East Greenland - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Groenland oriental — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Eastern Greenland
66 ° 42 ′ 0 ″ N 36 ° 30 ′ 0 ″ W

the Eastern Greenland is a region of Greenland.


East Greenland is not as densely populated as the already sparsely populated West. Traveling in this region is therefore all the more a trip off the beaten track.


Much more isolated than the West, East Greenland does not benefit from the large living spaces guaranteed by the fjord in the East and South of the country. On the contrary, the country are characterized by a very rugged relief.


The region of Tasiilaq occasionally suffers from strong winds, particularly in autumn and winter.


This region has experienced various waves of Inuit settlement like the rest of the country. The population of this region was nevertheless intermittent, due in particular to emigration to the benefit of the West. It was not until the end of the XIXe century that Danish became interested in the region and founded colonies there.


Region of Tasiilaq
Tasiilaq and the villages on the surrounding islands.
Region of Ittoqqortoormiit
Isolated village to the north, door to the national park.


  • 1 Tasiilaq (Amassalik)  – Largest city on the east coast.
  • 2 Kulusuk  – Surrounding village where the region's airport is located.
  • 3 Ittoqqortoormiit  – One of the most isolated villages in Greenland.

Other destinations

To speak

the tunumiisut, the dialect of East Greenlandic, has a number of differences from Greenlandic official spoken in the West. It is in fact the Inuit dialect which is the farthest from the source of Inuit settlement in Alaska. The rest is no different from the rest of the country, so the Danish is spoken fluently andEnglish is fairly well understood.

To go


To buy


Have a drink / Go out



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Destinations located in the region