Hanstholm - Hanstholm

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Hanstholm is a port city on the northwesternmost land point in the region Thy in the North Jutland.


Hanstholm is the most north-westerly place in Jutland, located on the island Vendsyssel-Thy, which forms the northernmost part of Jutland, but is completely separated from mainland Jutland by the Limfjord. The place bears its name after Hanstholmen, the ridge on the coast of which the Skagerrak and the North Sea meet.

A hundred years ago, Hanstholm was just a small fishing village with a few houses safely on top of the hill until the decision to build a port in 1917. However, this construction dragged on for a long time - the port could only be opened in 1967. The years of World War II with the German occupation ruined all plans for a long time.

Instead, the place and the surrounding coastal regions were turned into a fortress as part of the Atlantic Wall, with a comprehensive system of bunkers that were supposed to serve as part of the Atlantic Wall to guard the Skagerrak and to prevent an Allied invasion

Today Hanstholm is one of the larger fishing ports in the country.

getting there

Hanstholm is difficult to get to by public transport.

By plane

The nearest airport is in Aalborg, there are direct connections from Copenhagen and Amsterdam.

By train

For those traveling by train, the nearest train station is 20 km away Thisted. From there there is a bus connection to Hanstholm, which also transports bicycles (depending on space).

In the street

From Flensburg there are three minor ways of driving to Hanstholm:

  • E 45 and street 29 over Aarhus, Randers and Fjerritslev, 348 km
  • E 45 and street 18 over Herring, Holstebro and Hurup, 323 km
  • E 45 and road 18, 34 and 26 via Herring, Skive and Thisted, 316 km.

By boat

Hanstholm no longer has a ferry service, the Iceland ferry, which left Hanstholm for decades, has now been relocated to Hirtshals, as the port there is easier to call even in bad weather.

Pleasure boats find berths in the port of Hirtshals.

By bicycle

Several long-distance cycle routes run through Hanstholm:

  • North Sea Cycle Route (EuroVelo 12).
  • National Cycle Route 1, otherwise largely identical to the North Sea Cycle Route, takes a different route here in the northwest corner of Jutland
  • the national cycle route 2 leads from Hanstholm to Copenhagen once across the country


Hanstholm consists of two parts: the harbor below the ridge, and the place on top of it. In between you have to overcome a lot of altitude.

Parking spaces are usually found where they are needed.

Tourist Attractions

Hanstholm Fyr
  • 1  Hanstholm Fyr. The Hanstholm lighthouse was the first lens lighthouse in Denmark, it was built in 1843 and electrified in 1889. In addition, it is the highest lighthouse in Denmark, 23 m high and located high up on the ridge you can see it with its fire height of 65 m far out in the North Sea. Today the lighthouse is fully automated, the tourist information is located in the former lighthouse keeper's house.Open: open all year round.
View into a gun emplacement
  • 2  Hanstholm Bunker Museum, Molevej 29. Tel.: 45 97 96 17 36, Email: . The facility consists of three gun emplacements, which are connected to a narrow-gauge railway specially designed for the transport of ammunition. The outdoor facilities are freely accessible, while the museum building offers (paid) access to the inside of a gun emplacement in which numerous rooms have been reconstructed. In addition, in these bunkers, as in the adjacent museum building, there is very detailed information about the war years in Denmark, the development and expansion of the Atlantic Wall in Denmark and life in the bunkers. Not only those interested in the military will be drawn here; The museum is also a classic pilgrimage destination for Olsen Gang fans, as the film "The Olsen Gang goes to Jutland" was filmed here and in the surrounding area in 1971. In contrast to the film, the gun emplacements are not connected to the bunkers on the beach. These bunkers can also be entered (bring a good flashlight), they are freely accessible all year round.Open: Exhibition: Feb.-May 10 am-4pm, Jun-Aug 10 am-5pm, Sept-1. Nov. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Nov./Dec. closed.Price: Adults 80 Kr., Ki. 30 kr.
  • Bunker systems. In addition to the bunker museum, there are numerous other bunker systems around Hanstholm, which are freely accessible, partly further inland, such as the bunkers south of the city, but also directly on the waterline or partly flooded by water, such as on the northern beaches of the city.
  • More Olsen Gang filming locations. First and foremost, these would be the bunkers on the beach, which are not in Hanstholm itself, but further east in Vigsø. The road to Vigsø is signposted, in the village itself follow the sign "Stranden". Hamborg is a small town on the road from Hanstholm to Vigsø. If you follow the sign "Stranden" there, you will get exactly on the path that connects the site of the scrap dealer "Mads Madsen" with the bunkers in the film.
  • Hanstholm Game Reserve. Bird paradise to the west of the village.



  • 1 shopping mall Most of the shopping opportunities in Hanstholm are concentrated in the central shopping center in the center of town. Here is a mini-mall, which, in addition to a bakery, butcher and pub, houses a limited range of clothing stores, supermarkets and other shops for everyday needs:
  • 2  Fact supermarket, Bytorvet3. Tel.: 45 43 86 43 86. Open: Daily 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.

There are also supermarkets and shops for fishing and boat supplies in the port area.




  • 2  Hotel Hanstholm, Chr. Hansens Vej 2. Tel.: 45 97 96 10 44. Was also the location (Karin and Rico's quarters).


Practical advice


  • As Cold Hawaii famous beaches of Klitmøller and Nørre Vorupør, which are well known surf spots, are only about 10 and 20 km south of Hanstholm.
  • In Stenbjerg Worth a trip to the historic one Landingsplatswhere the fishing boats used to land.
  • The area of ​​the Thy National Park, which stretches from Hanstholm on the coast down to Agger, offers numerous smaller excursion destinations and hiking trails.


Web links

  • An official website is not known. Please open Wikidata add.
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