Guadalcanal (Seville) - Guadalcanal (Sevilla)

Shield of Guadalcanal (Seville) .svg
Church of Santa Ana (Guadalcanal) .jpg
Church of Santa Ana in Guadalcanal
CountrySpanish flagSpain
• ProvinceSeville flagSeville
DemonymGuadalcanalense, -ensa
Demographic data
Surface274.97 km²
Useful data
Time zone UTC 1
Official Web

Guadalcanal is a Spanish municipality in the province of Seville, Andalusia.


Guadalcanal from the Sierra del Agua

Located in Sierra Morena, at an altitude of 662 meters, nestled in a valley between the Sierras del Agua and del Viento is a beautiful town of white houses and friendly people, rich in history and traditions fed by the passage of many peoples and cultures that are they date back to Roman and Arab times.


Its origin dates back to the Paleolithic, a time from which archaeological remains exist. A few km from the current nucleus of the town you can still recognize the remains of Tereses, a town of Ibero origin from the Neolithic era. From the Islamic culture, in addition to the name "Wad Al-Kanal" it preserves the architectural typology of the courtyard house, certain features of its urban structure and important elements of some of its monuments. Not in vain its urban area has been declared a Historic Site since 2004.

Among its festivities, Holy Week stands out, which has been recognized as a Festival of Tourist Interest in Andalusia. Its wide catalog of protected buildings includes an interesting set of the hamlet with whitewashed facades and covered with Arab tiles that defines our region, some stately homes with the characteristics of Baroque architecture, highlighting several monumental buildings of a religious nature and La Almona as an example of Civil architecture, a former palace of Pedro I.

What to see

Parish of Santa María de la Asunción


The church is located in the central Plaza de España, the heart of Guadalcanal. It is a Gothic-Mudejar style church with a Latin cross plan, although with various modifications. It consists of three staggered naves and a tower at the front with several bells. Access to the temple is through an open door on one side of one of the naves that overlooks the square.

The rear part where the apse is located is a remodeling from the 30s that was probably done to beautify the square. It consists of a tower with a fairly marked Mudejar style clock. Of note is the conservation of one of the doors of the sacristy that belonged to the old Arab fortress that was in that place.

Church of Santa Ana


Mudejar church built in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, and later expanded and transformed in the 18th. Of a single nave located on a hillock. Declared in 1979 a National Historic-Artistic Monument. Its chapels and altarpieces from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are noteworthy.

The Church of Santa Ana de Guadalcanal, its construction dates back to the end of the 15th century or the first years of the 16th, although it was later expanded and remodeled in the 17th and 18th centuries. The first stage corresponds to the rectangular floor plan of a single nave with transverse arches, the outer portico with three pointed arches framed by bishops on octagonal pillars and the tower-facade of three bodies topped by a spire located at the feet.

The second stage corresponds to the decoration of the lateral facades, lintelled with attached pilasters and flanked with a straight pediment divided by a central niche, the roof of the main chapel, with a hemispherical vault, as well as the four chapels attached to the side walls. It is a National Historic-Artistic Monument, and has been recently restored.

Other places

  • Hermitage of San Benito
  • Church of La Concepción




Guadalcanal is located in the natural park of the Sierra Norte, surrounded by wide meadows that alternate with forests of holm oaks, cork oaks, gall oaks, chestnut trees, and pines. In its mountains you can also find a large number of shrubs and herbaceous plants listed in the Red Book of Endangered Species. Due to its special conservation of the Mediterranean forest, it is part of the UNESCO "Dehesas de Sierra Morena" Biosphere Reserve.

Its mountain passes constitute the only natural pass in the western Sierra Morena, which makes it a very interesting point of observation for migratory birds. The routes defined by ADIT-Sierra Morena SE2, La Senda and SE10, El rincón de las Águilas. In the first one you can see the rare ortega, the stone curlew, the rare little bustard and the calandria, species considered steppe, the royal and imperial eagles, the black vulture or the red kite, the crialo and the red-billed chough. If you are not only interested in birds, it is an ideal place to find the polecat, the wild cat or the ashy lizard.

The second is, for its part, one of the best places in all of Andalusia to see birds of prey. Here it is easy to observe young, immature and adult specimens of the imperial and royal eagles, the griffon and black vultures, the black and royal kites, the Montagu's harriers, the marsh and pale harriers, the lesser and lesser kestrels, or the booted eagle and the short-toed eagle. European. More rarely the merlin, the alcotán, the Bonelli's eagle or the Egyptian vulture are recorded. The calandria, the crialo, the Moorish sparrow, the stone curlew, the red-billed chough, the white and black storks and the cinderella lizard complete the interesting faunal poster.

If you are only interested in hiking, there are many in the area in addition to those specifically defined to see fauna, including La Capitana, which with a height of 968 meters, is the highest point in the Sierra Norte de Sevilla. Its wonderful landscapes lead to a viewpoint with panoramic photographs that explain elements of the Extremadura countryside to the north, and the Andalusian Sierra Morena to the south. For nature lovers, Guadalcanal is an option that offers a variety of trails and spaces that go into the interior of the Sierra Norte Sevillana Natural Park.

Storks in Guadalcanal.

To get

By train

The R. EXPRESS train, or the Sevilla-Cáceres line, and the 13431 MD train stop, which goes from Seville to Llerena.

By bus

From the Plaza de Armas station in Seville there is a Linesur line with two daily buses.

By car

From Seville: Exit along the A-432 road towards Cantillana, El Pedroso, Cazalla de la Sierra, Alanis and Guadalcanal. Distance 110 km.

From Madrid: Exit on the A-5 to Mérida, Zafra, Llerena, Fuente del Arco and Guadalcanal. Distance 490 km.

Where to stay

Rural houses

In the countryside

  • La Florida del Valle Rural House[1]
  • La Solana[2]
  • The rural walnut[3]
  • Flower of the Sierra[4]

In the village

  • Pozoberrueco[5]
  • La Encomienda Apartments[6]



external links

See also