GR-92 - GR-92


GR-92 Sendero Mediterráneo (Mediterranean hiking trail) from the Spanish-French border at Portbou over approx. 580 km via Tarragona to the Ríu Sénia Molí de l'Olivar.

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Malaga section

Recreation and industry are close together

If the mountains are too strenuous for you in the warm season, you can take a tour on the GR-92 along the Andalusian coast of Málaga to Rincon de la Victoria do. A description is therefore unnecessary. The distance is approx. 11.5 km and there are no major differences in altitude to be overcome.

The GR-92, in this section, is part of the Andalusian circular hiking trail, the Gran Senda de Málaga (GR 249).

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