Caracalpa - Karakałpacja

Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikasi in Uzbekistan.svg
Flag of Karakalpakstan.svg
Main information
Capital cityNukus
Political systemautonomous republic
Surface160 000
Population1 817 500 (01.2017)
Tonguekarakalpacki, uzbek
Time zoneUTC 4/5
Time zoneUTC 4/5

Caracalpa - an autonomous republic within its borders Uzbekistan, located in the western part of the country and bordering on the north side with the remains of the Aral Lake. The capital of the republic is Nukus (Nökis).



The region lies in the west of Uzbekistan, in between Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, in the basin of the Amu Darya River. In the north of Karakalpacie there are remnants of a drying up Aral Lake, in the south, the republic borders on Lake Sarykamskie, located in Vila Daszoguski. Virtually the entire territory is located in the Turanska Plain, which covers an area of ​​over 1 million km². Its northern ends are mainly semi-deserts, the remaining areas are mostly stone deserts or small steppes. Most of the population is concentrated in the center and to the southeast, near the Amu Darya.


Continental climate, dry and warm. High temperatures (average 28 ° C), especially in desert areas. During winter, it becomes wet and the air becomes colder. There are strong drops in temperature at night. The annual value of precipitation for the city of Nukus is from 100 to 170 mm (for comparison, in Warsaw this amount is from 480 to 510 mm).


The present autonomy of Karakalpacie is a continuation of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Karakalpath established in 1932.


The Republic of Karakalpaka is formally sovereign and has a veto over the decisions of the Uzbek government. According to the constitution, relations between the region and Uzbekistan are "regulated by treaties and agreements" and any disputes are to be mutually beneficial. According to the constitution, the republic has the right to secede (secede), provided that a referendum is held.


A modern train in Karakalpacie

The economy is heavily dependent on the Aral Lake and the rivers flowing into it. The main activities of the inhabitants are agriculture and livestock, and cities are local industrial centers and significant centers for the development of services. The mining industry (copper, uranium, gold, phosphate rock, lead) and the production of energy from the dam on the Amu Darya play an important role. The main trading partners of Karakalpace and Uzbekistan are Switzerland, China, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey.

For many years, the region has been struggling with the drying up of the Aral Lake. This is an effect of the plans of the USSR from the 1960s, when it was decided to create cotton plantations in the Kyzyl-Kum Desert. Initially, a dense network of irrigation canals was created. Due to the pace of project implementation, the sewers and the areas through which they ran were not sealed and secured. During the first years the idea worked, but the situation changed when the amount of water began to decline. The tributaries stopped feeding the reservoir and the water in it began to deteriorate. Eventually, the ports were closed, many people lost their jobs, and the climate in Karakalpakia began to get harsher. Currently, Aralskie Lake, one of the largest in the world, ranks 20, and its acreage has decreased to 10% of the original area.

Nukus airport terminal


By car

The road network in the region is the densest in the vicinity of the capital city (Nukus). The longest road is the A381 motorway. It runs from the northwest, from Kazakhstan, and then flows into the city of Gazli, w vilayey Bukharin.

By plane

The only international airport is Nukus Airport. The city center is only a few kilometers away. It supports connections with Moscow, Tashkent and Fergana.

In addition to the airport in the capital of Karakalpacie, there are several smaller ports in the region, for example in Mo'ynoq (Muynak Airport). All of them only support domestic, on a very small scale.

By ship

Toprak Kala

Karacalpacja is a landlocked region and has no access to the sea. The only ports are on the Aral Lake, but most are too far from the shores of the lake for water transport.


Fishing boats in Mo'ynoqu

Interesting places

  • Aral Lake
  • Nukus - the capital of the republic
  • Mo'ynoq - port on Lake Aralskie
  • Ayaz Kala - the ruins of an ancient fortress
  • Janpiq Kala - the ruins of an ancient fortress


Prospectus in Nukus

The best way to travel between cities is by train. Due to the small number of rail networks in the region, cars and buses will perform best.


The currency in Karakalpacja is Uzbekistan Sum (UZS). Its value used to be equal to one ruble, but currently 1 sum is about 0.0075 rubles. The most popular foreign currencies are US dollars and Russian rubles. Unfortunately, the exchange can be troublesome, because there are no bureaux de change, and it is rare to change the currency at hotel receptions.

It is best to go shopping at bazaars or small shops. Product prices are relatively low, except for touristic destinations. When making a purchase, it is advisable to bargain, because it is the basis for establishing a conversation and reducing the price, and it is also an important element of local culture.



Local cuisine

Local gastronomy is mainly dishes prepared from meat, bread and vegetables. So they are rich in fiber and carbohydrates. Most of them are prepared on fire or in traditional tandyr kettles. The most popular dishes of Karakalpathian cuisine are: samsa (baked rolls with meat and vegetable filling), lepioshka bread (in Uzbekistan called patyr-nan) and pilaf (rice with mutton and carrots). The Russian pielmieni and the Tatar chak-chak dessert are also known.

Foreign cuisine

In Karakalpacie, foreign dishes are known and you can find many fast-food restaurants, especially in larger cities. A popular place to buy food are also bazaars, where you can find vegetables, fruit, meat, dairy products, alcohol, traditional products and products from outside the country.



