inflected forms of no

Pronoun in ITPronoun in FINFlexed form of NOPronunciation

Present negative

  • I am not - Minä en ole
  • You are not - Sinä et ole
  • He is not - Hän and ole
  • We are not - Me emme ole
  • You are not - You ette ole
  • They are not - He eivät ole

Pronunciation guide

The Finnish alphabet is made up of 8 vowels and 13 consonants, but there are many foreign loans that feature letters such as:b,c,f,š,q,w,x,z,ž,to, which belong, however, to the complete alphabet, except for ž is š However, it is important to point out that the letters š is ž they are almost never used, and in modern Finnish they have often been replaced by other letters, so the chance of finding them is very low.


  • to: corresponds to the Italian "a"
  • is: semi-open vowel similar to the "e" of "pero"
  • the: corresponding to the Italian "i"
  • or: semi-closed vowel similar to the "o" of "now"
  • u: closed vowel similar to "u" of "scream"
  • y: closed vowel that corresponds to the German vowel "ü", pronounced with the lips to "u" saying the vowel "e". It can be transcribed with eu, but for simplicity in the phrasebook it will be written with iu
  • to: call in Finnish ruotsalainen oo, literally means "or Swedish", is contained only in a few words of Swedish origin, which usually consist of proper personal names. The pronunciation is a closed "o" as in the English "sofa"
  • to: open vowel similar to the "a" in the English words "bank" or "rat". Pronounced like an "a", but with the lips ad "e". It can be transcribed with æ and so you will find yourself in the phrasebook
  • or: almost similar to the German letter, it is a semi-closed "o". A closed "e" is pronounced by rounding the lips as if to pronounce an "o"


  • b: present in foreign loans, according to standard Finnish it would be pronounced as a Latin "b"
  • c: present in foreign loans, often pronounced as an "s"
  • d: corresponds to the Italian pronunciation
  • f: present in foreign loans, pronounced as a Latin "f"
  • g: correspond to the "g" of "cat" and it does not exist in its sweet form
  • h: unlike Italian, the "h" is pronounced and can be found both between vowels and consonants. In the first case it has a weak pronunciation, while when it is close to consonants it undergoes a larger pronunciation
  • j: semiconsonant "j", like yesterday's "i" in Italian
  • k: like the "k" in the words "king" and "rock"
  • L: pronounced as in "book" or "London"
  • m: pronounced as in "month" or "metal"
  • n: pronounced as in "nose" or "noise"
  • p: pronounced as in "ape" or "drop"
  • q: present in foreign loans, but almost non-existent in the Finnish language, pronounced "kuu".
  • r: pronounced as in "toad"
  • s: similar to the "s" in "soap", but pronounced as a loud sound, especially when close to the vowel "u"
  • t: pronounced like the Italian "t"
  • v: pronounced as in "voice"
  • w: present in foreign loans, pronounced as a "v"
  • x: present in foreign loans, pronounced as "ks"
  • z: once present in Finnish words about a decade ago but removed from words and replaced with the letter "s" due to the fact that the rules dictating its use were too complex. the pronunciation is therefore similar to an "s"

Other notes on pronunciation

  • In Finnish, the differentiation of meanings between different words is often done using elongated vowels which are then transcribed by means of a double letter, which has a sound length almost double compared to its short version. For example:
    • tuli: fire
    • tuuli: wind
    • tulli: customs
  • Furthermore, the difference between the closed vowels ö, ä, y, and the corresponding open vowels o, a, u, is always very accentuated and you have to be very careful because there are several words that have the same vowels and consonants, but with completely meanings. different. For example:
    • kulma: angle
    • kylmä: cold
  • Like vowels, consonants can also be duplicated, but there are some exceptions:
    • there h it does not have the long form
    • there j has the diphthong as a long form ji

Additional notes:

  • It is of fundamental importance to know that in Finnish each letter corresponds to one and only one phoneme, and vice versa. This means, in layman's terms, you read as you write.
  • The letter q, unlike Italian, it does not need to be followed by a u, since the u is pronounced in the single letter q.
  • The combination of the letters ng it is similar to the pronunciation in the word "deception".
  • When the n stands before the k, becomes similar to the pronunciation of "drink", and is a rather long sound.
  • It may happen that the letter b is pronounced as a p when at the beginning of a word.
  • Accentation: a characteristic of the Finnish language is the fact that within a word the accent always falls on the first syllable.


Basic words
  • Yes : Kyllä (pron.:kiullæ)
  • No : Ei (pron.:ei)
  • Help : Apua (pron .: apua)
  • Attention :   ( )
  • You are welcome : Ole hyvä (pron.:ole hiuvæ)
  • You're welcome (formal or aimed at several people) : Olkaa hyvää (pron.:olkaa hiuvææ)
  • Thank you : Kiitos (pron.:kiitos)
  • Thanks so much : Kiitos paljon (pron.:kiitos palion)
  • Do not mention it :   ( )
  • No problem :   ( )
  • Unfortunately :   ( )
  • Here :   ( )
  • There / there :   ( )
  • When? : Milloin? (pron.:milloin)
  • Thing? : Mitä? (pron.:mitæ)
  • Where is it? (been in place) : Missä? (pron.:missæ)
  • Where is it? (bike to place) : Mihin? (pron.:mihin)
  • Why? : Miksi? (pron.:miksi)
  • Welcome : Tervetuloa (pron.:tervetuloa)
  • Open : Avoin (pron.:avoin)
  • Closed :   ( )
  • Entry :   ( )
  • Exit : Uloskäynti (pron.:uloskæiunti)
  • To push :   ( )
  • Pull :   ( )
  • Toilet :   ( )
  • Free : Vaapa (pron .: vaapa)
  • Busy :   ( )
  • Men : Miehet (pron.:miehet)
  • Women : Naiset (pron .: naiset)
  • Forbidden :   ( )
  • Smoking prohibited :   ( )
  • Hello : Moikka (pron.:moikka)
  • Good morning : Hyvää päivää (pron.:hiuvææ pæivææ)
  • Good evening : Hyvää iltaa (pron.:hiuææ iltaa)
  • Good night : Hyvää yötä (pron.:hiuevææ iuotæ)
  • How are you? : Mitä kuuluu? (pron.:mitææ kuuluu)
  • Fine thanks : Hyvin kiitos (pron.:hiuvin kiitos)
  • And you? : Entä sinulle? (pron.:entæ sinulle)
  • What's your name? : Mikä sinun nimesi on? (pron.:mikæ sinun nimesi on)
  • My name is _____ : Minun nimeni on____ (pron.: minun nimeni on)
  • Nice to meet you : Hauska tavata (pron.:hauska tavata)
  • Where do you live? : Missä hän asuu? (pron.:missæ hæn asuu)
  • Where do you live? : Missä sinä asut? (pron.:missæ sinæ asut)
  • I live in _____ : Minä asun ____- ssa / -ssä (pron.:minæ asun _____ -ssa / -ssæ)
  • Where do you come from? : Mistä sinä tulet? (pron.:mistæ sinæ tulet)
  • How old are you / are you? :   ( )
  • Excuse me (permission) : Anteeksi (pron.:anteexi)
  • Excuse me! (asking for forgiveness) : Anteeksi! (pron.:anteexi)
  • Excuse me! (asking for forgiveness in the spoken language) : Sori! (pron .: sori)
  • As he said? :   ( )
  • I'm sorry : Anteeksi (pron.:anteexi)
  • See you later : Näkemiin (pron.:næakemiin)
  • See you soon :   ( )
  • We feel! :   ( )
  • I don't speak your language well : Minä en puhu hyvin teidän kieltänne (pron.:minæ en puhu hiuvin teidæan kieltænne)
  • I speak _____ : Minä puhun_____ (pron .: minæ puhun)
  • Is there anyone speaking _____? :   ( )
    • ...Italian : ... italya (pron .: Italy)
    • ...English : ... englantia (pron.:englantiaa)
    • ...Spanish : ... espanjaa (pron .: espaniaa)
    • ...French : ... ranskaa (pron.:ranskaa)
    • ...German : ... saksaa (pron.:saksaa)
  • Can you speak slower? :   ( )
  • Could you repeat that? : Voisitteko toistaa? (pron .: voisitteko toistaa)
  • What does it mean? : Mikä tämä tarkoittaa? (pron.:mikæ tæmæ tarkoittaa)
  • I do not know : Minä en tiedä (pron.:minæ en tiedæ)
  • I don't know (language partala) : En mä tiiä / En tiedä (pron.:en mæ tiiæ / en tiedæ)
  • I do not understand : Minä en ymmärrä (pron.:minæ en iummærræ)
  • How do you say _____? :   ( )
  • Can you spell it for me? :   ( )
  • Where is the toilette? : Missä kylpyhuone on? (pron.:missæ kiulpiuehuone on)



  • I've lost my purse :   ( )
  • I've lost my wallet :   ( )
  • I was robbed :   ( )
  • The car was parked in the street ... :   ( )
  • I haven't done anything wrong :   ( )
  • It was a misunderstanding :   ( )
  • Where are you taking me? :   ( )
  • Am I under arrest? :   ( )
  • I am an Italian citizen :   ( )
  • I want to speak to a lawyer :   ( )
  • Can I pay the fine now? :   ( )

On the telephone

  • Ready :   ( )
  • A moment :   ( )
  • I dialed the wrong number :   ( )
  • Stay online :   ( )
  • Sorry if I disturb, but :   ( )
  • I'll call back :   ( )


  • leave me alone :   ( )
  • Do not touch me! :   ( )
  • I'll call the police :   ( )
  • Where is the police station? :   ( )
  • Police! : Poliisi! (pron.:poliisi)
  • Stop! Thief! :   ( )
  • I need your help :   ( )
  • I'm lost :   ( )


  • It's an emergency :   ( )
  • I feel bad :   ( )
  • I am hurt :   ( )
  • Call an ambulance :   ( )
  • It hurts here :   ( )
  • I have fever :   ( )
  • Should I stay in bed? :   ( )
  • I need a doctor :   ( )
  • May I use the phone? :   ( )
  • I am allergic to antibiotics :   ( )


At the airport

  • Could I have a ticket to _____? :   ( )
  • When does the plane leave for _____? :   ( )
  • Where does it stop? :   ( )
  • Stops at _____ :   ( )
  • Where does the bus to / from the airport leave from? : Mistä knock slowasemalle / slowasemalta lähtee? (pron.:Mistæ knocks slowasemalle / slowasemalta læhtee)
  • How much time do I have for check-in? :   ( )
  • Can I take this bag as hand luggage? :   ( )
  • Is this bag too heavy? :   ( )
  • What is the maximum weight allowed? :   ( )
  • Go to exit number _____ :   ( )

Bus and Train

  • How much does the ticket cost for _____? :   ( )
  • A ticket to ..., please : Yksi lippu ____- Vn, kiitos (pron.:iuksi lippu _____, kiitos)
  • I would like to change / cancel this ticket :   ( )
  • Where is this train / bus headed? :   ( )
  • Where does the train to _____ leave from? : Mistä juna ____- Vn lähtee? (pron.:mistæ juna _____ læhtee)
  • Which platform / stop? :   ( )
  • Does this train stop at _____? :   ( )
  • When does the train leave for _____? :   ( )
  • When does the bus arrive in _____? :   ( )
  • Can you tell me when to get off? :   ( )
  • Sorry, I booked this place :   ( )
  • Is this seat free? :   ( )


  • Taxi : Taksi (pron.:taksi)
  • Take me to _____, please :   ( )
  • How much does it cost up to _____? :   ( )
  • Take me there, please :   ( )
  • Taximeter :   ( )
  • Turn on the meter, please! :   ( )
  • Stop here, please! :   ( )
  • Wait here a moment, please! :   ( )

To drive

  • I would like to rent a car :   ( )
  • One way street :   ( )
  • No parking :   ( )
  • Speed ​​limit :   ( )
  • Gas station :   ( )
  • Petrol :   ( )
  • Diesel :   ( )
  • Traffic light :   ( )
  • Street : Katu / tie (pron.:katu/tie)
  • Square :   ( )
  • Pavements :   ( )
  • Driver :   ( )
  • Pedestrian :   ( )
  • Pedestrian crossing :   ( )
  • Overtaking :   ( )
  • Fine :   ( )
  • Deviation :   ( )
  • Toll :   ( )
  • Border crossing :   ( )
  • Border : Raja (pron .: raia)
  • Customs : Tulli (pron .: tulli)
  • Declare :   ( )
  • Identity card :   ( )
  • Driving license :   ( )

Orient yourself

  • How do i get to _____? :   ( )
  • How far away ... :   ( )
    • ...The train station? :   ( )
    • ... the bus station? :   ( )
    • ...the airport? :   ( )
    • ...the center? :   ( )
    • ... the hostel? :   ( )
    • ... the hotel _____? :   ( )
    • ... the Italian consulate? :   ( )
    • ... the hospital? :   ( )
  • Where there are many ... : Missä ovat paljon ... (pron.:missæ ovat palion ...)
    • ... hotel? : ... hotelleja? (pron .: hótelleia)
    • ... restaurants? : ... ravintoloita? (pron.:rávintoloita)
    • ...Cafe? : ... baareja? (pron.:báareia)
    • ...places to visit? :   ( )
  • Can you point me on the map? :   ( )
  • Turn left : Käänny vasemmalle (pron.:kæænniu vasemmalle)
  • Turn right : Käänny oikealle (pron.:kæænniu oikealle)
  • Straight ahead :   ( )
  • To _____ :   ( )
  • Passing through _____ :   ( )
  • Front _____ :   ( )
  • Pay attention to _____ :   ( )
  • Crossroad :   ( )
  • North : Pohjoinen (pron.:pohjoinen)
  • South : Etelä (pron.:etelæ)
  • East : Itä (pron.:itæ)
  • West : Länsi (pron.:lænsi)
  • North East : Koillinen (pron.:koillinen)
  • Southeast : Kaakko (pron.:kaakko)
  • Southwest : Lounas (pron.:lounas)
  • Northwest : Luode (pron.:luode)
  • Upward :   ( )
  • Over there : Tuolla (pron .: tuolla)


  • You have a free room? :   ( )
  • What is the price of a single / double room? :   ( )
  • The room has ... : Onko huoneessa .... (pron.:onko huoneessa)
    • ...the sheets? :   ( )
    • ...the bathroom? : ... kylpyhuone? (pron.:kiulpiuhuone)
    • ...the shower? : ... suihku? (pron.:suihku)
    • ...the phone? : ... puhelin? (pron.:puhelin)
    • ...TV? : ... televisio? (pron .: televisio)
    • Can I see the room? :   ( )
    • You have a room... : Onko teillä ... (pron.:onko teillæ)
    • ...smaller? : ... full time huone? (pron .: full time huone)
    • ... calmer? : ... hiljaisempi huone? (pron.:hiliaisempi huone)
    • ...bigger? : ... isompi huone? (pron.:isompi huone)
    • ...cleaner? :   ( )
    • ...cheaper? :   ( )
    • ... with a view of (sea)  :   ( )
  • OK, I'll take it :   ( )
  • I will stay for _____ night (s) :   ( )
  • Can you recommend another hotel? :   ( )
  • Do you have a safe? :   ( )
  • Do you have key lockers? :   ( )
  • Is breakfast / lunch / dinner included? :   ( )
  • What time is breakfast / lunch / dinner? : Mitä kello aamiainen / lounas / päivällinen on? (pron.:mitæ kello aamiainen / lounas / pæivællinen on)
  • Please clean my room :   ( )
  • Can you wake me up at _____? :   ( )
  • I'd like to check out :   ( )
  • Common dormitory :   ( )
  • Shared bathroom :   ( )
  • Hot / boiling water :   ( )

To eat

  • Trattoria :   ( )
  • Restaurant : Ravintola (pron.:ravintola)
  • Snack bar :   ( )
  • Breakfast : Aamiainen (pron .: aamiainen)
  • Snack :   ( )
  • Starter :   ( )
  • Lunch : Lounas (pron.:lounas)
  • Dinner (if taken between 3pm and 6pm) : Päivällinen (pron.:pæiællinen)
  • Dinner (if done after 6pm) : Illallinen (pron.:illallinen)
  • Snack :   ( )
  • Meal :   ( )
  • Soup : Keitto (pron.:keitto)
  • Main meal :   ( )
  • Sweet :   ( )
  • Appetizer :   ( )
  • Digestive :   ( )
  • Hot : Kuuma (pron.:kuuma)
  • Cold : Kylmä (pron.:kiulmæ)
  • Sweet (adjective) :   ( )
  • Salty :   ( )
  • Bitter :   ( )
  • Sour :   ( )
  • Spicy :   ( )
  • Raw :   ( )
  • Smoked :   ( )
  • Fried :   ( )

The bar

  • Do you serve alcoholic beverages? :   ( )
  • Do you serve at the table? :   ( )
  • One / two beers, please : Pari olutta, kiitos (pron .: par olutta, kiitos)
  • A glass of red / white wine, please :   ( )
  • A large beer, please :   ( )
  • A bottle, please :   ( )
  • water : Vesi / Vettä (pron.:vesi/vettæ)
  • Tonic water :   ( )
  • Orange juice : Appelsiinimehua (pron.:appelsiinimehua)
  • Coca Cola : Coca Cola (pron .: coca cola)
  • soda : Limsa (pron.:limsa)
  • One more, please :   ( )
  • When do you close? :   ( )

At the restaurant

  • A table for one / two people, please :   ( )
  • Can you bring me the menu? :   ( )
  • Can we order, please? :   ( )
  • Do you have any house specialties? :   ( )
  • Is there a local specialty? :   ( )
  • Is there a menu of the day? :   ( )
  • I am a vegetarian / vegan : Olen kasvissyöjä / vegaani (pron .: olen kasvissiuoiæ / vegaani)
  • I don't eat pork :   ( )
  • I only eat kosher food :   ( )
  • I just want something light :   ( )
  • I would like to _____ : Minä haluaisin_____ (pron.:minæ haluaisin)
    • Meat : Lihaa (pron.:lihaa)
      • Well done :   ( )
      • To the blood :   ( )
    • Rabbit :   ( )
    • Chicken : Kananlihaa (pron .: kanan-lihaa)
    • Turkey :   ( )
    • Bovine :   ( )
    • Pig :   ( )
    • Ham : Kinkkua (pron.:kinkkua)
    • Sausage : Makkaraa (pron.:makkaraa)
    • Fish : Kalaa (pron.:kalaa)
    • Tuna :   ( )
    • Cheese : Juustoa (pron .: right)
    • Eggs : Kananmunaa (pron .: kanan-munaa)
    • Salad : Salaattia (pron .: sickness)
    • Vegetable : Kasviksia (pron .: kasviksia)
    • Fruit : Hedelmää (pron.:hedelmææ)
    • Bread : Leipää (pron.:leipææ)
    • Toast :   ( )
    • Croissant :   ( )
    • Krapfen :   ( )
    • Pasta : Pastaa (pron .: pastaa)
    • Rice : Riisiä (pron.:riisiæ)
    • Beans :   ( )
    • Asparagus :   ( )
    • Beet :   ( )
    • Carrot : Porkkanaa (pron.:pórkkana)
    • Cauliflower :   ( )
    • Watermelon : Vesimelonia (pron.:vesimelonia)
    • Fennel :   ( )
    • Mushrooms : Sieniä (pron .: sieniæ)
    • Pineapple : Ananasta (pron .: ananasta)
    • Orange : Appelsiinia (pron .: appelsiinia)
    • Apricot :   ( )
    • Cherry : Kirsikoita (pron .: kirsikoita)
    • Berries :   ( )
    • Kiwi :   ( )
    • Mango :   ( )
    • Apple : Omenaa (pron .: omenaa)
    • Aubergine :   ( )
    • Melon : Melonia (pron .: melonia)
    • Potato : Perunaa (pron.:perunaa)
    • Chips : Ranskalaisia ​​perunaa (pron.:ranskalaisia ​​perunaa)
    • Pear : Päärynää (pron.:pææriunææ)
    • Fishing :   ( )
    • Peas : Herneitä (pron.:herneitæ)
    • Tomato : Tomaattia (pron .: tomattia)
    • Plum :   ( )
    • Cake : Kakkua (pron.:kakkua)
    • Sandwich :   ( )
    • Grapes : Viinirypäleitä (pron .: viiniriupæleitæ)
  • Can I have a glass / cup / bottle of _____? :   ( )
    • Coffee : Kahvia (pron.:kahvia)
    • You : Teetä (pron.:teetæ)
    • Juice : Mehua (pron .: mehua)
    • Sparkling water :   ( )
    • Beer : Olutta (pron.:olutta)
  • Red / white wine : Punaviini / Valkoviini (pron.:punaviini/valkoviini)
  • Can I have some _____? :   ( )
    • Spices :   ( )
    • Oil :   ( )
    • Mustard : Sinappia (pron .: sinappia)
    • Vinegar : Etikkaa (pron.:etikkaa)
    • Garlic : Valkosipulia (pron.:valkosipulia)
    • Lemon : Citruunaa (pron .: sitruunaa)
    • salt : Sole (pron.:suolaa)
    • pepper : Pippuria (pron .: pippuria)
    • Butter : Voita (pron .: voita)
  • Waiter! :   ( )
  • I finished :   ( )
  • It was great : Oils tosi hyvää (pron.:oli tosi hiuvææ)
  • The Bill please :   ( )
  • We pay each for himself (Roman style) :   ( )
  • Keep the change :   ( )


  • Credit card : Luottokortti (pron.:luottokortti)
  • Money :   ( )
  • Check :   ( )
  • Travel checks :   ( )
  • Currency : Valuutta (pron .: valuutta)
  • To change :   ( )
  • Do you accept this currency? :   ( )
  • Do you accept credit cards? :   ( )
  • Can you change my money? :   ( )
  • Where can I exchange the money? :   ( )
  • What is the exchange rate? :   ( )
  • Where is the bank / ATM / exchange office? :   ( )


Useful words
  • To buy : Ostaa (pron.:ostaa)
  • Do the shopping :   ( )
  • Shopping :   ( )
  • Shop : Kauppa (pron.:kauppa)
  • Library :   ( )
  • Fishmonger :   ( )
  • Shoe shop :   ( )
  • Pharmacy : Apteekki (pron.:apteekki)
  • Bakery :   ( )
  • Butcher's shop :   ( )
  • Post Office : Seats (pron .: seats)
  • Travel agency :   ( )
  • Price : Hinta (pron .: hinta)
  • Expensive : Kallis (pron.:kallis)
  • Cheap : Halpa (pron.:halpa)
  • Receipt :   ( )
  • When do the shops open? :   ( )
  • Do you have this in my size? :   ( )
  • Does he have it in other colors? :   ( )
  • Which color do you prefer? :   ( )
    • Black : Musta (pron.:musta)
    • White : Valkoinen (pron.:valkoinen)
    • Grey : Harmaa (pron.:harmaa)
    • Red : Punainen (pron.:punainen)
    • Blue : Sininen (pron.:sininen)
    • Yellow : Keltainen (pron.:keltainen)
    • Green : Vihreä (pron.:vihreæ)
    • Orange : Oranssi (pron.:oranssi)
    • Violet : Violets (pron .: violet)
    • Brown : Ruskea (pron.:ruskea)
    • Rose : Vaaleanpunainen (pron.:vaalean-punainen)
    • Rose : Pinkki (pron.:pinkki)
  • How much? :   ( )
  • Too expensive :   ( )
  • I can not afford it :   ( )
  • I don't want this :   ( )
  • Can I try it on (dress)? :   ( )
  • You want to cheat me :   ( )
  • I'm not interested :   ( )
  • Do you also send abroad? :   ( )
  • OK, I'll take this :   ( )
  • Where do I pay? :   ( )
  • Can I have a bag? :   ( )

  • I need... : Minä tarvitsen ... (pron .: minæ tarvisten)
    • ...toothpaste : ... hammastahnaa (pron .: hammastahnaa)
    • ...toothbrush : ... hammasharjaa (pron .: hammashariaa)
    • ... tampons :   ( )
    • ...soap : ... saippuaa (pron.:saippuaa)
    • ...shampoo :   ( )
    • ...painkiller :   ( )
    • ...medicine for colds :   ( )
    • ...blade :   ( )
    • ...umbrella :   ( )
    • ... sun cream / milk :   ( )
    • ...postcard :   ( )
    • ...stamp :   ( )
    • ... batteries :   ( )
    • ... books / magazines / newspaper in Italian :   ( )
    • ...Italian dictionary :   ( )
    • ...pen : kynää (pron.:kiunææ)


Useful words
  • zero : nolla (pron.:nolla)
  • number : number (pron .: number)
  • half : puoli (pron.:puoli)
  • double : kaksinkertainen (pron.:kaksinkertainen)
  • less than :   ( )
  • more than :   ( )
  • same : sama kuin (pron .: sama kuin)
  • comma : pilkku (pron.:pilkku)
  • point : slopes (pron .: tracks)
  • more : plus (pron.:plus)
  • for : kerta (pron.:kerta)
  • less : minus (pron.:minus)
  • divided : jaettuna (pron.: aettuna)


The format used in Finland is similar to the Italian one (both formats are used, both 12 and 24 hours). But pay attention to the half hour because it is used to indicate the next whole hour so:

  • 5:30: Kello on puoli kuusi

Prepositions are used to indicate the minutes yli if we talk about the right side of the dial, e vaille if we talk about the left one, then:

  • 4:50: Kello on kymmenen vaille viisi
  • 4:05: Kello on viisi yli neljä

In spoken language, however, the hours can be said before the minutes by not using propositions

  • 4:50: Kello on neljä viisikymmentä
  • 4:05: Kello on neljä viisi

If the 12-hour format is used, it is necessary to specify which time of day it refers:

  • 6:20: kaksikymmentä yli kuusi aamulla
  • 18:20: kaksikymmentä yli kuusi illalla

Time and date

  • What time is it? : Mitä kello on? (pron.:mitæ kello on)
  • It is precisely one o'clock :   ( )
  • Quarter to _____ : visaist minuuttia vaille _____ (pron.: viisteista minuuttia vaille)
  • Quarter to _____ : kvartti vaille _____ (pron.:vartti vaille)
  • What time do we meet? :   ( )
  • At two o'clock :   ( )
  • When will we see you? :   ( )
  • See you on Monday :   ( )
  • When are you leaving? :   ( )
  • I'm leaving / leaving tomorrow morning :   ( )


  • _____ minute / minutes (ago) : _____ minuutti / minuuttia (sitten) (pron .: minuutti/ minuuttia (sitten))
  • _____ hour / hours (ago) : _____ tunti / tuntia (sitten) (pron.:tunti/ tuntia (sitten))
  • _____ day (s) (ago) : _____ päivä / päivää (sitten) (pron.:pæivæ / pæivææ (sitten))
  • _____ week (s) (ago) : ____ viikko / viikkoa (sitten) (pron.:viikko/ viikkoa (sitten))
  • _____ month / months (ago) : ____ kuukausi / kuukautta (sitten) (pron.:kuukausi/ kuukautta (sitten))
  • _____ year / years (ago) : ____ empty / empty (sitten) (pron.:vuosi/ vuotta (sitten))
  • three times a day :   ( )
  • in an hour / in an hour :   ( )
  • often : Usein (pron.:usein)
  • never :   ( )
  • always : Aina (pron .: aina)
  • rarely : Harvoin (pron.:harvoin)

Common expressions

  • Now : Nyt (pron.:niut)
  • Later :   ( )
  • Before :   ( )
  • Day : Päivä (pron.:pæivæ)
  • Afternoon : Iltapäivä (pron.:iltapæivæ)
  • Evening : Ilta (pron.:ilta)
  • Night : Yö (pron.:iuo)
  • Midnight :   ( )
  • Today : Tänään (pron.:tænææn)
  • Tomorrow : Huomenna (pron.:huomenna)
  • Tonight :   ( )
  • Yesterday : Eilen (pron.:eilen)
  • Yesterday night :   ( )
  • The day before yesterday : Toissapäivä (pron.:toissapæivæ)
  • Day after tomorrow : Ylihuomenna (pron .: iulihuomenna)
  • This week :   ( )
  • Last week :   ( )
  • Next week :   ( )
  • Minute / I. : minuutti / minuuttia (part.) (pron .: minuutti/ minuuttia)
  • hour (s) : tunti / tuntia (part.) (pron.:tunti/ tuntia )
  • day (s) : päivä / päivää (part.) (pron.:pæivæ/ pæivææ)
  • week (s) : viikko / viikkoa (part.) (pron.:viikko/ viikkoa)
  • month (s) : kuukausi / kuukautta (part.) (pron.:kuukausi/ kuukautta)
  • year / s : vuosi / vuotta (part.) (pron.:vuosi/ vuotta )


The days of the week
Pronunciation(maanantai)(tiistai)(keskiviikko)(I twisted)(periantai)(lauantai)(sunnuntai)

Months and Seasons

Talvi (talvi)
Kevät (kevæt)
Kesä (kesæ)
Syksy (siuksiu)

Grammatical appendix

Basic forms
he / she / itHän(hæn)
Flexed forms
lo / la-gli / le-ne-si
them / ne

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Finnish
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Finnish
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