Karpniki - Karpniki

Karpniki - a village in Poland located at the foot of Krzyżna Góra, in Dolnośląskie Voivodeship, in the Krkonoše poviat, in the municipality Mysłakowice.


It is surrounded by Rudawy Janowickie - a mountain range located in the eastern part Western Sudetes covering an area of ​​almost 90 km².

It is a good starting point for trips to the mountains. There is also a castle from the 4th century. Unfortunately, it is private property and cannot be visited.

Originally, a Gothic church from the end of the 14th century stood in Karpniki. At the end of the 16th century it was rebuilt into a Renaissance one, and in the middle of the 17th century into a Baroque one. Inside the church there is a gothic, baroque and renaissance decor.

When the visibility is good, it can be seen from Karpniki Karpacz.


  • KROKUS excursion house[1]
  • Karioka - agritourism[2]
  • "Swiss" hostel[3]

External links

This website uses content from the website: Karpniki published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0