Hangzhou - Hangzhou

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Hangzhou(Chinese: 杭州 Please click to listen!, Pinyin: Hangzhou) is the capital of the province Zhejiang in China about 190 km south-southwest of Shanghai. The main attraction is the artificial West Lake (Xihu). On its islands and around the lake there are 60 pagodas, temples, statues and other interesting places.


Hangzhou is considered to be one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. The "Liangzhu culture" can be traced back to around 2700 BC. Trace back to BC. The city's existence has been around since 221 BC. Documented. It was the capital of the southern Song Dynasty (1132-1276). Marco Polo is said to have called the city “the most beautiful and greatest city in the world”. It is believed to have been home to up to a million people at the time, many of them soldiers and refugees before the Mongol invasion, who conquered China in the 13th century. What was then the largest port in the world has now disappeared and the bay has silted up.

getting there

Hangzhou is not far from Shanghai. Several trains go there daily, the journey takes 1-2 hours depending on the train and costs 30-90 yuan.


Taxis are plentiful and inexpensive. There are also many regular buses. For the circumnavigation of the West Lake, it is advisable to take a bike.

Tourist Attractions

anecdote Formation of the West Lake
According to legend, a phoenix and a dragon fought over a pearl, which then fell to the earth and formed the West Lake. In fact, the lake was originally a bay of the Qiantang River, which is now three kilometers away. In the eighth century, during the Tang Dynasty, the lake was dug to today's depth of an average of 1.5 meters and separated from the river with a dam.
  • West Lake (Xihu). The 500 hectare lake forms the center of the city. Some islands are connected to the land by bridges and dams and can be reached on foot. You can also let yourself be driven on the lake with boats of all sizes. A ride around the lake in an electric street train, on which you can jump anywhere along the promenade, offers a good panoramic view.

Walking around the lake takes about 4 hours.

National museums in Hangzhou

An up-to-date directory on the Hangzhou City website[1] lists the following museums:

National Chinese Tea Museum

National Chinese Silk Museum

  • China National Silk Museum, 中国 丝绸 博物馆, Zhōngguó Sīchóu Bówùguǎn, 73-1 Yuhuangshan Rd. Tel.: 86 87035150. Wikipedia:[4]. The silk museum is one of the most important silk museums in the world. The Chinese language website (2013) mentions the following sections: history of weaving and spinning; includes China as well as the whole of Asia and Europe. Furthermore, the subject areas of archeology, state of preservation, preservation techniques, research, legal situation, specialist vocabulary and a data collection (database). [5]. In addition to the permanent exhibitions, there are also exhibitions on special topics, such as the exhibition “Art of Fashion in China. 1993 - 2012 ”[6] or: Exhibition on the results of the restoration of garments from the Liao and Yuan dynasties from the museum's collection (July - September 2013)[7].

National Chinese Seal Museum

  • 1  China Seal Museum, 中国 印 学 博物馆, Zhōngguó Yìnxué Bówùguǎn (西泠印社), 10 Houshan Rd., Gushan. Tel.: 86 87977149. China Seal Museum, 中国 印 学 博物馆, Zhōngguó Yìnxué Bówùguǎn in the encyclopedia WikipediaChina Seal Museum, 中国 印 学 博物馆, Zhōngguó Yìnxué Bówùguǎn in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsChina Seal Museum, 中国 印 学 博物馆, Zhōngguó Yìnxué Bówùguǎn (Q6145857) in the Wikidata database.The National Chinese Seal Museum (Chinese: 中国 印 学 博物, Zhōngguó Yìnxué Bówùguǎn) was opened to the public in 1999 by the Xiling Seal Society. It is located on the West Lake in Hangzhou. It is concerned not only with the carved name seals widespread in East Asia, but also with written documents in general on metal and stone.

National Chinese Wetlands Museum

Museums of Zhejiang Province and Hangzhou City

Zhejiang Art Museum

  • Zhèjiāng Měishùguǎn (浙江 美术馆 pinyin), Hangzhou City, Nanshan Lu 138. (Located directly on the West Lake). The museum is a prestige object of the (art) province of Zhejiang as part of a five-year plan (2003-2007) for the construction of five large structures. It was built under the direction of the well-known architect Cheng Taining. The building with outer walls mainly made of glass construction elements was officially opened on August 9th, 2009. It is located directly on West Lake in Hangzhou in a special geomantic location between the lake and the hill of the Jade Emperor. The Zhejiang Art Museum assumes the role of a central art museum for Hangzhou and Zhejiang Province. It organizes important national and international exhibitions. [de.Wikipedia: Zhejiang Art Museum]. Connection to public transport, see: [Site plan of the museum with English names. Transport links only labeled in Chinese.].

Zhejiang Provincial Museum

  • Zhèjiāngshěng Bówùguǎn (浙江省 博物馆), 25 Gushan Rd. Tel.: 86 87980281. The name "Zhejiang Museum" can only be found as part of the website. The Zhejiang Provincial Museum houses more than 100,000 objects. Including ceramic, lacquer, wood and bone artifacts from the Hemudu culture (7000–4500 BC / 5000–3300 BC); Jade artifacts and silk fabrics from the Liangzhu culture (3400–2000 BC), bronze implements from Yue 越 state, celadon ceramics from the Yue kilns from the Tang period, the Longquan kiln from the Song period and the government-owned kilns of the Southern Song. There are bronze mirrors from Huzhou as well as calligraphies and paintings by local painters from the Ming and Qing periods and other important cultural treasures. [de.Wikipedia: Zhejiang Provincial Museum].

Zhejiang Museum of Natural History

Other museums

  • West Lake Cultural Plaza in the city Center. Tel.: 86 88050941. “West See” cultural center in the City Center. The "Westlake Cultural Plaza" is actually not a museum, but a cultural center with several museums ("Zhejiang Provincial Museum", "Zhejiang Museum of Natural History"), shopping centers and authorities.






  • Wang Hu / Lakeside Hotel, Qingchun Rd. With a great international breakfast buffet.


  • Shanghai. Reachable in an hour by express train.

Web links

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