Heusenstamm - Heusenstamm

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Heusenstamm is a town in the Offenbach district in Hesse.


The city of Heusenstamm is located in Rhine Main Area South from Offenbach am Main. It consists of the core town of Heusenstamm and the district 1 Rembrücken.

getting there

By plane

The airport Frankfurt is only 20 km away.

By train

The 1 Heusenstamm station is on the route between Offenbach-Bieber and Dietzenbach, trains run on the line S2 the Rhein-Main S-Bahn.

By bus

In the street

  • Heusenstamm is located immediately south of the A3, the Symbol: AS 53 Obertshausen is in the northeast of the city.
  • The A661 with the Symbol: AS 18 Neu-Isenburg is about 8 km west of Heusenstamm.

By boat


Map of Heusenstamm

Tourist Attractions

Gate construction
  • The 1 St. Cecilia from the year 1739 comes from Balthasar Neumann
  • The 2 Heusenstammer Castle consists of the rear castle with the bann tower standing next to it and the larger front castle, in front of it is the castle park. The front castle is used as the town hall, in the building is also the restaurant "Schloss-Schenke"
  • 3 Old Town Hall
  • 4 Gate construction
  • 5 House of City History
  • 6 Chapel of the Holy Cross
  • 7 Hofgut Patershausen (former monastery)
  • 8 Maria Himmelskron Church
  • 9 Gustav Adolf Church


  • 1  Bad Heusenstamm, Jahnstrasse 50. Price: Price for bath adults € 5.50, day ticket for sauna € 12.


  • Weekly market: Tue 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Bahnhofsplat, Sat 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Alte Linde shopping center





Practical advice



Web links

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