Korean language guide - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Guide linguistique coréen — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

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Official language
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ISO 639-2
ISO 639-3
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Korean is written 한국말 (hangukmal), but is pronounced 한 궁말 (han-gung-mal in South Korea, 조선말 joseonmal in North Korea, or 우리말 urimal (our language) as a neutral denomination) is spoken in South Korea, in North Korea, and also in the Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Yanbian, in Jilin, in China. It can be found links with the Japanese, but it is certainly totally distinct from the Chinese, although Korean imported a large amount of words from the Chinese vocabulary.

Depending on the region, different dialects of Korean are spoken. Standard Korean in South Korea is based on the dialect of Seoul, talk to Seoul, in Gyeongi Province, as well as Kaesong, in North Korea, while standard Korean in North Korea is based on the Pyongan dialect, spoken in Pyongyang as well as in the provinces of North Pyongan and of South Pyongan. Other dialects include the Gyeongsang dialect spoken in Busan, Daegu, Ulsan and the provinces of North Gyeongsang and of South Gyeongsang, the Jeju dialect spoken on the island of Jeju, and the Hamgyong dialect spoken in the provinces of North Hamgyong and South Hamgyong, as well as by most of the Korean minorities of China. This guide is based on the standard Korean of South Korea.


The good news is that Korean unlike Chinese (4 tones) or worse Vietnamese (6 tones), is not a tonal language, so you don't have to worry about the pitch of your tone. to pronounce the correct meaning! The bad news is that Korean has a few too many vowels for comfort and little distinction between consonants (especially final (double) consonants, patchim): it is sometimes difficult to pronounce them correctly.

This phrasebook uses the revised romanization of Korean, which is by far the most popular system in South Korea. The McCune-Reischauer Romanization, used in North Korea and in the ancient texts of South Korea will be noted in parentheses where applicable.


Korean vowels can be short or long, but this is not indicated in the written language and the distinction rarely affects the meaning. For example, 눈 (nun) pronounced short means 'eyes', while pronounced long means 'snow').

a ㅏ
like 'a' in "mToman "
where ㅗ
like 'o' in "olive "
eo (ŏ) ㅓ
like "o" in "ordinary "
u ㅜ
Its low, as in "lWherep ".
eu (ŭ) ㅡ
close to French 'eu', as in "bhadrre ".
i ㅣ
(short or long) like the 'i' in "vishe "
e ㅔ
approaches the 'é'; it is the vowel used to transcribe this sound in foreign names / words, rather than ae / ㅐ. For example, Peter: ㅃ 에르.
ae ㅐ
approaches the 'è'.
  • Note: ㅔ and ㅐ are now pronounced almost identical. Only a few rare words are still pronounced unconsciously differently than they were fifty years ago. ("애", or "child" is one of those survivors).

Usual diphthongs

Korean has two pure diphthongs:

oe ㅚ
like 'oue' in "yeahst "(now pronounced like ㅞ (see below), but was pronounced differently in the past)
ui ㅢ
like 'ŭ' 'i'

Vowels can also be changed when prefixed with 'y' or 'w':

wa ㅘ
like the sound 'oua' in "yeahyou"
wae ㅙ
like in "yeah". According to some, there is almost no difference with ㅞ.
wo ㅝ
with the same 'o' open as in 'ordinary '
wi ㅟ
like "fuite ", rounding the lips
we ㅞ
like 'oue' in "yeahst "
ya ㅑ
as in "billiard "
yo ㅛ
with the same 'o' closed as in 'olive ': like' yo 'in "yoSemite".
yeo (yŏ) ㅕ
as in "yothe"
yu ㅠ
as in English "you"
ye ㅖ
as in "billet"
yae ㅒ
now assimilated to 'ㅖ'
  • to summarize the diphthongs assimilated above:

ㅙ = ㅚ = ㅞ = 'oue' in "yeahst "ㅖ = ㅒ = 'llet' in" bishet "


Most Korean consonants come in three versions: 'non-aspirated' (without a breath of air), 'aspirated' (with a breath of air), and 'strained'. Non-aspirated consonants also exist in French, but never alone: ​​for example, compare the 'p' of 'pot' (aspirée) and that of 'special' (non-aspirée). Many French speakers find it practical to pronounce an imperceptible little 'm' before, in order to take the 'breath of air' away. Tense consonants do not exist in French much, but pronouncing the consonant in a short and marked manner is a reasonable substitute.

b (p) ㅂ
like 'p' in "special" (non-aspirated)
p (p ', ph) ㅍ
like 'p' in "palace" (aspirated)
pp ㅃ
'p' stretched, like 'p' in "small"
d (t) ㄷ
like 't' in "pen" (not aspirated)
t (t ', th) ㅌ
like 't' in "table" (aspirated)
tt ㄸ
't' tense
g (k) ㄱ
like 'k' in "ski" (non-aspirated)
k (k ', k) ㅋ
like 'c' in "cabin" (aspirated)
kk ㄲ
'k' stretched
j (ch) ㅈ
like 'g' in "gin" (not aspirated)
ch (ch ') ㅊ
like 'ch' in "chin-chin" (aspirated)
dd ㅉ
'I' stretched
s ㅅ
like 's' in "sand", 'sh' in front i or any "y" diphthong. As final consonant, is pronounced as a very light 't'.
ss ㅆ
's' tense, like 's' in 'on', never 'sh'

Isolated consonants:

n ㄴ
like 'n' in "name"
m ㅁ
like 'm' in "mom"
l ㄹ
somewhere between 'l', 'r' and 'n', the original sound being 'r' or 'l', with the sound 'n' occurring in an initial consonant mutation.
h ㅎ
like 'h' in "hotel"
ng ㅇ
like 'ng' in "sing" in English. Not pronounced (silent consonant) at the beginning of the syllable.

While the rules above are generally correct for the first consonant, those in the middle of a word are usually (but not always) vocalized, which means that in French the ㅂ, ㄷ, ㅈ, and ㄱ become "b", "d", "dj" and "k". The best way to memorize is to remember that the first consonant is 'special' and the rest is more or less like in French: bibimbap (비빔밥) is pronounced "pii-bim-bap ", not"bii-bim-bap "gold"p'ii-bim-bap ".

The aspirated pronunciations with an "h" are only used in the official spelling of North Korea.

Words of foreign origin

Words of Korean origin only end with vowels, or consonants k, the, m, not, ng, p Where s, and all imported Korean words are triturated to conform to it, usually by filling in absent consonants with the vowel had (ㅡ). For example, any syllable ending in "t" will be pronounced like teu (트) in Korean, for example Baeteumaen (배트맨) for "Batman". In addition, the sound 'f' is changed to 'p', and the vowel 'eu' is also added to it; thus "golf" becomes golpeu (골프).


Korean like Japanese is a so-called agglutinating language, and its sentence structure is very similar to that of Japanese; thus Japanese speakers will find many aspects of Korean grammar familiar, and vice versa. But there are slight differences, and Korean, after being simplified in the last century, has a wider range of vowels and consonants than Korean Japanese; Thus the Japanese may have difficulty reading certain words, or transcribing them according to their pronunciation.

The word order in Korean is subject-object-verb: "I-subject him-object see-verb". Topics, especially 'I' and 'You', are often omitted when it is clear from the context. From a French point of view this may sound weird, but colloquial French has similar phrases, for example "Ca va?" instead of "How are you?" The question is just whether the sentences are common enough that such an absence of subject disturbs the listener. Conversely, certain phrases in familiar French without a subject may disturb the Korean listener.

In Korean, there are no articles, no genres, no variations. On the other hand, the conjugations are very varied, reflecting the social hierarchy existing between the speaker and the listener. In some cases, the verb itself may be different depending on whether the respectful form is used, or the informal form; for example sleeping is said jalda (잘다) informally and jumushida (주무 시다) in a respectful manner.

Korean uses postpositions instead of prepositions (which is why it is said to be an agglutinating language): jib apae (집앞 에) ("house in front") to say "in front of the house".

More than using the term 'you', 'you' or even the first name, Koreans like Nepalese or Chinese address others in terms such as older brother, older sister, little brother, little sister, uncle , aunt, grandfather, grandmother, principal, teacher, etc. The words are often different depending on whether the speaker is a man or a woman: a man will say nuna (누나) to address her older sister, while a woman will say onni (언니). Kinship on the maternal side is not designated by the same words as that on the paternal side: paternal uncle will say komo (고모), while maternal uncle will say to himself imo (이모). Korean vocabulary for the family is inexhaustible! It is also not unusual to refer to yourself as a third party using phrases like "Dad is going to cook dinner tonight"; You can also call someone 'uncle', 'aunt', 'sister' someone who is not actually. Thus 'uncle' and 'aunt' are often used to address elderly people, and grandfather / grandmother for even older people. It sometimes requires tact and prudence to avoid the odds! Close friends are often called 'brother' or 'sister'; finally it is common to call or designate someone unknown as 'Professor' (sonsengnim, 선생님) if we want to show him respect. Many young Korean girls call their boyfriend oppa (오빠) (big brother).

Depending on your relationship with your interlocutor, it is necessary to determine the right level of formality and politeness. If your interlocutor is higher than you in the hierarchy (principal, professor, etc.), you should use a very formal and polite mode, while this one will use to address you as 'lower' a mode which can be very familiar. . So to wish good night to an elderly person, we will say jumuseo (주무 세요), or anyonghijumuseo (안녕히 주무 세요) and this one will answer you simply jalja (잘자)! In order to determine which mode to use to address you, Koreans will often ask you questions that may appear to be very personal, aimed at determining your age, occupation, family situation, etc. In most cases, this guide uses the highest level of formalism. There are six levels of formalism in Korean (in practice, four, two no longer used), and some words are different (see above) depending on the level of formalism.

Written language

An intelligent man can master it in a morning; a stupid man can learn it in less than ten days.--King Sejong on hangul

Korean is usually written in the national alphabet, known as hangul (joseongul in North Korea and in China). Designed by a group of scholars during the reign of King Sejong the Great, and rather off-putting at first glance, it is actually a very logical alphabetic writing system, and much, much simpler than Chinese characters, or even the Japanese syllabaries ('kana': hiragana and katakana). It is definitely worth taking the time to learn it if you are staying in Korea for more than a day or two.

The principle is simple: the hangul consists of letters called jamo, holding inside a square block, each block corresponding to one syllable. A block always includes the consonant / vowel / consonant sequence, from top to bottom, where we use 'ㅇ' if there is no initial consonant (placed at the beginning, 'ㅇ' is in a way a silent consonant ). For example, the word Seoul (서울) is made up of the two syllables seo (ㅅ s and ㅓ eo, no final consonant) and ul (ㅇ and ㅜ u and ㄹ the). Tense consonants are obtained by doubling the jamo (ㅅ s → ㅆ ss) and diphthong vowels in y include an additional horizontal line (ㅏ To → ㅑ ya). And that's all!

Many Korean words (those imported from Chinese) can also be written with Chinese characters called hanja in Korean. They are still found from time to time in newspapers, in official documents and signs, but they are less and less used and have even been completely abolished in North Korea. Although they remain official in South Korea, they are mainly used by the elderly, many young people hardly being able to recognize that their own name written in hanja. The rare times they still appear, they are in square brackets, to clarify the meaning of the word hangul they follow, to distinguish a term from a similar term, or as a way of emphasizing when it comes to names of people or places. The hanja are also still used on Korean chess pieces, or janggi.

It is interesting to note that while Chinese characters are hardly used, many Korean words are nothing other than Chinese words written simply as they are pronounced, not according to Chinese pronunciation (Mandarin), but according to standardized Korean pronunciation. of the same characters used in China. As with Latin in French and English, Chinese words are often found in formal vocabulary and in science and more, such as the new 19th century words invented by the Japanese, and used in China and Korea. Japanese, Vietnamese and Chinese speakers may find some familiarity with some terms imported from Chinese, although the pronunciations are different, and Koreans transcribe the sound and not the original Chinese character. Without being as close to Chinese as Cantonese, the Korean pronunciation of Chinese words is more reminiscent of the Chinese pronunciation of the medieval period of the time of the Tang Dynasty, nearly 1,300 years ago, than the modern Mandarin under the influence. Manchurian.


Common terms

열림 (yeollim)
닫힘 (dot-heem)
입구 (ipgu)
출구 (chulgu)
미시 오 (mishio)
To push
당기 시오 (dangishio)
To pull
화장실 (hwajangshil)
남 (nam)
여 (yeo)
금지 (geumji)
Hello. (formal)
안녕 하십니까. (annyeong hasimnikka) Current in North Korea, 'provincial' in South Korea.
Hello. (very formal)
안녕 합니다. (annyeonghamnida) Rarely used, extremely polished. <- There is no such sentence in Korea. annyeonghamnida is not used. It's such a bizarre expression in Korean that it's almost a joke. The correct answer after annyeong hasimnikka is exactly the same as annyeong hasimnikka.
Hello. (formal)
안녕하세요. (annyeonghaseyo) Current in South Korea. Addressed to elderly people, or those who are meeting for the first time.
Hello hi"). (informal)
안녕. (annyeong) Addressed to your friends or to younger people.
Hello. (on the phone)
여 보세요. (yeoboseyo) When you answer the phone.
How are you?
어떻게 지내 십니까? (eotteoke jinaesimnikka?)
Good thanks.
잘 지 냅니다, 감사 합니다. (jal jinaemnida, gamsahamnida)
What's your name?
성함 이 어떻게 되세요? (seonghami eotteoke doeseyo?)
My name is _____.
제 이름 은 ______ 입니다. (I ireumeun ____ imnida)
I am _____. (my name is)
저는 _____ 입니다 (jeoneun _____imnida)
만나서 반갑 습니다. (mannaseo bangapseumnida)
부탁 합니다. (butakamnida)
Thank you.
감사 합니다. (gamsahamnida)
Do not mention it.
천만 입니다. (cheonmanimnida)
예 / 네. (ye / ne)
Last name.
아니오. (anio)
Excuse me. (to attract attention)
실례 합니다. (shill (y) e hamnida)
I am sorry. (excuse me).
죄송 합니다. (joesonghamnida)
Bye. (to a person who stays)
안녕히 가세요. (annyeonhi gaseyo)
Bye. (to a person who is leaving)
안녕히 계세요. (annyeonghi gyeseyo)
Bye") (informal)
안녕. (annyeong)
Does anyone speak French here?
여기 에 불어 를 하시는 분 계십니까? (yeogie bul-eoreul hasineun bun gyesimnikka?)
Speak slowly, please.
천천히 말해 주십시오. (cheoncheonhi malhae jusipsio)
Please repeat.
다시 한번 말해 주십시오. (dasi hanbeon malhae jusipsio)
I do not speak well] {tongue} .
저는 {언어 를} [잘] 못합니다. (jeoneun {eon-eoreul} [jal] motamnida)
I do not speak French well.
저는 불어 를 [잘] 못합니다. (jeoneun bul-eoreul [jal] motamnida)
Do you speak {tongue}?
____ 를 하십니까? (____reul hasimnikka?)
불어 (bul-eo)
영어 (yeong-eo)
한국어 (hangugeo)
중국어 (junggugeo)
일본어 (ilboneo)
Yes a bit.
네, 조금만 요. (do, jogeummanyo)
도와 주십시오! (dowajusipsio!)
조심 하십시오! (josimhasipsio!)
Good morning).
좋은 아침 입니다. (jo-eun achimimnida)
Good evening.
좋은 저녁 입니다. (jo-eun jeonyeogimnida)
Good night (later).
좋은 밤 입니다. (jo-eun bamimnida)
Good night (before going to bed).
안녕히 주무 십시오. (annyeonghi jumusipsio)
I do not understand.
이해 가 안 갑니다. (ihaega ankamnida)
I do not understand. (more frequent)
모르겠습니다 (moreugesseumnida)
알겠습니다 (algesseumnida)
Where are the toilets?
화장실 이 어디에 있습니까? (hwajangsiri odi-e isseumnikka?)
무엇? (mu-eot?)
What? (abbreviated, more common)
뭐? (mwo?)
어디? (eodi?)
누구? (nugu?)
언제? (eonje?)
무슨? (museun?)
How many?
얼마? (eolma?)

In case of problems

Leave me alone.
혼자 내버려 두십시오. (honja naebeoryeo dusipsio)
Do not touch me!
만지지 마십시오! (manjiji masipsio!)
I'll call the police.
경찰 을 부르 겠습니다! (gyeongchareul bureukesseumnida!)
경찰! (gyeongchal!)
Stop! Thief!
서라! 도둑 이야! (seora! dodukiya!)
Can you help me?
당신 의 도움 이 필요 합니다. (dangshin-ui doumi pilyohamnida)
it's an emergency.
응급 상황 입니다. (eungkeup sanghwang-imnida)
I lost myself.
길 을 잃었 습니다. (gireul ireosseumnida)
I lost my bag.
가방 을 잃었 습니다. (gabang-eul ireosseumnida)
I lost my wallet.
지갑 을 잃었 습니다. (jikabeul ireosseumnida)
I'm sick.
아픕니다. (apeumnida)
I am hurt.
상처 를 입었 습니다. (sangcheoreul ibeosseumnida)
I need a doctor.
의사 가 필요 합니다. (uisaga pilyohamnida)
May I use your phone?
당신 의 전화기 를 사용해 도 되겠습니까? (dangshin-ui jeonhwagireul sayonghaedo doegesseumnikka?)


Korean uses two types of numbers: pure Korean numbers, and Sino-Korean numbers, imported from Chinese. Both are useful, but in a pinch, it's more useful (and easier) to learn Sino-Korean numbers.

Sino-Korean numbers

Sino-Korean numbers are used for amounts in currencies, phone numbers, hours on the clock, and for counting minutes. Unlike Westerners who count from 1,000 to 1,000, Koreans count from 10,000 to 10,000: so when in French we say one million (1,000 times 1,000), in Korean we say one hundred times ten thousand (baek man, 백만). We use the words baek (백, hundred), cheon (천, thousand), man (만, ten thousand), eok (억, one hundred million), jo (조, trillion), and gyeong (경, ten million trillion).

공 (gong) / 영 (yeong)
일 (he)
이 (i)
삼 (sat)
사 (her)
오 (o)
육 (yuk)
칠 (chil)
팔 (pal)
구 (gu)
십 (sip)
십일 (sibil)
십이 (sibi)
십삼 (sipsam)
십사 (sipsa)
십오 (sibo)
십육 (simyuk)
십칠 (sipchil)
십팔 (sippal)
십구 (sipgu)
이십 (isip)
이십일 (isibil)
이십 이 (isibi)
이십 삼 (isipsam)
삼십 (samsip)
사십 (sasip)
오십 (osip)
육십 (yuksip)
칠십 (chilsip)
팔십 (palsip)
구십 (gusip)
백 (baek)
이백 (ibaek)
삼백 (sambaek)
천 (cheon)
이천 (icheon)
만 (man)
십만 (simman)
1,000,000 (one million)
백만 (baekman)
천만 (cheonman)
억 (eok)
1,000,000,000 (one billion)
십억 (sibeok)
백억 (baegeok)
천억 (cheoneok)
1,000,000,000,000 (one thousand billion)
조 (jo)
십조 (sipjo)
백조 (baekjo)
천조 (chunjo)
경 (gyeong)
number (of) _____ (train, bus, etc.)
_____ 번 (열차, 버스, etc.) (beon (yeolcha, beoseu, etc.))
half, half
반 (ban)
덜 (deol)
더 (deo)

Pure Korean numbers

Pure Korean numbers are used for time and with the counters (of objects).

Counters (of objects)

To count objects, people, etc., Korean uses special words, counters. For example, "two (bottles of) beer (s)" is said maekju dubyeong (맥주 2 병), where from means "two" and -byeong means "bottles". There are many counters, but the most used are myeong (명) for people, jang (장) for papers (sheets), including tickets, tickets, and gae (개) for just about anything else (which is not entirely correct, but will generally be understood and spread into colloquial language).

objects (apples, candies, etc. This is the generic term)
-myeong, 분 -bun (polished)
flat paper objects (papers, tickets, tickets, pages)
bottles (or other glass or pottery containers with a narrow neck, for liquids)
cups, glasses
마리 -husband
machines (cars, computers)
long objects (pencils, etc.)
자루 -jaru
small boxes
large boxes
상자 -sangja
그루 -goru
letters, telegrams, phone calls, emails
bouquets (e.g. flowers)
송이 -song-i

Note that when these are used with a counter, the ending of the numbers 1 to 4 disappears: a person says to himself hanmyeong (hanamyeong), two tickets say dujang (duljang), three things are said segae (setgae), four things are said negae (netgae), twenty things are said seumugae (seumulgae).

하나 (hana)
둘 (dul)
셋 (set)
넷 (net)
다섯 (daseot)
여섯 (yeoseot)
일곱 (ilgop)
여덟 (yeodeol)
아홉 (ahop)
열 (yeol)
열하나 (yeolhana)
스물 (seumul)
서른 (seoreun)
마흔 (maheun)
쉰 (swin)
예순 (yesun)
일흔 (ilheun)
여든 (yeodeun)
아흔 (aheun)

We always use Sino-Korean numbers over one hundred.

The weather

지금 (jigeum)
나중에 (najung-e)
전에 (jeone)
후에 (hu-e)
아침 (achim)
오후 (ohu)
저녁 (jeonyeok)
밤 (bam)

On the clock

In Korean, the hours are counted on a dial of 12 h (as in English, AM / PM).

in the morning (AM)
오전 (ojeon)
afternoon (PM)
오후 (ohu)
one o'clock in the morning)
오전 한 시 (ojeon hansi)
two o'clock in the morning)
오전 두 시 (ojeon dusi)
정오 (jeong-o)
one o'clock (in the afternoon), one o'clock
오후 한 시 (ohu hansi)
two o'clock (in the afternoon), two o'clock
오후 두 시 (ohu dusi)
자정 (jajeong)


_____ minutes)
_____ 분 (___ bun)
_____ time)
_____ 시간 (___ sigan)
_____ days)
_____ 일 (___ he)
_____ week (s)
_____ 주 (___ ju)
_____ month (s)
_____ 달 (___ dal)
_____ year (s)
_____ 년 (___ nyeon)


오늘 (oneul)
어제 (eoje)
내일 (nae he)
this week
이번 주 (ibeon ju)
last week
지난 주 (jinan ju)
next week
다음 주 (da-eum ju)
일요일 (ilyoil)
On Monday
월요일 (wolyoil)
화요일 (hwayoil)
수요일 (suyoil)
목요일 (mogyoil)
금요일 (geumyoil)
On Saturday
토요일 (toyoil)


In Korean, months are simply the sequence number from 1 to 12, followed by the word 월 (wol, month).

1 월 (일월) ilwol
2 월 (이월) iwol
3 월 (삼월) samwol
4 월 (사월) sawol
5 월 (오월) owol
6 월 (유월) yuwol
7 월 (칠월) chilwol
8 월 (팔월) palwol
9 월 (구월) guwol
10 월 (시월) siwol
11 월 (십일월) sibilwol
12 월 (십이월) sibiwol
  • To facilitate the connection, the final consonant of 6 월 and 10 월 disappears.

Write the date and time

Koreans usually write the date in the format yyyy.mm.dd (for example 2006.12.24 for ). March 1, 2005: 2005 년 3 월 1 일 (이천 오년 삼월 일일) icheon-onyeon samwol he-he (____year, month, day)


검은 색 (geomeunsaek)
하연 색 (hayansaek), 흰색 (huinsaek)
회색 (hoesaek)
빨간색 (ppalgansaek)
파란색 (paransaek)
노란색 (noransaek)
초록색 (choroksaek)
주황색 (juhwangsaek)
purple, purple
자주색 (jajusaek)
갈색 (galsaek)


Bus and train

How much does a ticket cost for _____?
_____ 에 가는 표 가 얼마 입니까? (_____e ganeun pyoga eolmaimnikka?)
A ticket for _____, please.
_____ 에 가는 표 한 장 이요. (_____e ganeun pyo han jang-iyo)
Where is this train / bus going?
이 기차 / 버스 는 어디로 갑니까? (i gicha / beoseu-neun eodiro gamnikka?)
Where is the train / bus to _____?
_____ 에 가는 기차 / 버스 는 어디에 있습니까? (_____e ganeun gicha / beoseuneun eodi-e isseumnikka?)
Does this train / bus stop at _____?
이 기차 / 버스 는 _____ 에 섭 니까? (i gicha / beoseu-neun _____e seomnikka?)
When by train / bus to _____?
_____ 에 가는 기차 / 버스 는 언제 출발 합니까? (_____e ganeun gicha / beoseu-neun eonje chulbalhamnikka?)
When does this train / bus arrive at _____?
이 기차 / 버스 는 _____ 에 언제 도착 합니까? (i gicha / beoseu-neun _____e eonje dochakamnikka?)


How are we doing at _____?
_____ 에 가려면 어떻게 해야 합니까? (____e garyeomyeon eotteoke haeya hamnikka?)
... the (train) stop?
기차역 ...? (gichayeok ...?)
...the bus stop)?
버스 정류장 ...? (beoseu jeongnyujang ...?)
... the airport?
공항 ...? (gonghang ...?)
...in the city?
시내 ...? (shinae ...?)
...the hostel?
유스 호스텔 ...? (yuseu hoseutel ...?)
...the hotel _____?
_____ 호텔 ...? (____ hotel ...?)
... (at) French / American / Canadian / Australian / English consulate?
프란 수 / 미국 / 캐나다 / 호주 / 영국 영사관 ...? (fearansu / miguk / kaenada / hoju / yeongguk yeongsagwan ...?)
Where is there a lot of ...
... 이 많은 곳 은 어디에 있습니까? (... i manheun gosun eodi-e issumnikka?)
... hotels?
호텔 ...? (hotel...?)
... restaurants?
식당 ...? (sikdang ...?)
... bars?
술집 ...? (suljip ...?)
... places to see?
볼거리 들 ...? (bolgeorideul ...?)
Is it far from here?
여기서 멉니 까? (yeogiseo meomnikka?)
Can you show me on the map?
지도 상에서 가르쳐 주 시겠습니까? (... jidosang-eseo gareucheo jusigessumnikka?)
길 (gil)
Turn left.
왼쪽 으로 도 십시오. (oenjjogeuro dosipsio)
Turn right.
오른쪽 으로 도 십시오. (oreunjjogeuro dosipsio)
To the left
왼쪽 (oenjjok)
To the right
오른쪽 (oreunjjok)
곧장 가십시오. (gojjang gasipsio)
To the) _____
_____ 를 향해. (_____reul hyanghae)
After the) _____
_____ 를 지나. (_____reul jina)
Before) _____
_____ 전에. (_____ jeonae)
Wait for _____.
_____ 를 기다리 십시오. (_____reul gidarisipsio)
교차로 (gyocharo)
Intersection of three roads
삼거리 (samgeori)
Carrefour, intersection of four roads
사거리 (sageori)
북 (buk)
남 (nam)
동 (dong)
Where is
서 (seo)
오르막길 (oreumakgil)
내리막 길 (naerimakgil)


택시! (taeksi!)
Take me to _____, please.
_____ 로 데려가 주십시오. (____ro deryeoga jusipsio)
How much does it cost to go to _____?
_____ 까지는 (요금 이) 얼마 입니까? (____kkajineun (yogeumi) eolmaimnikka?)
Leave me here
저기 에 데려가 주십시오. (jeogi-e deryeoga jusipsio.)


In Korea, we usually pay before taking the room, not when leaving. However, nothing prevents you from asking to see the room beforehand.

Do you have free rooms?
방 있습니까? (bang isseumnikka?)
How much does a room cost for one / two people?
한 사람 / 두 사람당 방이 얼마 입니까? (han saram / du saram-dang bang-i eolmaimnikka?)
In the room, is there ...
그 방 에는 ... 이 있습니까? (geu bang-eneun ... i isseumnikka?)
... 침대보? (... chimdaebo?)
...a bathroom?
... 화장실? (... hwajangsil?)
...a phone?
... 전화기? (... jeonhwagi?)
...a television?
... 티브이? (tibeu-i?)
Can I see the bedroom first?
방 을 먼저 봐도 되겠습니까? (bang-eul meonjeo bwado doegesseumnikka?)
Do you have something calmer?
더 조용한 방 있습니까? (deo joyonghan bang isseumnikka?)
... 더 큰? (deo keun?)
... 더 깨끗한? (deo kkaekkeutan?)
... 더 싼? (deo ssan?)
OK, I'll take it.
좋습니다, 그것 으로 하겠습니다. (choseumnida, geugeoseuro hagesseumnida)
I stay _____ night (s).
_____ 밤 묵 겠습니다. (_____ bam mukgesseumnida)
Can you (me) suggest another hotel?
다른 호텔 을 권해 주 시겠습니까? (dareun hoteleul gwonhae jusigesseumnikka?)
Do you have a safe?
금고 있습니까? (geumgo isseumnikka?)
... a deposit?
... 자물쇠? (... jamulsoe?)
Is breakfast / dinner included?
아침 식사 / 저녁 식사 가 포함 됩니까? (achimsiksa / jeonyeoksiksa ga pohamdoenikka?)
What time is breakfast / dinner?
아침 식사 / 저녁 식사 는 몇시 입니까? (achimsiksa / jeonyeoksiksa neun myeossimnikka?)
Thank you for cleaning my room.
방 을 청소 해 주십시오. (bang-eul cheongsohe jusipsio)
Can you wake me up at _____?
_____ 시 에 깨워주 시겠습니까? (_____ si-e kkewojusigeseumnikka?)
I want to pay my bill.
체크 아웃 하고 싶습니다. (chekeu autago sipsumnida)


Do you accept euros?
유로 받으 십니까? (yuro badeusimnikka?)
Do you accept Swiss francs?
스위스 프랑 받으 십니까? (swisseu fearang badeusimnikka?)
Do you accept US / Australian / Canadian dollars?
미국 / 오스트레일리아 / 캐나다 달러 받으 십니까? (miguk / oseuteureillia / kaenada dareo badeusimnikka?)
Do you accept books (English)?
영국 파운드 받으 십니까? (yeongguk paundeu badeusimnikka?)
Do you accept credit cards?
신용 카드 받으 십니까? (sin-yong kadeu badeusimnikka?)
Can you change (me) money?
환전 해주 시겠습니까? (hwanjeon haejusigesseumnikka?)
Where can I change money?
어디 에서 환전 할 수 있습니까? (eodi-eseo hwanjeonhal su oiseumnikka?)
Can you change (me) a traveller's check?
여행자 수표 를 현금 으로 바꿔 주 시겠습니까? (yeohaengja supyoreul hyeon-gumeuro bakkwojusigesseumnikka?)
Where can I change a traveller's check?
어디 에서 여행자 수표 를 현금 으로 바꿀 수 있습니까? (eodi-eseo yeohaengja supyoreul hyeon-gumeuro bakkul su isseumnikka?)
What is the exchange rate?
환율 이 얼마 입니까? (hwan-yuri oelma-imnikka?)
Where is there a cash machine (ATM)?
현금 자동 지급기 가 어디에 있습니까? (hyeon-gum jadong jigeupgiga oedi-e isseumnikka?)


Une table pour une/deux personne(s), SVP.
한 사람/두 사람 테이블 부탁합니다. (han saram/du saram teibeul butakamnida)
Puis-je voir le menu, SVP?
메뉴를 봐도 되겠습니까? (menyureul bwado doegesseumnikka?)
Puis-je voir la cuisine?
부엌을 봐도 되겠습니까? (bu-eokkeul bwado doegesseumnikka?)
Y a-t-il une spécialité de la maison?
이 집의 특별 요리가 있습니까? (i jibui teukbyeol yeoriga isseumnikka?)
Y a-t-il une spécialité locale?
이 지역의 특별 요리가 있습니까? (i jiyeogui teukbyeol yeoriga isseumnikka?)
Je suis végétarien.
저는 채식주의자입니다. (jeoneun chaesikjuuijaimnida)
Je ne mange pas de porc.
저는 돼지고기를 먹지 않습니다. (jeoneun dwaejigogireul meokji anseumnida)
Je ne mange pas de bœuf.
저는 소고기를 먹지 않습니다. (jeoneun sogogireul meokji anseumnida)
Je ne mange que casher.
저는 유대인 음식만 먹습니다. (jeoneun yudaein eumsingman mokseumnida)
Pouvez-vous cuisiner "allégé", SVP? (moins de huile/beurre/lard)
... (..)
menu à prix fixe
정가 음식 (jeongga eumsik)
à la carte
... (..)
아침 식사 (achim siksa)
점심 식사 (jeomsim siksa)
thé (repas)
차 (cha)
저녁 식사 (jeonyeok siksa)
Je voudrais _____.
저는 _____을 원합니다. (jeoneun _____eul wonhamnida)
Je voudrais un plat avec _____.
저는 _____을/를 포함하는 요리를 먹고 싶습니다. (jeoneun ____eul/reul pohamhaneun yorireul meokgo sipsumnida)
du poulet
닭고기/치킨 (dalgogi/chikin)
du bœuf
소고기 (sogogi)
du poisson
생선 (saengseon)
du jambon
햄 (haem)
de la saucisse
소세지 (soseji)
du fromage
치즈 (chijeu)
des œufs
달걀/계란 (dalgyal/gyeran)
de la salade
샐러드 (saelleodeu)
des légumes (frais)
(신선한) 야채 ((sinseonhan) yachae)
des fruits (frais)
(신선한) 과일 ((sinseonhan) gwa-il)
du pain
빵 (ppang)
des toasts
토스트 (toseuteu)
des pâtes/nouilles
국수 (guksu)
du riz
밥 (bap)
des haricots/fèves
콩 (kong)
Puis-je avoir un verre de _____?
_____ 한 잔 주시겠습니까? (____ han jan jusigesseumnikka?)
Puis-je avoir une tasse de _____?
_____ 한 컵 주시겠습니까? (____ han keob jusigesseumnikka?)
Puis-je avoir une bouteille de _____?
_____ 한 병 주시겠습니까? (____ han byeong jusigesseumnikka?)
커피 (keopi)
thé (drink)
차 (cha)
주스 (joseu)
eau (gazeuse)
탄산수 (tansansu)
물 (mul)
맥주 (maekju)
vin rouge/blanc
적/백 포도주 (jeok/baek podoju)
Puis-je avoir un peu de _____?
_____을/를 조금 먹어도 되겠습니까? (____eul/reul jogeum meogeodo doegesseumnikka?)
소금 (sogeum)
poivre (noir)
후추 (huchu)
버터 (beoteo)
S'il vous plaît! (pour attirer l’attention du serveur (intonation montante))
여기요! (Signifie littéralement "Ici." (yeogiyo!)
J'ai terminé.
다 먹었습니다. (da meokeosseumnida)
C'était délicieux.
맛있었습니다. (masisseosseumnida)
Vous pouvez débarrasser.
접시를 치워주십시오. (jeopsireul chiwojusipsiyo)
L'addition, SVP.
계산서 부탁합니다. (gyesanseo butakamnida)

Have a drink

Servez-vous de l'alcool?
술 팝니까? (sul pamnikka?)
Le service est-il compris?
... (..)
Une/deux bières, SVP.
맥주 한/두 병 부탁합니다. (maekju han/du byeong butakamnida)
Une/deux bières, SVP (moins formel).
맥주 한/두 병 주세요. (maekju han/du byeong juseo)
Un verre de vin rouge/blanc, SVP.
적/백 포도주 한 잔 부탁합니다. (jeok/baek podoju han jan butakamnida)
Un verre de vin rouge/blanc, SVP (moins formel).
적/백 포도주 한 잔 주세요. (jeok/baek podoju han jan juseo)
Une pinte, SVP.
... (..)
Une bouteille, SVP.
한 병 부탁합니다. (han byeong butakamnida)
Une bouteille, SVP (moins formel).
한 병 주세요. (han byeong butakamnida)
_____ (liqueur forte) et _____ (mixer), SVP.
... juseo; whisky : 위스키 (wiseuki)
보드카 (bodeuka)
럼 (reom)
물 (mul)
soda (eau gazeuse)
탄산수 (tansansu)
탄산 음료 (tansan eumryo)
jus d'orange
오렌지 쥬스 (orenji jyuseu)
Coca (soda)
콜라 (kolla)
Avez-vous des biscuits apéritif?
... (..)
Un(e) autre, SVP.
한 개 더 부탁합니다. (han gae deo butakamnida)
Une autre tournée, SVP.
... (..)
A quelle heure fermez-vous?
언제 닫습니까? (eonje dasseumnikka?)

To buy

Avez-vous ma taille?
이 것으로 제 사이즈 있습니까? (i geoseuro je saijeu isseumnikka?)
Combien coûte ceci?
이것은 얼마입니까? (igeoseun eolmaimnikka?)
C'est (beaucoup) trop cher.
(너무) 비쌉니다. ((neomu) bissamnida)
Acceptez-vous _____?
_____ 받으십니까? (_____ badeusimnikka?)
비싼 (bissan)
bon marché
싼 (ssan)
Je ne peux pas me le permettre.
그것을 살 여유가 없습니다. (geugeoseul sal yeoyuga opsseumnida)
Je n'en veux pas.
그것을 원하지 않습니다. (geugeoseul wonhaji anseumnida)
Vous plaisantez! Vous me trompez.
저를 속이고 있군요. (jeoreul sogigo itgunyo)
Je ne suis pas intéressé.
관심 없습니다. (gwansim opsseumnida.)
OK, je le/la prends.
좋습니다, 그것을 사겠습니다. (jossueumnida, geugeoseul sagesseumnida)
Puis-je avoir un sac?
가방을 살 수 있습니까? (gabang-eul sal su isseumnikka?)
Expédiez-vous (à l'étranger)?
(해외로) 발송합니까? ((haewiro) balsonghamnikka?)
Je voudrais/j'ai besoin de...
저는 ...이 필요합니다 (jeoneun ...i pilyohamnida)
...du dentifrice.
...치약. (...chiyak)
...une brosse à dents.
...칫솔. (...chissol)
...des tampons.
...탐폰. (...tampon)
...du savon.
...비누. (...binu)
...du shampooing.
...샴푸. (...syampu)
...un antalgique. (c.-à-d., aspirine ou ibuprofène)
...진통제. (아스피린 or 항 염증제) (...jintongje. (aseupirin or hang yeomjeungje))
...un médicament pour le rhume.
...감기약. (...gamgiyak)
...un médicament pour l'estomac.
...위약. (...wiyak)
...un rasoir.
...면도기. (...myeondogi)
...un parapluie.
...우산. (...usan)
...de la crème solaire.
...햇볕 차단 로션. (...haeppyeot chadan rosyeon)
...une carte postale.
...우편엽서. (...upyeon-yeopseo)
...un/des timbre(s).
...우표. (...upyo)
...une/des pile(s).
...건전지. (...geonjeonji)
...du papier à lettres.
...편지지. (...pyonjiji)
...un stylo.
...펜. (...pen)
...des livres en français.
...불어 책. (...bul-eo chaek) *** à vérifier ***
...des magazines en français.
...불어 잡지. (...bul-eo japji) *** à vérifier ***
...des journaux en français.
...불어 신문. (...bul-eo sinmun) *** à vérifier ***
...un dictionnaire français/français.
...불불 사전. (...bul-bul sajeon) *** à vérifier ***


Je désire louer une voiture.
차를 빌리고 싶습니다. (chareul billigo sipseumnida)
Puis-je avoir une assurance?
보험을 들 수 있습니까? (boheomeul deul su isseumnikka?)
Arrêt (à un anneau de signalisation)
정치 (jeongchi)
Sens unique
일방 통행 (ilbang tonghaeng)
양보 (yangbo)
Stationnement interdit
주차 금지 (jucha geumji)
Limitation de vitesse
속도 제한 (sokdo jehan)
주유소 (juyuso)
Essence (super)
휘발유 (hwibalyu)
디젤유 (dijelyu)


Je n'ai rien fait de mal.
저는 잘못한 것이 없습니다. (jeoneun jalmotan geosi eopsseumnida)
C'était un malentendu.
그것은 오해였습니다. (geugeoseun ohaeyeosseumnida)
Où m'emmenez-vous?
저를 어디로 데려가십니까? (jeoreul eodiro deryeogasimnikka?)
Suis-je en état d'arrestation?
저는 체포됩니까? (jeoneun chepodoemnikka?)
Je suis citoyen français/américain/australien/britannique/canadien.
저는 프란스/미국/호주/영국/캐나다 국민입니다. (jeoneun peuranseu/miguk/hoju/yeongguk/kaenada gungminimnida)
Je veux parler au Consulat/à l'Ambassade française/américaine/australienne/britannique/canadienne.
프란스/미국/호주/영국/캐나다 대사관/영사관 에 이야기하고 싶습니다. (peuranseu/miguk/hoju/yeongguk/kaenada daesagwan/yeongsagwan e iyagihago sipseumnida)
Je veux parler à un avocat.
변호사에게 이야기하고 싶습니다. (byeonhosa-ege iyagihago sipseumnida)
Puis-je payer maintenant une simple amende?
지금 벌금을 내도 되겠습니까? (jigeum beolgeumeul naedo doegesseumnikka?)


Comment dit-on _____ en coréen?
_____은 한국말로 어떻게 말합니까 ? (____eun hangungmallo eotteoke malhamnikka?)
Comment s'appelle ceci/cela?
이것은/저것은 무엇이라고 부릅니까? (igeoseun/jeogeoseun mu-eosirago bureumnikka?)
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Ce guide linguistique est utilisable . Il explique la prononciation et l'essentiel de la communication de voyage. While an adventurous person could use this article, it still needs to be completed. Go ahead and improve it!
Complete list of other articles in the theme: Language guides