Hallig Hooge - Hallig Hooge

Hooge (German)
Hoge (Danish)
Huuge (North Frisian)
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The Hallig Hooge (North Frisian: Huuge, Danish Hoge) is certainly the most famous German Hallig. Accordingly, it is also visited by many day visitors. She is one of the North Frisian Islands and Halligen in Schleswig-Holstein. The Hallig Hooge community includes the Hallig Hooge as well as the uninhabited Hallig Norderoog.


Coat of arms Hooge
Map of Hallig Hooge
Ferry pier Hooge (in the background from left to right Hanswarft, Backenswarft, Kirchwarft)
Hallig ferry "Hilligenlei I" at the ferry terminal
View from Backenswarft to Kirchwarft
Sailing harbor

While all other Halligen on the North Sea coast are completely flat and only the terps are raised and thus somewhat protected from storm surges, the Hallig Hooge is surrounded by a stone dike about 1.20 m high. As a result, it is protected from inundation from lighter storm surges, but it is nevertheless affected by land underwater an average of two to six times a year. Dike construction work did not begin until 1911. Before that, land the width of about a wagon lane was lost every year on the stretches of shore that were exposed to currents and waves. Without these measures, the Halligen would be considerably smaller today. As the first Hallig, Hooge received not only the stone decking but also a small summer dike, which was supposed to protect it from flooding during the lighter summer storm surges. Life on the terps had become a bit safer as a result.

Today there are 10 terps on Hooge, of which the Hanswarft the Hauptwarft and thus the center of the Hallig. Those are still of tourist interest Backenswarft and the Kirchwarft. On the Lorenzwarft -this forms together with Middle step a double warft is the only hotel Hooges. On the no longer built Pohnswarft there is only one level left today.

When the excursion boat from Amrum or Föhr docks in the port during the season, it gets full on the island. The otherwise prevailing tranquility gives way to the tourist hustle and bustle. Day visitors flock to the sights on foot, by rental bike or horse-drawn carriage. Only a few enjoy the peace and quiet and life on the secluded island. When the ship casts off again after about 1.5 hours, calm returns.

Protection system Hallig

A Hallig has several constructive elements to protect the residents from the North Sea when the "Blanke Hans" turns into the "Rauhen Hans":

  • Summer dike: The approx. 1.2 m high stone dike, called "summer dike" because of its protection against normal floods in summer, surrounds the whole Hallig. It prevents land erosion and protects the Hallig from spring tides. However, it is flooded when there are high storm surges in autumn / winter. This happens about 2 to 5 times a year, but it can also fail completely.
  • Terps: The buildings of the Hallig residents stand on 4-6 m high terps. These man-made hills are usually so high that they are not flooded by storm surges. Altogether there are 10 inhabited terps on Hooge. Another terp was destroyed by a large storm surge and is now only used as a measuring station.
  • Shelters in buildings: There are reinforced concrete shelters on every terp. These were integrated into the upper floors of the building. Thanks to their separate anchoring in the subsoil, they can withstand the water masses even after the rest of the house has already fallen victim to the storm surge.

getting there

The journey to Hallig Hooge almost always takes place by ship via the harbor 1 SchlüttsielWebsite of this institutionSchlüttsiel in the encyclopedia WikipediaSchlüttsiel in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSchlüttsiel (Q882008) in the Wikidata database, there is no airfield on the Hallig. Then it goes on ...

With the ship from Schlüttsiel

From the ferry terminal in Schlüttsiel there is a direct ferry connection to the 2 Investors the Hallig Hooge with the WDR (Wyker steamship shipping company). In summer, the journey is also possible with the Adler-Express of (Eagle ships) from Strucklahnungshörn / Nordstrand possible.

Car ferry "Hilligenlei": The 38 m long ship was built in 1985 in Husum. The ferry was named after the terp of the same name on the Hallig Langeness. The ferry can carry up to 30 cars and an additional 300 people. The motor ship reaches up to 10 knots (= 18 km / h). The passenger deck with great views and sheltered from the wind is located above the car deck at the rear between the chimneys. In the belly of the ship there is a saloon where you can eat.

At the Hooger ferry port, a spa tax is required from day guests, the so-called "Hallig-Taler". This costs € 1 for adults and € 0.20 for children.

With the sports boat

3  Sailing harbor. Mobile: 49 (0)160 4934694 (Harbor master). The sailing harbor in the north of the Hallig offers at Hallig sailing club Space for about 25 boats and is therefore very suitable for day visitors. When the tide is low, the port dries up.


The following means of transport are common on the Hallig:

  • Bicycle: The 5.6 km² Hallig can be explored by bike. There are several bike rentals on the Hallig.
  • Horse-drawn carriage or "horse-drawn bus": leisurely, traditional way of getting around
  • On foot: The Hallig can also be explored without any problems. This takes about 3 hours. Nordic walkers & joggers are of course faster!

The car can be taken to the Hallig, but the crossing is quite expensive and the car itself is relatively useless on the Hallig.

Tourist Attractions


  • 1  Hallig Church (St. John's Church, ev.-luth.), Kirchwarft 1, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 230, Fax: 49 (0)4849 90 99 00, Email: . Halligkirche in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHalligkirche (Q58393891) in the Wikidata database.The Hallig Church from the 17th century - it was consecrated in 1637 - with its free-standing bell tower also contains a work of art by the Flensburg master Ringeling. Many objects are reminiscent of the Halligen's history of floods. The history of the church was also heavily influenced by the storm surges. The church is surrounded by the cemetery, there is also a simple wooden cross, the "home for the homeless". Unidentified beach bodies washed up on the beach were buried in its area. In front of the cemetery is a sarcophagus belonging to a wealthy citizen of the early Middle Ages. This was flushed free in one of the devastating storm surges of the past. In the church there are occasional services that are held entirely in Low German.


  • 2  King stick, Hanswarft, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 219, Fax: 49 (0)4849 337, Email: .Königspesel (Q76638788) in the Wikidata database.Seafarer's living room (Pesel means "good room") from 1776. It is furnished with Dutch biblical tiles and a remarkable ceiling and door painting. It also contains many art treasures, some from earlier centuries.Open: daily 10: 00-17: 00.Price: 2, - €.
  • 3  Local history and Hallig museum, Hanswarft 10 a, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 217. The museum of the former mail ship shows a collection on Hallig history as well as insights into the natural area of ​​Hallig and Wadden Sea.Open: Mar-Oct. daily 10: 00-16: 00; in the winter half-year only by appointment.Price: adults € 3, children € 2.
  • 1  Wadden Sea House Hooge, Hanswarft 2, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 229, Email: . The Wadden Sea Conservation Station is a private, non-profit nature conservation association founded in 1962. In the Wadden Sea House there is an interesting aquarium as well as an extensive exhibition on the subject of the Wadden Sea, as well as a "Wadden Sea" with reading material and books on the extraordinary Hallig life, games, puzzles and coloring books.Open: Apr-Oct daily 11 am-4pm.Price: Donation requested (adults € 2, children (up to 12 years) € 1).
  • 1  Storm surge cinema, on the Hanswarft. Shows everyday life on Hooge, the 15-minute film is shown every 20 minutes.Price: adults € 3, children up to 16 years € 2.


One of the horse buses: a leisurely traditional means of transport on Hooge. In the background lies the Hanswarft, the "capital" of the Hallig.
Vogelwarts hut on Hallig Norderoog
  • Guided mudflat hikes e.g. to the uninhabited 4 Hallig NorderoogHallig Norderoog in the encyclopedia WikipediaHallig Norderoog in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHallig Norderoog (Q20700) in the Wikidata database.
  • Searching for amber on the rivers edge of the North Sea
  • Hiking, walking and jogging in a stimulating climate in the healthy sea air
  • Inline skating on the paved paths
  • Swimming (at high tide / high water), fresh water showers are available at the bathing areas. The tides can be found in the Buddelbreef.
  • Rides by horse bus
  • Informed about events on the Hallig De Hooger Buddelbreef.


  • 2  Farm shop The Bingehof, Middle entrance 3, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 208, Fax: 49 (0)4849 909901, Email: . The Bingehof's farm shop offers sausage and meat products (including lamb) and Hallig eggs from really happy chickens, as well as organically grown wines and Hallig honey.
  • 3  Storm surge gallery (Souvenir shop), Hanswarft 9a, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 909920, Fax: 49 (0)4849 909930. Souvenir shop with typical landscape photographs and books, T-shirts with Hallig motifs and much more.
  • 4  Friesland photo, Hanswarft 19a, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 291, Mobile: 49 (0)171 4758742, Email: . Photo gallery with unique photos from the world natural heritage, photos of natural spectacles such as land under and storm surges, as well as the animal world of the Halligen, photo calendar.


  • 1  To the blue pesel (Hallig Café), Backenswarft 2, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 231, Fax: 49 (0)4849 951049, Email: . Very cozy café-parlor with a beautiful garden, home-made cakes and typical, home-baked Hallig pastries.
  • 2  Klabautermann (bistro), Hanswarft 1, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 204, Mobile: 49 (0)172 4517257, Email: . Pizza, crepes, hot dogs, fish rolls and much more.
  • 3  Fries pear, Backenswarft 6, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 250, Fax: 49 (0)4849 285, Email: . The "Friesenpesel", the oldest restaurant on the Hallig, offers, among other things. a cozy, sheltered terrace. In a historical atmosphere there are specialties of the coast, crab and fish dishes, numerous Hooger specialties.
  • 4  T-room, Hanswarft 6 c, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 9097977. Under the open thatched roof beams, you can enjoy typical Hallig drinks and Frisian delicacies in a cozy atmosphere.


There is of course no night life on the Hallig, but you can watch the starry sky far away from all artificial light sources.


The range on the Hallig is quite extensive. There are only 2 hotels but a large number of holiday apartments and private rooms. Accommodation for groups is also available in sufficient numbers. A complete list holds the tourist office.


  • 1  Camp Volkertswarft (Campground), Volkertswarft 1, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 909960, Fax: 49 (0)4849 909980, Email: . The campground is a Hallig meadow (= Fenne) with solid sward. There are washing facilities, toilets and showers. Pure camping, between sheep and creeks, without fences, porters and groundskeepers. A large lawn and a soccer field are also available.Price: 6, - € / PN plus Hallig-Taler.


  • 2  Frerk's Buernhus, Lorenzwarft, 25859 Hallig Hooge (Lorenzwarft). Tel.: 49 (0)4849 254, Fax: 49 (0)4849 275. Cozy hotel with 6 double and 3 single rooms as well as several holiday apartments.
  • 3  Hus Halligblick, Backenswarft, 25859 Hallig Hooge (Backenswarft). Tel.: 49 (0)4849 222, Fax: 49 (0)4849 328, Email: . Hotel-pension with 4 double and 3 single rooms (partly with shared shower), as well as 3 apartments.Feature: pension.


Just in case: The responsible and at the same time nearest police station is the Police station on the island of Amrum.


Holiday guests should keep in mind that there is no pharmacy on site! You should therefore bring urgently needed medication with you for the duration of your stay!

  • First aid station (Nursing station), Market meeting place at Hanswarft (at the Edeka market). Tel.: 49 (0)4849 9097888, Mobile: 49 (0)0171 2850748 (Emergency number). There is no doctor or pharmacy on Hooge. In emergencies, the nursing station is also the first aid station. Since neither a doctor is permanently present on the Hallig, a doctor's consultation usually takes place every second Tuesday.Open: Mon.-Fri. 10: 00-12: 00.

Practical advice

2  Tourist office Hooge, Hanswarft 1, 25859 Hallig Hooge. Tel.: 49 (0)4849 9100, Fax: 49 (0)4849 201, Email: . The community has been collecting a visitor's tax, the Hallig Taler, since April 1st, 2011. Adults pay € 1.00, children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years old € 0.20. Overnight guests pay the fee to the host, day guests at the pier.Open: 09: 00-12: 00 13: 00-17: 00.


  • Day trips by ship to Langeness and Amrum
  • Day trips to Sylt are also possible in summer


  • Günther Schirrmacher: Hallig Hooge. Breklum: Breklumer bookstore and publisher, 2004 (11th edition), ISBN 978-3-7793-1112-6 .
  • Georg Quedens: The Halligen. Breklum: Breklumer bookstore and publisher, 2004 (19th edition), ISBN 978-3-7793-1114-0 .

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