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An Orthodox church in Irkutsk.
An Orthodox church in Irkutsk.
Postal code
Telephone prefix
52 ° 17 ′ 22 ″ N 104 ° 16 ′ 50 ″ E
Official site

Irkutsk is a city of Russia. It is one of the main access points to Lake Baikal (located about fifty kilometers from the city).



In 1652, Yakov Pokhabov established a counter for the fur trade with the Buryats. The Cossacks settled there and Irkutsk acquired the status of city in 1686. The city flourished thanks to the export of gold, mammoth ivory and sable to China. In the nineteenthe century, fortunes were built quickly thanks to gold mines which attracted pioneers. In this Far East, which is not yet connected to the rest of the country by the Trans-Siberian, crime and violence are the daily lot of the inhabitants. Taverns and cabarets attract miners and merchants.The Tsarist power sends prisoners and political opponents to the region to exploit the iron deposits: artists, officers and aristocrats, known as Decabrists or Decembrists, find themselves exiled in Irkutsk and wanted to make it a major cultural center. Houses belonging to these Decembrists can still be visited today. A fire from 4 to reduced to ashes most of the city, which then numbered nearly 33,000 people. The governor then obliges the inhabitants to rebuild their stone houses. During the civil war that followed the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Irkutsk region was the scene of bloody operations between the Whites and the Reds.

Precipitation diagram in mm
Temperature diagram in ° C
Temp. max. annual mean in ° C
Temp. min. annual mean in ° C
Annual precipitation in mm
Legend: Temp. maxi and mini in ° CPrecipitation in mm
Source: source: Irkutsk weather


Irkutsk lies at the foot of the eastern Saïan massif, at the confluence of the Irkout and Angara rivers. It is located at 66 km west of Lake Baikal. The Angara, which has a width of 580 meters at this point, is crossed by a suspension bridge. The Irkut River, from which the city takes its name, is a small stream, which flows into the river just in front of the city.Irkutsk is in a region of hills covered with taiga, typical landscape of Eastern Siberia , which contrasts with the open and flat steppe that characterizes Western Siberia.According to the forecast plan of Irkutsk, the city is to merge with the satellite industrial cities Chelekhov and Angarsk to form an agglomeration of more than one million inhabitants .

To go

By plane

  • 1 Irkutsk International Airport (IATA : IKT, ICAO: UIII, Международный аэропорт Иркутск) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (south-eastern exit of Irkutsk, 60 km from Lake Baikal) – connects this city to Moscow, Saint PETERSBOURG and other Russian cities as well as Chinese, South Korean and other Asian cities.

From the airport, most taxi drivers do not speak English. Buses, trams and minibuses run frequently between the airport and the city center (Kirov Square and other central locations) as the airport is located close to the city. During peak hours, however, the journey may take around 30 min by bus and costs between 10 and 20 RUB.

By train

Most travelers arrive in Irkutsk by the Trans-Siberian. The city is halfway between Moscow and the two eastern terminals, Vladivostok and to Beijing, which makes it a good place to take a break from the trip, if only to stretch your legs and buy groceries. The Baikal-Love, connecting towns further north is also nearby.

In addition to Moscow there are also direct cars from most cities in Russia, Minsk (94 h) and Saint PETERSBOURG (86 h) in the train Baikal. In addition, a service since Warsaw (113 h) was introduced recently.

  • 2 Irkutsk station


The city is rather compact which makes it possible to get around on foot without any problem. The system tram works well and allows, among other things, to reach the city center (around rue Lenine) from the station. The latter being located at the terminus of the tram line, any tram will take you to the other side, to the city center.


The Church of Our Lady of Kazan

Religious buildings

  • 1 Epiphany Cathedral (Собор Богоявления) Logo indicating a link to the website ulitsa Nizhnyaya Naberezhnaya, 2 – Cathedral in Siberian and Russian Baroque architectural style. First mentioned in 1693, founded in 1718 and built between 1718 and 1746.
  • 2 Church of Our Lady of Kazan (Казанская церковь (Богородице-Иркутская церковь во имя Казанской иконы Божией Матери) Ul. Barricad (улица Баррикад) – Neobyzantine architectural style. First mentioned in 1885, founded in 1885 and built between 1885 and 1892.
  • 3 Znamensky monastery (Знаменский монастырь) Ul. Angarskaya, 14 (near the monument in honor of Alexander Kolchak.) – Three-century-old monastery where Alaskan explorer Grigory Shelekhov is buried. It is one of the oldest monasteries in Siberia. Founded in 1689 and restored in 1994.
  • 4 Knyaz-Vladimirsky Monastery (Князе-Владимирский монастырь) Ul. Kashtanovskaya, 52 – Built in 1888 in honor of Prince Vladimir. This monastery is still active today.
  • 5 Irkutsk Mosque (Иркутская Соборная мечеть (İrkutsk şəhəre camiğ məçete, Иркутск шәһәре җамигъ мәчете) Ul. Karl Liebknechta, (ул. К.Либкнехта), 86 – Built in 1901-1902. From the Hanafi maskhab school. Baikal Muftiat.
  • 6 Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Церковь Успения Девы Марии Римско-католический костёл, польск. Kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Irkucku) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Ul. Sukh-Batora, (ул. Сухэ-Батора), 1 – Neo-Gothic architectural style. Founded in 1881.
  • 7 Church of the Savior (Храм Христа Спасителя, Спасская церковь) Logo indicating a link to the website Ul. Sukhe Batora (ул. Сухэ Батора), 2 (public gardens (Публичный сад)), Logo indicating a telephone number  7 3952 20-15-52 – In Russian architectural style and founded in 1706.
A wooden house in Irkutsk


  • 8 The Volkonsky house-museum (Иркутский областной историко-мемориальный музей декабристов) Per. Volonskoho, (пер. Волконского), Logo indicating a telephone number  7 3952 20-75-32, 7 3952 29-26-63 Logo indicating timetables 10 h - 18 h, closed on Mondays. Logo indicating tariffs Entrance : 200 RUB. – This house traces the history of this family of Decembrists (Wikipedia: en: Insurrection_décabriste) and can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday of 10 h - 18 h.
  • 9 Irkutsk History Museum (Музей истории города Иркутска) Logo indicating a link to the website ul Frank-Kamenetskogo 16А Logo indicating timetables Closed on Wednesdays and during the holidays. – This museum presents the history of Irkutsk from its inception to the present day.
  • 10 Geology Museum Logo indicating a link to the website (In the central south wing of Irkutsk Polytechnic University (behind the station)) – Presents a good collection of Siberian minerals.
  • 11 Irkutsk Regional Museum (Иркутский областной краеведческий музей) Logo indicating a link to the website Ul. Karla Marksa, 2 Logo indicating timetables Closed Mondays. – Presents interesting ethnographic exhibits on local peoples such as the Evenes and Buryats.
  • 12 Sukachev Art Museum (Иркутский областной художественный музей им. В.П.Сукачева) Logo indicating a link to the website Ul. Lenina, 5 Logo indicating timetables Closed Tuesdays. – Surely the finest collection of Siberian art, including some old icons and Russian works from the 18th centurye, xixe and XXe century. There are also sections on Mongolian, Chinese and European art.


The "Angara" icebreaker turned into a museum
  • 13 Irkutsk Philharmonic Logo indicating a link to the website ul. Dzerzhinskogo 2 – Classical music, jazz, folk, etc.
  • 14 "Angara" icebreaker (Музей Ледокол "Ангара")  – One of the oldest icebreakers in the world, built in 1900 in Newcastle. It is (definitely) moored in the city's harbor and now serves as a museum.




  • 1 Domino Lenin Street (ленина) 13a – Inexpensive fast food / pizzeria where the youth of Irkutsk meet. This restaurant has no relation to the American chain of the same name. English menu available at the counter.
  • 2 Figaro (At the intersection of Lenin Street (ленина) and Marx Street (маркса)) – One of the best restaurants in Irkutsk at an also higher price point with mostly European dishes. Count 750 to 1 000 RUB the meal. English menu available.

Have a drink / Go out


  • 1 Baikaler Logo indicating a link to the website Lenin Street (ленина) 9, apartment 11 Logo indicating tariffs Dorms: 500 to 600 RUB. – Probably the most popular hostel in the city and therefore often full in high season. Tours and transport to Lake Baikal are organized there. Entrance difficult to find, as it is at the back of building number 9 on Lenin Street.


By Lake Baikal:

  • Listvyanka is a small town by the lake well equipped with hotels, restaurants ... In summer, it can be overrun with tourists.
  • Olkhon is an island located on the lake. It is accessible by van in winter (by driving on the ice) and by boat in summer but remains unreachable during the melting of the ice. The main town of the island, Khuzhir, has several accommodation options.
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