Kivu - Kivu

Travel Notice!ATTENTION: The north and south regions of Kivu have been in conflict since the early 1990s. Traveling to the region should only be done by people for official business whose employer / sponsor / organization is keenly aware of the dangers. (July 2013)

Kivu is a region of the Democratic Republic of Congo located in the eastern part of the country.

To know

Influenced by the neighbor Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda and this region is known for its volcanoes, mountain gorillas and, tragically, its unfathomable conflicts.

Geographical notes

The whole region around Lake Kivu is called Kivu, including part of the Rwanda where most of the population of the lake area resides (Gisenyi in Rwanda, with a population of about one million inhabitants is the main inhabited center of the Lake Kivu region). The area is characterized by lush vegetation and a climate favorable to crops, the shores of the lake are located at an altitude of about 1500 m a.s.l. and the soil of the region is of volcanic origin. The Kivu region is the highest point in the East African Rift Valley.


The name "Kivu" dates back to at least 1914, when the colonial government divided the Congo into 22 districts.

Since 2004 the region has been the scene of heavy clashes between the government troops of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) supported by rebel groups including Laurent Nkunda's troops.

Territories and tourist destinations

Includes North Kivu and South Kivu provinces.

Urban centers

  • 1 Bukavu - Capital of the South Kivu province.
  • 2 Goma - Located on the northern shore of Lake Kivu a short distance from the city Rwandan of Gisenyi.

Other destinations

How to get

By plane

  • 1 Goma International Airport. The closest to the Virunga National Park. As of 2019, two companies operated there:
  • 2 Kavumu Airport (IATA: BKY). It serves the city of Bukavu. There Africaine d'Aviation Companies flies from Goma, Kalemie, Kongolo, Lubumbashi. Kavumu Airport (Q6379368) on Wikidata

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Before embarking on the journey consult:

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Kivu
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