Hervás - Hervás

Hervás Map

Hervás is a town of the Cáceres province, in Spain. Tourist enclave in the north of Cáceres and capital of Ambroz Valley.

To get

By train

There is no option to reach this town by train.

By bus

  • From Cáceres or Salamanca the company "Alsa" makes several daily trips.
  • From Madrid the company "Cevesa" make at least one round trip daily.

By car

By Ruta de la Plata highway A-66 (ancient N-630) North direction, and exit 436.
By Ruta de la Plata highway A-66 Southbound, and exit 436.
South Option (289 km) - Southwest Highway TO 5 until Navalmoral de la Mata, EX-A1 until Plasencia, to drink Ruta de la Plata highway (A-66) North direction, and exit 436.
North Option (240 km) - Northwest Highway A-6/ AP-61 Y AP-51 until Avila, N-110 'up Piedrahita, to take the A-66 Southbound, and exit 436.

After taking exit 436, take the EX-205 for 4 km, to reach the municipality of Hervás.


It is possible to move fluently through the town on foot, since the old town is pedestrianized.


Jewish quarter

Hervás Jewish Quarter Street

One of the main attractions of the town of Cáceres is a preserved jewish quarter. From XV century, various families of origin Jewish they settle in Hervás. As a result of its permanence in this population, the today known as Jewish Quarter, set of buildings of the time, preserved, in some cases, as they were originally, and that, today, is the area that has given this population the most fame.

Declared a historical-artistic complex, we are facing one of the best preserved Jewish quarters in Spain. Which is included in the Network of Jewish Quarters of Spain.

Religious heritage

Church of San Juan Bautista

Two singular buildings stand out as a whole: the parish church of Santa Maria and of Saint John Baptist, today parish, formerly the convent of the Trinitarians.

Convent of the Trinitarians

The church of San Juan Bautista, to the southeast of the Villa, belongs to the old convent of the Trinitarian Fathers that was founded in 1664. The façade bears a broad similarity to the front of the church of San Nicolás in Valladolid, ancient of the Barefoot Trinitarian Fathers. Special mention should be made of the altarpieces, larger and lateral, of the transept. Are baroque of the century XVIII, of excellent golden color and general quality.

The Church of Santa Maria
Cover of the church of Santa María.

The church of Santa María, or Santa María de la Asunción de Aguas Vivas, is located at the highest point of the town, which was occupied by the old castle or fortress mentioned above, as evidenced by remains of the wall that partly surround the church and the oldest area of ​​the tower. The main portal, to the south, of stonework and classicist traces from the first decade of the 19th century stands out for its artistic interest. XVII century, with many mannerist elements.


Palace of the Dávila

Another interesting building is the Dávila-style palace baroque eighteenth century, which currently houses the museum of the sculptor Enrique Pérez Commander. In its rooms the visitor will find a good part of his sculptural production and the painting of his wife, the French painter. Madeleine Leroux (1902-1984).

Motorcycle and Classic Car Museum
Model exhibited at the Motorcycle and Classic Car Museum

The first museum in all of Europe of these characteristics, it is to admire its unique architecture, as well as its location, and its extensive collection of cars Y motorcycles classical.

Natural heritage


The Pedregoso or Pedrogoso bridge is a beautiful corner highly recommended to visit on the way to the hermitage of Cristo de Salud, in the forest of chestnut trees of San Andrés

La Chorrera

One of the emblematic places is this waterfall, an hour and a half away through a lush chestnut forest and Oak in the direction of Pinajarro peak

La Tejea

On the road to Throat There is this river pool, where you can bathe.

To eat

The town has a wide range of gastronomic options, for all budgets, from sandwiches to gourmet restaurants (Meson Nardi or Almirez Restaurant), as well as traditional grilled meat specialties (Meson el 60 Y The Brave Cow).


It offers a large number of accommodations: both rural houses, apartments, campsites, as well as a three-star hotel, the Hotel Spa Synagogue.

Nearby places

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