Höllental (Black Forest) - Höllental (Schwarzwald)

Hell Valley
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The Hell Valley is one of the most distinctive valleys in the southern Black Forest. At a point called "Hirschsprung" the valley becomes narrow like a gorge - there the neighboring rocky mountain slopes come so close that, according to legend, a stag was able to escape from one side to the other while fleeing from its hunter.


Since the lowest pass in the Southern Black Forest of Donaueschingen above Titisee and the Hell Valley to Freiburg , important transport connections have led through the Höllental for centuries.

Today the valley is largely a very heavily loaded traffic axis with corresponding traffic noise.


The mostly narrow Höllental is divided into three parts. In the upper area, two steep gorges lead from the plain around Hinterzarten down into the valley. In the middle area the valley is somewhat wider, there are mixed deciduous forests on the slopes and meadows in the valley to the right and left of the road. The breakthrough to the lower part is the particularly narrow place "Hirschsprung", below which the valley widens again until it ends at "Himmelreich" in the Dreisamtal or becomes this.


Hell valley with Ravenna bridge around 1900

Shortly after the city of Freiburg was founded, a brisk salt and ore trade with Swabians developed around 1100 (in the area around Freiburg am Berg Schauinsland Silver ore was mined), which led to the expansion of the paths in the Höllental. The journey through the Höllental used to be not only arduous, but also dangerous, as highwaymen could lurk behind the bends or stones fell from the slopes. Anyone who had successfully made the journey through the valley on the way west felt as if they were in the "Kingdom of Heaven" when they saw the vast Dreisamtal at its end. Even today, the train station of the same name is a reminder of the relief that travelers felt centuries ago.

Today the federal road B31 runs for the most part in four lanes through the Höllental. The old trade routes are often still accessible as hiking trails, but some are closed for safety reasons. The rails of the Freiburg - Neustadt (or Freiburg - Schluchsee) regional train gradually climb a height difference of around 500 m on the northern slope of the Höllental.

getting there

Map of Höllental (Black Forest)

By train

The Höllental is on the route by the RB 17217 Freiburg in Breisgau - Titisee-Neustadt crossed. However, there are no stopping points on the piece that is most worth seeing. Below the Hirschsprung is the next one in Heaven, above in Hinterzarten.

By car

By bus

By plane

Tourist Attractions

The deer jump

At the narrowest point of the lower valley ("Hirschsprung") the railway runs in a tunnel, the main road and stream take up the entire space at the bottom of the valley, which is bordered on the left and right by almost vertical rock walls. Even the hiking trail (former trading path) was partly driven into the rock as a tunnel.

On the right north side, seen downstream, a rocky outcrop protrudes almost as far as the other slope into the valley. There a golden deer statue reminds of the legend according to which a capital stag was able to escape from its hunter with a mighty leap from one side to the other. However, this story is biologically untenable, as the distance is still too great for a deer to jump over it.

The spectacularly scenic section in the valley floor below the Hirschsprung is unfortunately closed for hikes today (for safety reasons due to the risk of falling rocks). The route runs very close to the noisy road anyway. So you don't miss out too much.

  • 1 Falkenstein castle ruins viewpoint With a view towards Hirschsprung: This vantage point (see picture above) is located on the northern slope of the valley and is accessible on foot.

Upper Hell Valley

Mill in the Ravennaschlucht

The upper part is especially recommended for hikes Hinterzarten, since there with the 1 Ravenna Gorge and the Rotbachtal two distinctive gorges are located. The famous Gasthaus Sternen is located at the foot of both.

on the B31: 1 Parking lot in Höllental

Other well-known hiking trails offer good views of the valley on both sides from the ridge above the Höllental.

The valley views on the north side of the valley are particularly beautiful, and can be enjoyed together on a circular hike Breitnau can visit:

  • 2 Lookout point in the Kaiserwacht area and 3 Lookout point in the Kaiserwacht area
  • 4 Lookout point at the Posthaldefelsen and 5 Lookout point at the Posthaldefelsen
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