Haunetal cycle path - Haunetal-Radweg

The Haunetal cycle path leads from the Haunequelle Dietershausen (Municipality of Künzell at Fulda) above Hünfeld to Bad Hersfeld to the confluence with the Fulda.

Signpost for the Haunetal cycle path
The logo of the Haunetal cycle path

Route profile

  • Length: approx. 56 km (There is no official information about the length of the Haunetal cycle path). The length of the river is 64 km.
The height profile of the Haunetalradweg from the source to Hünfeld
The height profile of the Haunetalradweg from Hünfeld to Bad Hersfeld
  • Signposting: Initially, the path was only marked as the Haunetal cycle path in the Petersberg community, later in the entire Fulda district from the Haunequelle to Rothenkirchen / Sennhütte. On the further way you had to stick to the signposting of the Hessian regional cycle route "Waldhessen R12". In 2020, the signposting in the Hersfeld-Rotenburg district was also greatly improved. It is now marked as the Haunetal cycle path almost as far as Bad Hersfeld and, from Rothenkirchen, also as the R12.
The signposting of the cycle path is now largely good. However, there is some confusion in several places due to the new e-bike route "Haunehöhen-Radweg", which was set up in 2020. For example in Oberhaun, where a sign shows the "Haunehöhen-Radweg" to the left, but there is no sign for the Hauneradweg, which continues straight ahead.
  • Slopes: There are no real inclines between Bad Hersfeld and the Haunestausee near Marbach, only minor climbs up to a maximum of 20 meters in altitude due to the route. Slight ascent between Almendorf and Rex, from Dirlos it goes up continuously. The actual ascent to the source begins in Dietershausen. Mouth in Bad Hersfeld at 200 m above sea level, source below the mountain "Giebelrain" at 475 m above sea level
  • Path condition: Different - back roads, dirt roads with gravel and gravel, forest paths, newly built, asphalt sections as pure bike paths. The maintenance of the individual sections is also very different. (More details in the directions)
  • Traffic load: low - agricultural traffic on some roads, rather little on the back roads. In the area of ​​the Haunestausees there is no motor vehicle traffic (nature reserve), also in the section Burghaun-Rothenkirchen - "Sennhütte".
  • Suitable bike: Estuary to Dirlos: all bikes are suitable except for bikes with very narrow tires (dirt roads). Gear shift required from Dirlos to the source!
  • Family suitability: suitable. Possible restrictions on the side streets
  • Inline suitability: the short and wide section near Rothenkirchen, Hünfeld - Haunesee - Almendorf (some small inclines / slopes) is particularly suitable
"Inline route" at Salzborn near Rothenkirchen, Haunetal cycle path


There is hardly any information on the Internet about the Haunetal cycle path. Even the Hesse cycle route planner only lists this cycle path together with the local route "Waldhessen R12", although a uniform logo can already be found on the signposts for almost the entire route. The signage has recently been greatly improved.


getting there

Public transportation

Good rail connections via Bad Hersfeld, Hünfeld or Fulda.

Signpost to the Hessian long-distance cycle route R1 / 2

By bicycle

The Haunetal cycle path can be reached via several Hessian cycle paths:

In the street

Highway A7 Fulda and Hünfeld and A4 Bad Hersfeld

Route description with sights

Blackboard at the Haunequelle

Haunequelle - Dietershausen: 2.1 km

Nice, paved descent of around 70 m on the side road (note excursion traffic on weekends and tractors!). Restaurant with beer garden in town.

Dietershausen - Dirlos: 4.2 km

At the intersection (L3377) in Dietershausen, pay attention to the signpost in the middle of the street! Turn right and immediately left again (Raiffeisenstraße). A paved path leads down through the fields. Attention: In the summer of 2008 sewer works, partial closure of the path without bypass instructions, passage for cyclists possibly possible! The asphalt ceiling is partially damaged by construction vehicles. After 1.5 dirt road with fine gravel / gravel. 800 m before Dirlos again asphalted route. In Dirlo's restaurant and music bar "Alte Piesel".

Dirlos - Wissels - Rex (field chapel): 4.9 km

Field chapel from 1884 in Rex with a view of the Hochrhön

In Dirlos turn right onto the only moderately traveled country road 3429 to Wissels, crossing under the B458, then left over the Haunebrücke. Don't overlook the sign! Turn right again and follow the signs to Rex. Behind the place again unpaved dirt road. From Rex again asphalt to the field chapel. From here you have a panoramic view of the Hochrhön, Milseburg and Wasserkuppe.

Bike path across the fields to Almendorf

Field chapel Rex - Almendorf: 2.5 km

The following route to Horwieden is a rough gravel road (approx. 500 m). The L3174 has to be crossed, the signs here are poor: especially in Opposite direction If you get lost, the signpost shows the Haunetal cycle path in the direction of Petersberg. At the junction on the gravel path to Rex there is no sign with the logo of the Haunetalradweg. In the direction of Almendorf it goes slightly uphill on the other side of the road, then right onto the cycle path across the fields.

Almendorf - Haunestausee (Marbach): 5.5 km

The Milseburgradweg is crossed, the following section to Steinau is marked with a separate sign for the Haunetal cycle path. Cross the street in front of the old Haunebrücke between Steinau and Steinhaus and take a paved bike path through the Hauneauen to the reservoir. The following section of the renatured Haun landscape is one of the highlights of the route. In the nature reserve you can marvel at rare animals and plants, and there is a bird watching stand on the southern left bank of the lake.

Haunestausee - Hünfeld: 8.5 km

On the left bank of the lake, the asphalt bike path leads past the Zellmühle (rest and overnight accommodation), where the path turns onto the old Bahnhofstrasse, under the railway line and the B27 uphill to Marbach. Following the signs you come to the former through-road of the federal road. After leaving the town, pass a supermarket and bakery branch with a cafe, just before the new B27 turn left onto the cycle path along the federal road: fortunately only about 500m, then the cycle path follows the loop of the old federal road to a biotope below the new line short, strong ascent has to be mastered, followed by descent to Rückers. Along the B27 it goes towards Hünfeld, the Haune now flows a little further away on the other side of the road. Shortly before Hünfeld it goes again over a bridge over the B27, a short journey, Narrow Keep Left (!) and the way follows the expressway exit. The cycle path leads along to the right of the arterial road. Be careful at the gas station exits! Behind it, the route has been changed: In the past, the R12 ran straight through Hünfeld to Gruben and on a side road to Burghaun. But now the arterial road behind the bridge mill is crossed and on a side road you always drive to the left of the railway line past Hünfeld.

Bike path on the Haunestausee

After about a kilometer, a path branches off to the center of Hünfeld. The most prominent citizen of Haunestadt was Konrad Zuse, the inventor of the computer. The Konrad-Zuse-Museum and a memorial statue (in the Bürgerpark) can be visited, as well as the Museum Modern Art. New overnight accommodation in the Konrad-Zuse-Hotel opposite the roundabout at the monastery.

Hünfeld - Rothenkirchen: 7.2 km

If you stay on the cycle path along the Haune, you will pass the train station. After another kilometer, the path turns left. (Right over the level crossing it goes to Kegelspielradweg.) The Haune is crossed on a bridge and on asphalt paths you reach Hünhan, which is directly connected to Burghaun. Here you will also find shopping opportunities along the way. You cross the Haune on a bridge again, the train (train station) and the B27. On the right side of the main road, the cycle path now leads to Rothenkirchen.

Rothenkirchen - Bad Hersfeld: 13.2 miles / 13.2 miles

Haunebrücke near Odensachsen
Bike path in front of Oberhaun

The path now leads very nicely along the river on a wide "inline route", at the Totoenkirche and at Salzborn on the Haune (Natural monument, rest area) past the Sennhütte. Here you leave the district of Fulda, the district of Hersfeld-Rothenburg has been reached. Above the main road with a few small inclines on a forest path towards Haunetal-Neukirchen and Rhina. After 1.8 km the path turns back to the B27, from here asphalt again along the busy road. At the rest area at Rhina cross the main road, then there two options: through the town of Neukirchen (asphalted, right Hauneseite) or via Rhina through the fields (left of the river, not asphalted). The paths meet again on the road to Holzheim. On the K26 via Mauers and Müsenbach it goes to Odensachsen. Here again two possibilities: right through the village (asphalted) or before the bridge straight ahead on the dirt road at the edge of the forest and along the river (nice route, not asphalted). In front of Hermannspiegel, at the small wooden bridge and the passage under the railway line, the two variants meet again. Then you have to cross the railway bridge in a loop. A dirt road follows through the meadow and pasture landscape. On the side road (partly rush hour traffic from Bad Hersfeld) you can reach the A4 motorway via Oberhaun and Hauneck. Even before the ascent to the suburb of Johannesberg, a small signpost shows the way under the motorway to the right (somewhat adventurous passage on a private path open for cyclists). Past the large warehouses of some internet mail order companies, the park on the Fulda is in Bad Hersfeld reached quickly, keep right and go under the B62. The R12 soon turns left, you follow the signposts R1 / 7 through the park and in about 1.5 km you will be at the not very spectacular mouth of the Haun.


Fortunately only a few "nuisance grids" and post barriers. Crossing some streets is problematic, for example: B27 at Haunetal-Rhina, petrol station exit and crossing the arterial road in Hünfeld-Süd.


Several Hessian cycle paths, as described under "Arrival".

References to literature and maps

Web links

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