Iași - Iași

Palace of Culture revived in 2019
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Iași - Coat of arms
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Iaşi is the capital of the historic region Moldova, in the east of Romania.

To know

Ancient capital of the principality of Moldova, Iaşi is now the second largest city in the Romania by number of inhabitants. It is also the most important cultural center of the country being home to five universities, of which the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University is the oldest in Romania.

Geographical notes

Iași is located in the northeastern part of country, 20 km from the border with Moldova. The city is bathed by the Bahlui River, a tributary of Jijia, which in turn flows into the Prut River, the largest in Moldova.

When to go

The climate has a pronounced continental character, influenced by the air masses of oriental origin.

In summer the dry climate prevails with high temperatures while in winter winds frequently blow from the north and north-east which have the effect of further lowering the temperatures, bringing snowstorms. Spring and autumn are dry seasons while summer is rainy season.


Archaeological research has unearthed Roman amphorae in the center and on the Copou hill. Coins from the Roman imperial era were found in the area of ​​the hill of Cetățuia while in the outskirts tombs from the Sarmatian era, Dacian vases and Scythian ornaments were discovered.

From the 7th to the 10th centuries, rectangular houses with horseshoe-shaped ovens were discovered, as well as numerous instruments, skins and various ornaments.

These archaeological findings prove that Iași developed as a village in the early Middle Ages where in the eighth century a fair was held which was also maintained during the successive occupations of Pecenigos, Alans and Tatars.

Iaşi was first mentioned in a commercial privilege granted to Lviv merchants in 1408 The copy of the original parchment is kept in the Academy Library (No. 5231). The document shows the royal seal of Voivode Io Alexandru.

The rulers of Moldova, foreshadowing the attacks that could intervene on the capital (Suceava at that time, by Polish is Hungarians, created Iași military outposts, Cotnari and other places where the princes of Moldavia also transferred their courts.

In 1564 the ruler Alexandru Lăpușneanu permanently moved the capital of Moldova from Suceava to Iaşi. The new status brought about an accelerated development, attracting artisans and traders, many of them foreigners. Thus, a Catholic missionary, Remond takes a census of Armenians, Hungarians, Poles but also French and Venetians in Iași. A period of intense flowering of economic, commercial and cultural life is recorded in the century. XVII, during the reign of Vasile Lupu. In 1640, Vasile Lupu established the first Romanian school here and a printing house in the church of the Three Hierarchs. In 1643 the first printed book in Moldova appeared in Iasi.

The city was burned several times, by the Tartars in 1513, by the Ottomans in 1538, by the Cossacks in 1650 and by the Poles in 1686. One of the most dramatic moments for the city was the destruction of 1650, when the Cossacks and Tatars attacked Moldova. responding to Vasile Lupu's refusal to marry his daughter to Timus Hmelnitsky. Miron Costin tells us that the whole city was set on fire and abandoned.

The city suffers another great fire, caused by the Poles in 1686. People hid inside the monasteries, the only fortified places in the city but they were captured and sold as slaves.

In 1734 the city was hit by a plague epidemic.

In 1822 the Turks stormed the city in order to suppress the invasion led by Alessandro Ipsilanti.

How to orient yourself

Piaţa Unirii constitutes the center of Iaşi. The square is surrounded by hotels, among which the Trajan hotel stands out in an 1882 building designed by Gustave Eiffel. In the center of the square stands the equestrian statue of Alexandru Ioan Cuza.

How to get

By plane

By car

From Bucharest take the E85- E581 road which passes through Urziceni, Buzau, Tecuci and Vaslui, and reaches Iasi after 410 km.

On the train

  • 2 Iași Station. The railway line connects Bucharest to Iasi in about 5 hours. Iași railway station (Q5983536) on Wikidata

How to get around

What see

Civil architectures

  • 2 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. it is the oldest university in Romania, commissioned in 1860 by Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University on Wikipedia Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (Q1523902) on Wikidata
  • Muzeul Unirii the Union Museum houses a collection of objects of Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza who lived in this palace.

Religious architectures

  • 3 Monastery of the three hierarchs (Mănăstirea Sfinții Trei Ierarhi). This basilica from the first half of the 17th century is dedicated to San Basilio di Cesare, San Giovanni Crisostomo and San Gregorio Taumaturgo. Inside are the tombs of the princes Vasile Lupu, Dimitrie Cantemir and Alexandru Ioan Cuza. Church of the Three Hierarchs on Wikipedia church of the three hierarchs (Q668463) on Wikidata
  • 4 Catedrala Mitropetere Sfanta Paraschiva. Neoclassical style church that houses the relics of Saint Parascheva, the patroness of Moldavia. It is the largest Orthodox church in Romania. Every year on October 14, numerous Romanian pilgrims reach Iasi for the relics of Saint Parascheva. Metropolitan Cathedral (Q8273856) on Wikidata
  • 5 Biserica Sfântul Nicolae Domnesc din Iași. basilica of the end of the fifteenth century where the coronations of princes took place between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. This is the oldest church in Iasi. Princely Church of Saint Nicholas (Q12721969) on Wikidata
  • 6 Great Synagogue (Mare synagogue). Founded in 1670, it is the oldest Jewish temple in Romania (and the second in Europe). Iași Great Synagogue on Wikipedia Iași Great Synagogue (Q2778323) on Wikidata
  • 7 Manastirea Goliath. monastery founded in 1564 by Ioan Golia, from which it takes its name. Golia Monastery (Q5580705) on Wikidata

Parks and gardens

  • Gradina Copou. on this hill is the public garden which houses the main botanical garden of Romania.

Events and parties

  • Zilele Orasului Iasi (Days of Iaşi). Festival which takes place in October.

What to do


Palas Mall
  • 2 Iulius Mall, Bulevardul Tudor Vladimirescu. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 10: 00-22: 00. At the time of its completion in April 2000, Iulius Mall was the second largest shopping center in the Romania. The center boasts 210 shops, a five-screen 20 fast food cinema complex and as many restaurants. There is also a Carrefour supermarket. Iulius Mall Iași (Q2756239) on Wikidata

How to have fun


Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 2 Oscar, Lascăr Catargi road nr. 12-16, 40 745 245 251. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 10: 30-23: 00.

Average prices

  • Phoenix Palas, Strada Palas 3F.

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

The offices of the mail central are located in Str. Cuza Voda 3 and are open from Monday to Friday from 8 to 19 and Saturday from 8 to 13.


  • 3 Cotnari (65 km west of Iași About an hour by car. Also reachable by train.) Grasa de Cotnari, a passito wine.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Iași
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Iași
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