Southwestern Iceland - Islanda sudoccidentale

Southwestern Iceland
Reykjanes panorama

Southwestern Iceland is a region ofIceland where the majority of the population is concentrated.

To know

Economically the southwest of Iceland is dominated by Reykjavík and the capital area (Icelandic: Höfuðborgarsvæðið). It could be argued that all other cities in the southwest today function partly as a suburb of Reykjavík. Geographically, however, the capital's area lies on the eastern edge of a peninsula known as Reykjanes, which juts out from the west coast into theAtlantic Ocean. This peninsula is one of the youngest landscapes in Iceland and is mostly covered with a lava field, which makes it very inhospitable away from the coast. Faxaflói Bay is located between Reykjanes and Snæfellsnes (in western Iceland).

Southwest Iceland has historically been considered part of South Iceland, and it was only in the last century or so that it gained the position of absolute domination over the other regions it has today. The southwest is home to over two-thirds of Iceland's population and, in addition to some major fishing ports, is the location of most of Iceland's economic activity beyond primary production.

As in many other countries, there is a level of animosity (or at least competition) between the capital area and the rest of the country. Some might argue that "real" Iceland is not in the southwest. However it is the area most visited by tourists, being home to popular destinations such as Reykjavík and the Blue Lagoon and with easy access to the Golden Circle.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Garður - Just north of Keflavík.
  • Grindavík - IN the south coast of Reykjanes; Grindavík is perhaps best known today for its proximity to the blue lagoon, but it is also an important fishing center.
  • Hafnarfjörður - Formerly a secluded fishing and trading town, today a suburb of Reykjavík and the second center of gravity in the capital area.
  • Keflavík - The main city on the Reykjanes Peninsula where the country's main international airport is located.
  • Reykjavík - Capital of Iceland and focal point of the southwest.
  • Sandgerði - A small town on the western edge of Reykjanes on the Atlantic Ocean.

Other destinations

Bridge between the continents
  • blue Lagoon - Beautiful spa with water at 40 ° C throughout the year, even in extreme environmental conditions.
  • Bridge between the continents - Bridge that symbolically connects the European continent to the American one, being built at the two ends of the continental plates.

How to get

By plane

Keflavík International Airport (KEF IATA) of Reykjavík is the main international airport in Iceland and the entry point for most people arriving in Iceland. It has direct flights to various destinations in Europe and North America.

On boat

If you arrive in Iceland by ferry from Denmark or from Faroe Islands, you will find yourself at Seyðisfjörður, in eastern Iceland. From there, it's a 700km journey southwest. It can be very complicated to travel from eastern Iceland to southwestern Iceland by bus, and you'll probably need to stay overnight in Höfn, but if you arrive by ferry you can bring a car with you.

By bus

There are buses from most major cities in West Iceland, South Iceland and North Iceland to the southwest.

How to get around

By car

The southwest of Iceland and mainly connects to it via Reykjavík. The main street on Reykjanes is the no. 41 (known as Reykjanesbraut, the Reykjanes route) and connects Reykjavík and Keflavík. There are also roads along the peninsula's south and west coasts, which connect with Reykjanesbraut in several locations. Compared to other lowland areas, the southwest of Iceland has a very poor road system. This is because no one lives in the middle of a lava field and most of Reykjanes is a large lava field, despite the fact that it is also mostly plain.

By bus

The greater Reykjavík area is served by a public bus system Strætó. The more distant cities on the Reykjanes Peninsula are connected to each other and Reykjavík by bus lines operated by SBK. Reykjavík Excursions operates the FlyBus service, which connects Keflavík International Airport to the BSÍ bus ​​terminal in Reykjavík.

What see

blue Lagoon

Southwestern Iceland has some of the youngest castings in the country. Many who land there compare it to landing on the moon or Mars. However, most people only visit the Blue Lagoon and Reykjavík, traveling to other regions to experience Icelandic nature. This is a shame, because the young lava is indeed quite spectacular and the Reykjanes peninsula absolutely fascinating.

Attractions include Kleifarvatn, a shallow lake that tends to shrink or expand due to geological activity, and the geothermal area of Krýsuvík. The southwestern tip of Reykjanes, known as Reykjanestá (the tip of Reykjanes) has large cliffs beaten by the waves, beautiful beaches are scattered throughout other parts of the coast. Despite the ugly aluminum foundry next door, the area around Straumsvík (at the western end of Hafnarfjörður) is a verdant bay for leisurely leisurely strolls.

What to do

View of the green valley of the glacial river Krossá.
  • Lava walking. It is not necessary to climb a mountain: a walk in the young lava of Reykjanes it can be just as fun and just as tiring due to the difficult surface. One place to spot in the lava is a symbolic bridge between the European and North American continents along the road along the east coast of Reykjanes.
  • Volcano Tours. Ecb copyright.svg17,000 kr.. Caving adventure in lava tunnels and craters on the Reykjanes peninsula. No equipment or experience is required.

At the table

The southwest is a fishing area with almost no agriculture, so it's ideal for trying to eat locally caught fish. The country's very small whaling industry is more or less based in Reykjavík and whales are hunted at Faxaflói, the bay north of Reykjanes. There are very few dining options outside the major cities, but the Blue Lagoon has one restaurant and, of course, there are several restaurants at Keflavík International Airport.

Reykjavík is obviously known for its nightlife and Keflavík has many good pubs. Other than that, don't go to the southwest of Iceland in search of nightlife.


As the southwest contains larger urban areas than any other part of Iceland, more attention needs to be paid to crime than other parts of the country. On the southern and western coasts of Reykjanes it is especially important to be aware of the sea, which is the same Atlantic Ocean with its strong tides and currents. Be careful in the geothermal areas of Krýsuvík is Kleifarvatn, as there may be gaps under what appears to be solid earth.

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  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Southwestern Iceland
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