Hyūga - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Hyūga — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

​((ja)日 向)
Hyuga Montage.JPG
32 ° 21 ′ 12 ″ N 131 ° 35 ′ 34 ″ E
Official site

Hyūga is a small but prominent port city in the north of the prefecture of Miyazaki, on the island of Kyushu to Japan. It is a small town with a population of barely 60,000 and has a long and varied history.

Hyūga was historically one of the most important ports in Kyūshū, serving as a gateway to it, but shrank with the introduction of trains. Nowadays, Hyūga is mostly famous for its natural beauty, white sand beaches and surfing. It is an excellent excursion for those visiting Miyazaki and other parts of Kyushu.




Hyūga's center is centered around Hyūga-shi station. The total extent of the municipality (336,29 km²) is much larger than the Hyūga District itself as the city is the result of several mergers, the one with Tōgō in 2006 having more than doubled in size. Hyūga City is a small port town located in Miyazaki Prefecture, just south of Nobeoka. The city proper in located in the plain between the mountains of Kyūshū and the Sea of ​​Hyūga. The area along Cape Hyūga with its hexagonal stone columns and its ria (valley invaded by the sea, here sawtooth) is part of the Nippō-Kaigan Quasi-National Park. A little to the south are famous beaches like Ise-ga-hama, Okura-ga-hama and Kane-ga-hama, known for surfing.


Precipitation diagram in mm
Temperature diagram in ° C
Temp. max. annual mean in ° C
Temp. min. annual mean in ° C
Annual precipitation in mm
Legend: Temp. maxi and mini in ° CPrecipitation in mm

Hyūga has a mild but humid subtropical climate without a dry season. It is comparable to southern Europe or the southern coastal areas of the United States. The average daytime summer temperature is around 30 ° C with 80% humidity. In winter, it is around 13 ° C with 60% humidity. The beginning of summer is marked by the rainy season in June and July. Then follows an incredibly hot and humid and sunny summer season but often accompanied by typhoons. Winter is mild with little rain. If you are planning to be in Hyūga during the rainy season, keep an umbrella with you or be prepared to purchase one. If you come in the middle of summer, make sure your accommodation is air conditioned.

visitor Center

  • Hyūga Area Information Center, Tomitaka (日 向 地域 情報 セ ン タ ー ま ち の 駅 と み た か) (just outside Hyūga-shi station)

To go

By plane

  • 1 Airport Miyazaki (崎 空港, miyazaki kūkō, IATA : KMI) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (from the airport, you can drive or take the Nippō main line (h by express train)) – It is the closest airport accommodating domestic flights and some to Asia.
  • 2 Airport Kagoshima (鹿 児 島 空港, kagoshima kūkō) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Offers generally cheaper flights to major Japanese cities and some Asian destinations.

By train

The Nippō Main Line, which runs along eastern Kyūshū, has several stations in Hyūga Municipality. Please note, several stations on this line, not mentioned here, have “Hyūga” in their name but are not located in the town. “Hyūga” station is located east of Tokyo.

  • 3 Hyūgashi Station (日 向 市 駅, hyūgashi-eki) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – It is the main train station in the city. The stationOita it is located at h 20 (4 500 JPY) and the one at Kagoshima-chūō To(h (6 700 JPY).
  • 4 Zaikōji Station (財 光寺 駅, zaikōji-eki) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 5 Minami-Hyūga Station (南 日 向 駅, minami-hyūga-eki) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 6 Mimitsu Station (美 美 美 駅, mimitsu-eki) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element

Inside Miyazaki Prefecture, train rides are cheaper but take longer. From Miyazaki town, a local train costs 1 290 JPY (h 15) and an express train 2 110 JPY (45 min).

By bus

  • Hakko Liner (高速 バ ス ハ ッ コ ー ラ イ ナ ー) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – It is a bus service serving Hyūga, northern Miyazaki and Fukuoka. A round trip from Fukuoka will cost only 7 000 JPY, but since this line is mainly used by people going from Kiyazaki to Fukuoka, buses leaving from Hakata Station (Fukuoka) only leave in the evening (those going from Hyūga to Fukuoka leave early in the morning). The official site is in Japanese but has a usable but clunky Google Translate translation.

While bus services going directly to Hyūga are limited, the city of Miyazaki has several lines connecting it to any part of Kyūshū. You can therefore take one of these coaches and then change to a local or express train.

By car

If you can drive in Japan, the car will be much more convenient.

  • 7 National road 10 (国 道 10 号, kokudō jū-gō) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element – It connects all the major cities in eastern Kyushu. The traffic is slow there and does not really offer a view. It takes h from Miyazaki town.
  • East Kyushu Highway (Higashikyushu Expressway, 東 九州 自動 車道, higashi-kyūshū jidōshadō) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element – It is a toll motorway but it is much faster than route 10: only h from Miyazaki and around h from the town of Oita. Count a little more than 2 000 JPY for both.


The Hyūga Tomitaka Area Information Center, just outside Hyūga-shi Station, and the information kiosk at the cruise ship terminal (if there are boats) have many leaflets in several languages. and usually someone speaking English. They can help you find your way.

By bus

Access to tourist sites in Hyūga is limited with buses and public transportation, usually one bus every hour. It is surely better to avoid them unless you have confidence in the sequence of your visits and the use of buses in Japan.

By car

You can rent a car near the station. The Hyūga Town Tourism Association, near the tourist office, can help you find the nearest rental company. Hyūga's walking map lists two.

By taxi

Taxi is the fastest and most convenient if you can't drive, but like elsewhere in Japan it gets expensive quickly so be careful.

Hyūga City operates a tourist taxi service that can take you to tourist destinations for 2/3 the cost of a standard taxi. They are available through the Hyūga City Tourism Association at the information center near the station.

When you book such taxis, you will be asked which route you want. Among those recommended:

  • h path (2 200 JPY): Hyuga-shi station, Umagase, Kurusu no Umi, Hyuga-shi station;
  • h path (4 400 JPY): Cape Hyūga, Hyuga-shi Station, Umi no Eki Hososhima, Umagase, Kurusu no Umi, Ōmi Shrine, Hyuga-shi Station;
  • h path (6 600 JPY): Hyuga-shi Station, Ōmi Shrine, Kurusu no Umi, Umagase, Mimitsu or Tōgō (Bokusui House and Bokusui Wakayama Memorial Museum of Literature), Hyuga-shi Station.

To see

Hyūga is mostly famous for its coastal areas and historic district, but other things to see besides the beaches. Since the municipality is the result of several municipal mergers, Hyūga is quite large and has three main districts: central Hyūga, Tōgō (in the mountains) and Mimitsu (in the south).

Hyūga Center

Kanegahama's page
Omi shrine
The Cross of the Sea
Hososhima Landscape
  • 1 Mihokogaura (御 鉾 ヶ 浦 海水 浴場) (just after Hososhima) – A beautiful bay that leads to the commercial port of Hososhima. This tiny beach is the only one in Hyūga that isn't constantly hit by the waves, making it the best place to swim. Just across the road is a hillside park with great bay views and barbecue facilities.
  • 2 Isegahama (伊 勢 ヶ 浜 海水 浴場)  – Isegahama has been selected by the Ministry of the Environment as one of the top 100 swimming beaches in Japan. However, it faces the ocean and experiences both waves and rip currents. A lifeguard is posted there during the summer.
  • 3 Nippō Quasi-National Park (日 豊 海岸 国 定 公園 nippō-kaiganshiki kokuteikōen) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – It is characterized by its ria coast (jagged) interspersed with occasional sandy beaches.
    • 4 Cape Hyūga, Umagase (馬 ヶ 背, umagase) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Cape Hyūga (日 向 岬) a perfect example of this spectacular coast. This point is the entrance to the path leading to Umagase ("horseback"). It is the best place from which to see the coast and the beauty of the park. This path is paved and easy to walk until you reach the end; from there it will be a rocky and rugged path with a guardrail.
  • 5 Mount Komenoyama Viewpoint (米 ノ 山 展望 台, komenoyama tenbōdai)  – There is a great view of Hyūga and the surrounding area from the parking lot. Then, for a view of Cape Hyūga, follow the path to the two concrete buildings and climb to the top. The building is no longer young, but the view it offers is fantastic.
  • 6 Ōmi shrine (大 御 神社) Logo indicating a link to the website 1 Hichiya (right next to Isegahama, easily accessible on foot) – A small but spectacular sanctuary perched on rocks by the ocean. Its design is very similar to the Great Sanctuary ofIse, which earned him the nickname "Ise of Miyazaki". This shrine is most notable for the “saza-ishi” (a huge boulder made of stone that has naturally fused together), a “dragon egg” (a huge round stone) and a smaller shrine nearby. The locals say that if you stand in the right place and look through the slit in the entrance to the cave you will see a dragon. The stairs down to the cave are really steep, heels and skirts are not recommended.
  • 7 Kurusu no Umi (ク ル ス の 海, the "sea of ​​the cross") Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element – It is a place where the ocean has eroded the rock perpendicularly, naturally forming a cross. The rock separated in a way that looked like the character "叶" ("come true"). Locals say that wishes granted here come true, which is why some signs indicate it as "Sea-Cross - have ones wish granted" (cross of the sea, see your wish fulfilled). It is especially popular for dates and therefore you might be surrounded by couples.
  • 8 Hososhima Harbor Museum (細 島 み な と 資料 館 旧 高 鍋 屋) 803-1 Hososhima Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : h - 16 h 30, closed at new year. Logo indicating tariffs 210 JPY. – Originally the residence of feudal lord Takanabe, this building was transformed into a traditional hotel until 1982 and therefore has a rich history. The old lady doing the tours is friendly, spirited and very knowledgeable, but does not speak English. The tour is very interesting and tells you a lot about the history of the area, but you won't get much out of it if you don't speak Japanese.


Sea cross
  • 9 Bokusui Park (牧 水 公園) Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  81 982 69-7720 – This park is well-equipped, good for camping, hiking, barbecuing, and trying out local crafts, but it's remote and can be a pain to get to. An entire hill is covered with flowers during spring and summer.
  • 10 Bokusui Wakayama Memorial Museum of Literature (若 山 牧 水 記念 文学 館) Logo indicating a link to the website 271 Togocho Tsuboya, Logo indicating a telephone number  81 982 68-9511 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : h - 17 h, closed on public holidays. Logo indicating tariffs adults 300 JPY, children 100 JPY. – A museum dedicated to Bokusui Wakayama, a famous poet of tanka (type of Japanese poetry) who was active in the early XXe century.


Mimitsu Historic District
  • 11 Mimitsu Historic District (美 統 的 建造 物 群 保存 地区 mimitsu dentōteki kenzūbutsugun hozonchiku) Logo indicating a link to the website – Mimitsu was an important trading port until the mid-Meiji period. Many of these buildings from the Edo and Meiji eras still stand and have been restored. The district has been named by the Japanese government "important preserved area for its groups of traditional buildings". The traditional atmosphere and cute shops will make this a wonderful detour.
  • 12 Hyūga History and Folklore Museum (日 向 市 歴 史 民俗 資料 館) 3244 Mimitsumachi (halfway on the paved road to Mimitsu) Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : h - 16 h, closed on public holidays. Logo indicating tariffs adults 210 JPY, children 100 JPY. – This museum was the home of a wealthy merchant during the Edo period. It successfully shows life around this time, but has little explanation in English.


  • 1 Tobishima Maru (飛 島 丸) Logo indicating a link to the website 5491-2 Hichiya, Logo indicating a telephone number  81 982-52-4825, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables departure of the walks: during the week Mon.- Fri. : 12 h; sat.11 h and 13 h; Sun. and holidays 10 h 30, 12 h and h 30. Logo indicating tariffs adult: 2 000 JPY ; child: 1 000 JPY. – Tobishima Maru offers walks near the Hyūga Coast. They typically last 30 min aboard a converted fishing boat. The route passes along the cliffs of the Nippō Kaigan Quasi-National Park. Please note, participants must be at least 3 and there is a small reduction for groups of more than 10.


Hyottoko Summer Festival
  • Hyottoko Summer Festival (ひ ょ っ と こ 夏 祭 り) (just outside Hyūga-shi station) Logo indicating timetables the 1e Friday and Saturday in August. – It is the largest festival in Hyūga with over 2,000 dancers wearing happi (traditional coat) bright red and masks. There are three main characters associated with this dance: Hyottoko (the idiot), Okame (the pretty woman) and Kitsune (the mischievous fox). It's an interesting festival with fun dancing (yes those thrills are part of the dance), but hotels are usually full for this weekend so plan ahead.
  • Hyūga Jyūgoya Festival (日 向 十五 夜 祭) (in front of Hyūga-shi station) Logo indicating timetables September or October, depending on the harvest moon (full moon closest to the autumn equinox). – This festival revolves around teams performing folk dances through the streets lined with the usual festival food stalls. It's a great festival, but much smaller than the Hyottoko festival.
  • Hososhima Port Festival (細 島 港 祭 り) (to Seaside Station) Logo indicating timetables 3e Friday, Saturday and Sunday in July.. – It's a small local festival but very dynamic. It celebrates the unification of the rival districts (merchants and sinners). The main attraction of this festival is on Sundays when the two two-ton floats carried collide with each other.

To buy


  • 1 Aeon Town Hyuga (イ オ ン タ ウ ン 日 向) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element 61-1 Oaza Hichiya Furuta-chō, Logo indicating a telephone number  81 982 55-8200 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 21 h. – Aeon is a Japanese generic chain of shopping centers. You can find a bit of everything for a decent price. The ground floor offers various goods and a supermarket. The top floor is dedicated to clothing.
  • 2 Trial (ト ラ イ ア ル, toraiaru) Logo indicating a link to the website 10754-11 Miyakomachi (just outside Hyūga-shi station), Logo indicating a telephone number  81 982 50-1377 Logo indicating timetables 24/7 (floors 2 and 3: h - h). – A low cost shopping center.
  • 3 Machi no Eki Tomitaka (ま ち の 駅 「と み た か」) 1-19 Uemachi (under the tracks just outside the station in the “Hyūga Regional Information Center”) Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h 30 - 18 h 30, closed at new year. – A gift and local produce store, and a small cafe.
  • 4 Frank (ア フ ラ ン シ ー ル) Logo indicating a link to the website 1 Chome-116 Kamezakihigashi, Logo indicating a telephone number  81 982-53-3859 Logo indicating timetables 11 h - 20 h. – One of Hyūga's most upscale and trendy stores, targeting young customers. They sell a bit of everything: food, clothing, household items, and natural care products. More expensive than many stores in Hyūga, but still reasonable.


  • 5 Tōgō rest area (道 の 駅 東 郷, michi no eki tōgō) Logo indicating a link to the website 244-1 Togocho Yamageshin (along Route 327 towards Bokusui Park), Logo indicating a telephone number  81 982-68-3072 Logo indicating timetables h - 18 h, closed on 1er and 3e Thursday of each month and at the new year. – It is both an information center of the Tōgō area, a souvenir shop and a farmers' market. Almost everything sold there is produced locally.


  • 6 Hyūga rest area (道 の 駅 日 向, michi no eki hyūga) Logo indicating a link to the website (On Route 10 between central Hyuga and Mimitsu), Logo indicating a telephone number  81 982-56-3809 Logo indicating timetables h - 18 h, closed at new year. – At the same time rest area, souvenir shop and store of local products. A good place to find these.



Hyūga has significant agriculture and is full of fresh specialties. Some are available through Miyazaki.

  • Hyūga natsu (日 向 夏) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – A yellow citrus. The white part of the skin is sweet, so locals often cut off its outer part and eat the rest.
  • Hebesu (Where Hebezu, へ べ す) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – A small green citrus fruit often eaten with other foods or in juice.
  • Jidori  – Charcoal grilled chicken.
  • Chicken Nanban (チ キ ン 南蛮) Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Fried chicken with tartar sauce.
  • Chicken sashimi  – Miyazaki is one of the only places in the world where you can eat raw chicken knowing you won't get sick. Strangely, it doesn't taste like chicken.
  • Sushi  – The port of Hososhima is a commercial fishing port, so the fish there is very fresh.

Have a drink / Go out

There is no shortage of places to drink in the city of Hyūga. We find there:

  • bars - many of those in Hyūga have karaoke and darts; many have an English name and display as a bar;
  • snack clubs (ス ナ ッ ク, halfway between a hostess club and a bar). They have “ス ナ ッ ク” on their sign and are still in buildings with other snack clubs;
  • izakaya - Japanese bistros, recognizable by their more traditional appearance.



The city is gradually installing wi-fi connection points for tourists. They can be found at Town Hall, Tōgō Rest Area, Seaside Station Hososhima, and in front of Ōmi Shrine. To access wi-fi, you need to enter the password (0982522111), your e-mail and your own password. The procedure does not require prior internet access, but you can only use wi-fi for one hour up to 4 times a day.

Manage the day-to-day


  • 1 Saito (西 都)  – Where are more than 300 kofun (tumulus) built over 1500 years ago.
  • 2 Takachiho (高 千 穂)  – An incredible gorge and sacred Shinto sites.
  • 3 Miyazaki (宮 崎) (To 75 km south along the coast, to 50 min by express train) – The largest city in Miyazaki Prefecture.
  • 4 Oita (大分) (To 125 km to the north in Oita prefecture, to h 20 by train) – Shopping, onsen and connection to other major attractions.
Routes via Hyūga
OitaNobeokaNOT JR Nippo icon.png S MiyazakiKagoshima
OitaNobeokaNOT Higashikyushu Expwy Route Sign.svg S SaitoMiyazaki
Logo representing 1 star half gold and gray and 2 gray stars
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Complete list of other articles from the region: Miyazaki (prefecture)