Florence - Florenco

Dome of flower santa maria from giotto bell tower, 02.JPG
Population379 563 (2019)

Florence (Italian: Florence / fi'rɛnt͡ʃe /) is a city in Tuscany in the center Italy.


Florence lies on the river Arno, which flows from the northern Apennines west to the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The river, about 240km long, is not wide enough for boats. However, the role of its valley in the connection between various places is important (and has been important since antiquity).

Florence is a medium-sized city, with approx. 370 thousand inhabitants. The center is very rich in medieval monuments, some with famous paintings. There are also several museums, including the famous one Uffizi Gallery. It is therefore one of the most visited cities in the world (the 4th in Italy, after Rome, Venice and Milan, with about 10 million nights a year in hotels and other comparable accommodation).


In ancient times the area was inhabited by Etruscans. In the place of present-day Florence, however, there was only a village by the river; the most important city nearby was The vips, today Fiesole, higher on the surrounding hills.

After Rome conquered the whole area, a real city was founded along the river Arno, inhabited by Romans veterans. Traditionally it was founded by Julius Caesar in 59 BC, but perhaps it was founded a little later (around 20 BC); it had the typical structure of Roman cities, with straight and orthogonal roads and a rectangular central square, the forum; this one was in the place of the present Place of the Republic (Republic Square).

The city was named Florence, and again there are traditional explanations and specialist explanations. One of the legends states that the name comes from a warrior named Florus, killed here, another that it comes from Floralia, games honoring the goddess Flora; the experts, however, mostly think that the name was a good wish for the new city, "flourishing", but also "about to bloom".




Aliri avie

Access by train

Access bus

Access to the foot

To be transported

A lot of useful information can be found on the website:

Public transport

Public transport in the city is offered by ATAF (buses) and GEST (trams). Additionally there are buses and trains to the nearby towns.

Drive a car




Map of Florence






To live

Due to the large number of tourists, Florence is very rich in places where one can spend one or more nights.

In the city or quite nearby, it is 1 host of Passport Service(2020/12).


There are a few campsites in the city itself (e.g. Camping Firenze, Camping Michelangelo) or close (e.g. Camping Village Panoramico Fiesole in Fiesole, c. 10km, Camping Internazionale Firenze in Impruneta, c. 15km).





The 1st Italian Congress of Esperanto took place right in Florence in 1910, and there it was decided the creation of the Italian Esperanto Federation.

Du Universal Congresses took place in Florence: UK 1935 there was a congress of migrants, in Florence, but also in Rome and Naples; UK 2006 there was a more normal congress, entirely in Florence.

Local Esperantists

The Esperanto Club of Florence (Associazione Esperantista Fiorentina = "Florenca Esperantista Asocio") was founded in 1905; its headquarters are currently in via delle Porte Nuove 33, in the western part of the city, quite close (1km) to the main railway station.

The website is: www.esperanto-florenco.it.


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