Cape Arkona - Kap Arkona

The Cape Arkona lies in the area of ​​the northern tip of the island to reprimand. The headland is visited by more than 800,000 guests annually. The view from the two lighthouses as well as from the bearing tower is worth seeing. In addition, some other sights such as the bunkers and viewpoints on the steep bank invite you to visit. The main protagonist at the Cape is of course the Baltic Sea, which has shaped the wild cliffs with their up to 40 m high chalk cliffs with their forces. Another gem is the fishing village of Vitte, located southwest of the cape. The small settlement delights visitors with its cozy thatched cottages combined with a scenic location in a coastal basin.

Cape Arkona
Aerial photo: in the middle of Putgarten with large parking lot, above Cape Arkona


getting there

Location map of Germany
Cape Arkona
Cape Arkona

In the street

From Zentralrügen you can reach Cape Arkona either via the Jasmund and Schaabe peninsula or via the Wittow peninsula (using the Wittower ferry).

Cape Arkona is largely traffic-calmed. Private vehicles must be parked in a large, chargeable parking lot at the entrance to Putgarten (about 2 km before the cape). Further see section mobility

By bus and train

The nearest train station is in the southeast, in Sagard. From there by bus to Putgarten.

By bicycle

By boat

Although Cape Arkona is surrounded by a lot of water, it cannot be reached directly by ship. The next smaller port to the cape is in the Bodden near Breege (about 10 km south).

Vitte (just under 2 km away) has a pebble beach and a mini mole with a jetty that local fishermen use. It is not known to what extent mooring with the smaller, private yacht is possible here, or whether it is allowed at all.


  • 1  Large car park in Cape Arkona. At the parking lot there is an extensive tourist infrastructure with restaurants, bike rental, "little train" to the Cape and souvenir sales. The toilets are accessible after throwing a 50 cent coin into a turnstile.Price: Day ticket in May 2012 € 4. Good to know: the central parking machine in the blue container accepts coins as well as 5, 10 and 20 € bills. Change is only given in coins, however.
Kap Arkona Bahn at the turning loop with the bearing tower in the background.
  • "Bimmelbahn" to the Cape: The runs from the large car park Arkona Railway to the cape as well as to the fishing village Vitt. It concerns with the Arkona railways Pathwaysthat run on propane gas. Fares, timetable and further information:
  • Bicycle: If you want, you can of course use your bike or your own feet for the last 2 kilometers to the cape. There is also one at the large car park Bike rental.
  • Coach: Alternatively also drive Horse-drawn carriages to the chap.

Tourist Attractions

Tower duo in postcard weather: the new lighthouse on the left, the historic Schinkelturm on the right. Both structures can be climbed.
View of the foundling "Siebenschneiderstein" at Gellort. The Gellort near Cape Arkona is the geographical northern tip of the island of Rügen. Photo taken from the high bank above.

Cape Arkona and Gellort

  • Lighthouses and bearing tower - All three towers can be climbed against admission.
- Schinkelturm with a small museum; built 1826/27: admission € 2, opening hours: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- New lighthouse: highest tower on Cape Arkona with the best panoramic view; Entrance 3 €, opening times: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Bearing tower: stands extra near the Jaromarsburg; Entrance?, Opening times?
  • Bunker systems - can be viewed as part of guided tours. Guided tours every hour on the hour between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Entry ?
  • Fog signal station with exhibition: Since the big cliff demolition in winter 2011/12, which was in the media nationwide, the fog signal station is no longer accessible. The building is in the endangered area and is cordoned off.
  • Gellort - Northernmost point on the island of Rügen. From the lighthouses it is about 500 m to the beautiful viewpoint above the correct, geographical northern tip of Rügen. The short walk is worth it, even if the beach access has been closed since the cliff was broken off. After the cliff had broken off, a new hiking trail was created on the edge of the scrubland. So you can now at least get back to the Gellort viewpoint at the top of the plateau. From the view above the stairs you can easily see it Siebenschneiderstein (also called Söbenschniedersteen) recognize. The 165-ton stone has a volume of 61 m³, making it the fourth largest boulder on Rügen. By the way, the largest one is the 600 m³ boulder "Buskam" in the water Goehren.
  • Cliffs - Two flights of stairs lead to the stony beach at the foot of the cliffs. Since the cliff was broken off, the north beach has been between the lighthouses and Gellort no longer accessible. The front stairs at the lighthouses (Königstreppe) can still be climbed up to the bottom of the stairs up to a few meters above sea level. The beach access is blocked. The view of the possibly wild lake is still worthwhile, depending on your mood, an ascent and descent over the Königstreppe. The stairway at Gellort is already down locked up. Only the violet staircase on the high bank path towards Vitte is still accessible at your own risk. Signs here warn of the dangers of the cliffs. From here you can walk over the stone beach to the Vitte pier.
  • Jaromarsburg - The wall of the Slavic cult site from the 6th - 12th centuries is still partially preserved. However, the sea is getting more and more back from the area of ​​the fortress (see also Wikipedia article). The castle complex with its excavations could be visited against admission until the cliff was broken off. Probably since the cliff was demolished, the facility has been for safety reasons no longer accessible.
  • That close Fishing village of Vitt with its cozy thatched roof houses. From Vitt you also have a beautiful view of Cape Arkona.

Rügenhof in Putgarten

In the Rügenhof on the local road in Putgarten you will find a colorful, extensive mix of local history museum, craft market, excursion gastronomy and flea market. If you are not careful, you can quickly "delay" your excursion program here ...

Fishing village of Vitt

The completely listed fishing village nestles with its small, thatched fishermen's houses in a small, sheltered coastal valley. At lunchtime during the main visiting time of the season, the small village is of course often overcrowded as it is part of the “standard visit program” at the Cape. If you want to enjoy the tranquility that suits the location, it is best to come in the morning before 10 a.m. or in the late afternoon / evening after 6 p.m.

According to Wikipedia, the place name Vitt is derived from the term “Vitte (n) / Witte” (in Swedish “vittja” for landing, trading and stacking place). In the Middle Ages, “Vitte” was the general name given to a trading place for herrings. Further possible name interpretations are: Vit after a Slavic term for local founder or Witt simply for white.

Vitt was probably a fishing and trading post by the sea for the Slavic Jaromarsburg on Cape Arkona as early as the 10th century. The place is mentioned for the first time on May 25, 1290, when the Rügan prince Witzlaw II granted the settlement the "right and freedom of fishing". The village was previously only inhabited during the herring fishing season.

At the pier in Vitt

By the way, the households in Vitt used to have no house numbers, but were or are still marked with rune-like house brands. The house brands can be viewed as a display board at the fish smokehouse (the board hangs on the wall facing the pier). The highest associated house number is the number "13". It is not known whether the number “13” is synonymous with the total number of households / families in the town.

  • 1 Vitter chapelVitter Chapel in the Wikipedia encyclopediaVitter Chapel in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsVitter Kapelle (Q2528804) in the Wikidata database - The chapel is located above the village near the turning loop of the Kap Arkona Bahn. The construction was carried out between 1806 and 1816 according to designs by Karl Friedrich Schinkel built. The chapel is accessible during the day. There is a small souvenir shop in the entrance area of ​​the chapel (including amber jewelry).
  • mole - The village has a small pier where fishing boats can be found. A fish smoker offers the catches for sale for consumption. According to the Wikipedia article "Vitt", tours around Cape Arkona can also be booked in the open fishing boats. No further details are known as of 05-2012.
View of the village from the stairway on the northern slope of the valley. The photo location for the postcard motif "Cape Arkona over Vitt" on the southern slope of the valley is marked. However, he was not visited in May 2012.
The postcard motif from Vitt in spring still without leaves.
  • Photo tip - Postcard view "Cape Arkona over Vitt": A well-known, almost historical “postcard motif” is the view from the southern slope of the valley to Vitt with Cape Arkona in the background. To be able to snap the motif, you have to climb the open, southern slope of the valley on site. The photo location (e.g. at 54 ° 39 '55 "N.13 ° 25 ′ 54 ″ E) was not tested in May 2012.
  • Contemplation - In addition to the fish smokehouse on the pier, there is also the historic inn in the village "To the golden anchor", which, according to the notice on site, also has fish dishes on the menu. For breakfast or in the afternoon for coffee and cake you can stop in the café by the sea near the pier (open daily from 10 a.m.). Openstreetmap also has a snack at the pier in addition to the Fischräuschei. The menu also shows a “Crepes & Meer” snack in the back of the village.
  • accommodation - Anyone looking for accommodation in Vitt on the internet will quickly come across a small holiday home for two people with a maximum of 2 children (in proper style with thatched roof and sea view). The house is of course booked out well in advance during the warm season.
  • Toilets - Good to know: At the turning loop of the "Bimmelbahn" (Vitt line) there is a toilet building. Appropriately, the toilet building even has a thatched roof. Access and opening times are unclear. During a visit in May 2012, the toilets were already locked around 6 p.m.


Signposting of the Baltic Sea Cycle Route above Vitte.
  • Cape hike from the Putgarten car park: Large car park - Putgarten street past Rügenhof - Cape Arkona - detour to Gellort - high bank path past the Peilturm to Vitt (on the way lookout point with "cormorant sculpture" - stairs down to Vitt - site visit with pier - Vitt chapel - directly along "Vitter Weg" back to Putgarten - Large car park. Distance about 7.5 to 8 km. According to the Openstreetmap, it is probably possible to get from Putgarten via a field path (Wiesenweg (?) As an extension of the "Schulweg" in Putgarden) towards the new high bank path to Gellort the somewhat monotonous road in the section Putgarden / northern end of the village to the lighthouses. In spring 2012, however, this route was not used.
  • Bike tour from Altenkirchen - An attractive option is to park the car in Altenkirchen and drive to Cape Arkona locally on a short bike tour across the Wittow peninsula. A parking lot can be found in Altenkirchen in the area of ​​Ernst-Thälmann-Straße (is signposted; even without parking fee). From Altenkirchen you can then set off with the rental bike towards Cape Arkona (the best is a round trip with a trip over the high bank path via Nobbin (Großkammergrab) and Vitte. Back it is best to keep to the north via Mattchow on side roads. It is best to avoid the narrow Altenkirchen - Putgarden road, which is very busy at peak times. If you feel like it, you can also extend the small, 18 to 19 km long circuit and add the north beach at Bakenburg (bathing facility) to the circuit (then 30 to 40 km depending on the way back). By the way, the one in Altenkirchen is worth seeing 2 Romanesque village churchRomanesque village church in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRomanesque village church in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsRomanesque village church (Q1240468) in the Wikidata database. You can get a rental bike in Altenkirchen at the bike rental shop on Straße des Friedens 10 (Tel. 038391/13071). A touring bike with 7-speed gears will be available in summer 2012 for € 6 per day. For a full price overview, see the page of Bike rental.
  • Day hike on the high bank path to Dranske. The approximately 18 km long route leads from Cape Arkona along the cliffs to the west. Halfway there is the Bakenburg beach, which is ideal for swimming. The return journey is possible from Dranske by bus (for information on the bus timetable, see Rügener Passengerahverkehrs GmbH).
  • Hike or bike tour along the steep coast in a southerly direction via Vitt to Juliusruh. This 10 km long route is particularly popular with bicycles. because it is part of the Baltic Sea Cycle Route. There is a spacious sandy beach in Julisruh. The return journey is also possible here by bus. If you came by bus from the east, you can get on the line to Sassnitz again. (For information on the bus schedule, see Rügener Passengerahverkehrs GmbH).


Extensive opportunities to stroll and buy souvenirs are offered by B. the Rügenhof in the center of Putgarten. There are also a few souvenir stalls at the large car park. There is also a souvenir sale in the back of the Schinkelturm.



Cliff falls occur again and again on Cape Arkona, of course. Therefore always keep a distance from the cliff edge. The best way to hike on the beach is on the lake side. After prolonged rainfall, the risk of cliff dropping is particularly high. If you want to be on the safe side, you should avoid a beach hike under the active cliffs at times or immediately after high rainfall.

Of course, you have to be careful on the steep coast in a storm. This is especially true for the beach hike from the violet stairs towards Vitt. Since there is a similar danger situation at Cape Arkona as in the Jasmund National Park, one can easily do that Pay attention to the current warning notices of the national park administration for Cape Arkona as well.


Practical advice

  • Cash supply - If you run out of cash at Cape Arkona, your cards are bad. The next ATM is only 8 km southwest in Altenkirchen. The machine is located in the branch of the Pommerschen Volksbank, Straße des Friedens 20 (next to the Netto supermarket) 1 .
  • Mobile phones work on site.



Web links

  • - Official tourism website of the Putgarten municipality to Cape Arkona
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