Moldova (Romania) - Moldavia (Romania)

Moldova (Romania)
The red lake
Moldova (Romania) - Location

Moldova (Moldova) is a region of the Romania.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Bicaz - The interest of this small town with less than 10 000 inhabitants and in itself not very attractive, lies in its position at the foot of the Ceahlău massif, part of the Eastern Carpathians. For the Dacians the mountain had a sacred character and it is still referred to as the Olympus of Romania. The massif is included in the homonymous national park where it is possible to go hiking thanks to numerous well-marked paths. Also near Bicaz there is an artificial lake created following the damming of the Bistrița river.
  • 2 Botoşani - District capital.
  • 3 Cotnari - Ancient village inhabited since the 5th century BC, Cotnari is at the center of extensive vineyards from which a white wine with a sweet flavor is obtained, the grasă de Cotnari, exported to various countries of the world including Japan.
  • 4 Galați - Port on the Danube from where it is possible to embark for Tulcea and the Danube Delta.
  • 5 Iași - Second city of the country Iași preserves a rich artistic heritage and is also very lively thanks to the presence of university students.
  • 6 Piatra Neamţ - County capital, Piatra Neamţ is considered to be one of the most picturesque cities in Romania. In fact, Piatra Neamţ lies in a valley of the Bistriţa river surrounded by green mountains such as Cozla (679 m) and Cernegura (852 m).
  • 7 Târgu Neamţ - The interest of this center of 30,000 inhabitants lies in its fortress (Cetatea Neamţului) of the fourteenth century built by the Voivoda Petru I and in the small monasteries of the surroundings such as those of Secu, Agapia, Văratec.

Other destinations

How to get

By plane


How to get around

What see


Neamț County

Neamt County is located at the foot of the Eastern Carpathians and is renowned for its many monasteries, considered to be small jewels of medieval Moldavian architecture. Nevertheless, the territory is still a classic destination off the beaten path. Those who love nature can take interesting excursions to the Ceahlău massif and to the two parks in the area listed below.

From Iași to the center of Bicaz 180 km pass in less than 3 hours. Below is a list of the places encountered along the route:

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Moldova (Romania)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Moldova (Romania)
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