Gelderse Vallei - Gelderse Vallei

The Gelderse Vallei ("Geldrisches Tal") is a region in the transition area between the two provinces Gelderland and Utrecht. It is limited by Utrechtse Heuvelrug ("Utrecht Hill Ridge") in the west, in the south of the Neder-Rijn, the Veluwe in the east and the Randmeren the earlier Zuiderzee in the North. The south of the region is fairly urbanized with the municipalities Wageningen (GL), Ede (GL), Rhenes (UT) and Veenendaal (UT).


Before the Gelderse Vallei emerged, this was the valley of the Meuse. During the penultimate ice age. A large ice sheet protruding from the north accumulated sediments to the left, right and in front. This created the terminal moraines of the Utrechtse Heuvelrug and the western flank of the Veluwe. The Meuse was forced to the west: When the ice retreated, a deep valley was created that over time was covered with clay and sand.


The current population of the area is characterized by its strict Protestantism. Based on the election results for the small Calvinist party SGP, the villages of Ederveen, Harskamp, ​​Noordwijkerbroek and Wekerom are the strictest with an absolute majority for this party. But the Calvinist parties also achieve a solid majority of voters in almost all other villages. Only in the larger towns in the south of the Vallei (Ede, Bennekom, Wageningen) and in the north (Amersfoort, Hoevelaken, Leusden, Nijkerk) they do not succeed. The exception is the village of Achterveld, which is mostly Catholic. Another exception is Wageningen. As a result of the (agricultural) university there, the population is relatively left-wing and only a little religious.


The low lying area is relatively humid. Parts of the area used to be a swamp. Especially in the Binnenveld ("Inner field" between Ede, Wageningen, Rhenen and Veenendaal) there are still remnants of it. These are under nature protection. The landscape alternates between grassland and small forest and heather areas. An example of this is the “Erica” forest and heather area west of Barneveld.


The Vallei is used very intensively as a livestock area. Pig fattening facilities are particularly common and there is a high concentration of poultry farms around Barneveld. On the edges of the Veluwe and des Utrechtse Heuvelrug there is also arable land. The cattle breeding, which is intensive even by Dutch standards, results in a high excess of manure. This has a negative effect on the ecological quality of the soil.


The intensive agricultural use of the Gelderse Vallei leads to the fact that this region is off the beaten track, at best used as a transit route. However, there are initiatives that aim to change this one Vernieuwing Gelderse Vallei Foundation (Foundation "Renewal of the Gelderse Vallei") advocates a greater balance between the use and the preservation or recreation of nature. This will make the region more interesting for soft tourism in the future.


The Gelderse Vallei can be divided into three areas:

  • The Eemvallei (between Amersfoort and the Eemmeer) with the places: Amersfoort; Hoogland, Eembrugge, Eemnes, Eemdijk, Spakenburg, Baarn and Soest. The Eemvallei is located in the province of Utrecht. It is named after the river Eem.
  • The Northern Vallei (between Harskamp / Wekerom and the Nijkerkernauw / Nuldernauw) with the following locations: Harskamp, ​​Wekerom, Kootwijkerbroek, Stroe, Barneveld, Voorthuizen, Achterveld (UT), De Glind, Leusden (UT), Hoevelaken, Terschuur, Nijkerk und Putt. The places are mainly in the province of Gelderland. The area is drained by the Barneveldse Beek.
  • The Southern Vallei (southeast of Leusden and Barneveld) with the villages: Wageningen, Rhenen (UT), Bennekom, Ede, Veenendaal (UT), De Klomp, Ederveen, Lunteren, Renswoude (UT), Scherpenzeel, Overberg (UT), Maarsbergen (UT) and Woudenberg (UT). The places are mainly in the province of Gelderland. The drainage takes place through the Lunterse Beek, the Heiligenbergerbeek, the Valleikanaal and the Grift (or Grebbe)

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