Sub-Antarctic Islands of New Zealand - Isole sub-antartiche della Nuova Zelanda

Sub-Antarctic Islands of New Zealand
Seals running along the SW Bay shore

Sub-Antarctic Islands of New Zealand is a region of the New Zeland.

To know

The five southernmost archipelagos that are part of the Outer Islands of New Zealand and form the group that is called New Zealand's Sub-Antarctic Islands. All these islands are included in the list of World Heritage Sites ofUNESCO. Thanks to their isolation they have preserved the wildlife that is sporadically studied by scientists and other insiders.

Geographical notes

They are located much further south of theStewart Island and they are five groups of uninhabited and windy islands in the Southern Ocean (or Antarctic Ocean).


Until 1995 a group of researchers was stationed permanently in a meteorological station that was located in the Campbell Islands. Since then the islands have all remained uninhabited.

Territories and tourist destinations

A rainbow and an albatross on Broughton Island, the second largest of the islands Snares

The New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands are:

  • Antipodes Islands - In addition to the main island it includes: theBollons island, the Windward Islands, Orde Lees Island, Leeward Island, Archway Island and some small rocks. It is the land furthest from London.
  • Auckland Islands - In addition to the main island it includes: theAdams island, Enderby Island, Disappointment Island, Rose Island and some small rocks.
  • Bounty Islands - It includes two small groups of islets (the Eastern group and the Western group) and some small rocks. Discovered by Captain Bligh a few months before the crew of his ship mutinied from the Bounty, these 13 granite islets and numerous rocks have a total area of ​​135 hectares. Apart from their size, they are of great importance as they are breeding sites for greater crested penguins, Salvin's albatrosses and Bounty's cormorants.
  • Campbell Islands - In addition to the main island it includes: some small islets that surround it and some minor rocks, among which there is theJacquemart island, the southernmost point of New Zealand;
  • Snares Islands (Tini Heke) - This group is by far the closest to the main New Zealand islands and includes Northeast Island, Broughton Island, Alert Stack, Tahi, Rua, Toru, Wha and Rima, as well as some small reefs. Taken together, this group has a total area of ​​only 3.5 km².

How to get

Access to the islands is allowed only to authorized persons.

By plane

The islands are out of reach for a round trip by helicopter and there are no runways for fixed-wing aircraft.

On boat

Access to these islands is generally done by ship or with the support of a ship.

The companies that offer trips that visit the islands are:

How to get around

What see


To the west of these islands lies theMacquarie island, belonging toAustralia but which has much in common with the New Zealand sub-Antarctic islands.

New Zealand, under the Antarctic Treaty, has territorial claims on some islands close to the mainland Antarctic, and precisely on:

Of these, Ross Island is inhabited by several teams of scientific researchers in different research stations.

What to do

Penguin of the antipodes (Yellow-eyed penguins) in Auckland Islands
  • Wildlife and bird watching.
  • Admiration of the polar aurora.
  • Delight in photography.

At the table


Always pay attention to the weather conditions because in this region of the world they can be really extreme.

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