Inca - Inca

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Inca is a place on the Spanish island Mallorca and known there as the center of the shoe and leather craft.


getting there

By plane

The nearest airport is in Palma de Mallorca.

By train

Inca is a central station in the network of Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca. Trains run to and from Palma, Manacor and Sa Pobla. The east coast can also be reached via the route to Manacor.

By bus

Since there is the railway line from Palma to Inca, direct bus lines from Palma via Inca to the east or north of the island may not be used between Inca and Palma. However, there are connections to the region, for example to Alcúdia and Pollença. On market days (Thursdays) there are also some direct buses between the east coast (Cala Millor) to Inca, otherwise you have to go Manacor the train can be used.

In the street

Inca is with Palma de Mallorca over the autobahn MA-13 connected. It leads past the city in the southeast. The MA-13a which then continues after Alcúdia leads when the motorway ends shortly after Inca. To the southwest the MA-3240 to Sineu. You can go north via the MA-2130 above Selva to Lluc drive. This is where you meet them MA-10. Here you come after Pollença or He shall.

By boat

The nearest port with ferry connections is in Palma de Mallorca.


Map of Inca

Even if Inca is quite a big city by Mallorcan standards, you can actually do pretty much anything on foot. The best thing to do is to park the car centrally and explore the city on the shoemaker's pony. If you come by train or bus, you can do the same.

But it is also worth driving around a little in the area of ​​Inca. But then you definitely need a car. But this is the only way to see the beautiful fincas that have arisen around the city. The streets to the fincas are sometimes very narrow, reminiscent of agricultural roads in Germany. But you shouldn't be afraid to use it and stop once when you've discovered something beautiful. In Inca itself you can move around quite normally with the car, the great chaos does not rule here.

Tourist Attractions

Santa Maria la Major d'Inca
the church tower is square
  • Parish Church of Santa Maria la Major d'Inca
  • Convent de Sant Domingo. Dominican monastery.
  • Church of Sant Francesc
  • Wax museum Museo de sera


The center of Inca is a very old Mallorcan town that has not yet been so touched and changed by tourism. Cobblestones in narrow streets with several churches.


Inca is known for its leather goods. Shoes, bags and leather clothing have an international reputation. If you are interested in these products, you can always get a nice bargain here, which are of high quality. Even so, most of the prices no longer differ from those in stores in the capital or on the mainland.

There is a weekly market on Thursday. The whole old town is full of stalls that are now heavily geared towards tourism. You can get everything you would expect from such a market here (T-shirts, perfume, electronic goods, souvenirs, etc.). The well-known leather goods also play an important role. It is very crowded, you should take care of your things. But it's also very interesting.

The stalls in the market building on Carrer Miquel Durán, on the other hand, sell more local products and are open on weekday mornings.

Anyone who has rented a holiday apartment nearby can easily provide for their food supply in Inca. In the outskirts there are large supermarkets, the chains that are also known in Germany. You have a slightly different offer than in Germany, but that's how it should be. You can definitely shop cheaply here.


Inca is known for its "Cellares". The Cellares are former wine cellars that have been converted into small bars. Here you can eat nicely and be impressed by the special flair of these restaurants. This should not be missed. Here you can also buy fine wines from the protected area of ​​origin Binissalem try.



You can rent very, very beautiful fincas around Inca. They are not as expensive as one might think, the price is bearable. If you are looking for something, you can get a beautiful finca on the outskirts of Inca, which offers a lot for little money. In addition, it is not very far to the sea, but you don't have the stress of the hotel. A rental car is of course mandatory here.



Practical advice


If you have chosen Inca as your holiday domicile, you can reach almost all places on the island in just over an hour from there.


Web links

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