Joshua Tree National Park - Joshua Tree National Park

Location map of California in the USA
Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park

The Joshua Tree National Park is a national park in the southwest California. The name comes from the characteristic cacti and the village in the northwest corner of the national park.


Joshua Tree National Park

possibly history

Parking card


Flora and fauna


getting there

Map of Joshua Tree National Park

Only one road leads by Joshua Tree National Park in the southern California desert. It can be reached from the south via Interstate 10. The approach from here is less interesting. The next bigger place is Palm Springs. From the north two paths lead into the park. Both branch off from Highway 62. The western of the two branches off directly in the village Joshua Tree from.

Fees / permits

  • Free for owners of one Annual Pass.
  • Otherwise for private cars 15 USD, valid for 7 days.
  • For cyclists and hikers 5 USD, valid for 7 days.


Tourist Attractions

  • 1 Wonderland of Rocks, Rock formations
  • 2 Jumbo Rocks, Rock formations
  • Indian Cove. Rock formations.





Hotels and hostels


  • 1 Sunfair Road RV Park,
  • 2 Jumbo Rocks Campground
  • 3 Indian Cove Campground
  • and other campsites


There are Jumping Cacti, Cacti, the prickly balls of which seem to jump at the hiker in passing and stick to him like burrs. More dangerous, however, are the rounded rock formations, which are inviting for climbing and from which tourists have to be freed again and again because they can go up, but can no longer find a safe way down.



Web links

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