Kyaikto Pagoda - Kyaikto Pagode

Kyaitko Pagoda - 'Golden Rock'

The Kyaikto Pagoda, also known as the "Golden Rock" is one of the most sacred places in Myanmar. In the main season (November to March) many Myanmares (Burmese) make a pilgrimage to this highly venerated place. But the trip to this impressive place is also worthwhile for non-Buddhist travelers.


The golden rock

The name of the pagoda means "pagoda carried on the head of a hermit" in the Mon language. The 5.5 meter high pagoda stands on a large completely gilded granite boulder. The boulder gives the impression of falling into the depths at any moment. According to legend, however, it is held in place by two hairs of the Buddha. An old hermit allegedly received the hair relic from the Buddha personally. In his honor the old hermit wanted to build a pagoda shortly before his death. He found the rock itself on the sea floor and took it to the rock plateau, where it has been kept in balance by the Buddha's hair ever since. The boulder only withstood a 4.8 magnitude earthquake in 2005.

The golden rock

The rock stands on a 1,100 meter high peak. From the rock there is a beautiful view of the river and delta of the Sittoung, the jungle and many pagodas on the surrounding heights. There is a little fair atmosphere around the rock. Loud music is playing. The believers who meditate here do not allow themselves to be disturbed. On the plateau there are shops where you can buy gold leaf. Many men stick the gold to the rock as a good deed. The last few meters to the rock are taboo for women. Before entering the entire area (summit) you have to take off your shoes. Before entering the area approx. 5 m around the rock, headgear must also be removed.

View of the surrounding landscape from the Kyaikto Pagoda

getting there

You can arrive by train or bus.

  • Automobile: Arrival in a private taxi is of course also possible. Agencies in Yangon can broker cars. With a private car you are flexible and can stop on the way. The beautiful Khaw Htin Monastery, which is over 100 years old, is well worth a stopover.
  • Bus: This is the best option. It's faster than the train and it goes straight to Kinpun Base Camp. Several companies offer the tour. The journey takes from Yangon from just a few hours. As the bus passed Bago drives, boarding is also possible here.
  • Train: Trains go to Kyaikto every day. However, the train is quite slow. In Bago Trains depart daily at 03:15, 5:30 and 09:20 (as of 2003). Travel time is 2.5 hours and it costs $ 4 US.

Way to the summit

  • You can use the pilgrimage route. It is a very strenuous 12-kilometer uphill path that has to be overcome with an altitude of 1100 meters. The last 3-4 km run on a mountain ridge. With a brisk march, the ascent takes at least 4 hours. There are refreshment stands every few hundred meters. Simply follow the path through the pilgrim accommodation from Kinpun Base Camp.
  • For a few years now there has also been the option of driving up and down on the flatbed of trucks. The last short climb can even be carried in a litter. That costs $ 20 plus a $ 2 tip for each of the four porters, or $ 28 (early 2008). The four young men do a hard job. The ascent goes over a steep serpentine road and steep stairs, which the porters often only manage with a running start.

At the summit, the western tourists are intercepted at the entrance. You have to pay a fee of $ 6. Admission is of course free of charge for devout Buddhists.


There are restaurants at the top. There are countless places to eat at Kinpun Base Camp at the foot of the mountain. Those who want to walk the pilgrimage do not need to stock up on food for the path. There are simple stands along the entire route where you can buy something.


thick layer of gold leaf on the rock of the Kyaikto Pagoda

On the top

  • Kyaikto Hotel, right on the summit. Booking in Yangon: 69 Theingyi Str., Tel .: 95 01-551563), rooms with shower and toilet, including breakfast.Price: from $ 36/48 US (single / double).

At Kinpun Base Camp

  • Pann Myo Thu, right next to the pilgrims' overnight stays. Small guest house with nice staff and rooms from 5 $ US (including breakfast).
  • Sea Sar Guest House. Guest house with rooms from US $ 5 (incl. Breakfast), also rooms with AC.

In the village of Kyaikto

  • Mountain View Hotel (Thuwana Bumi Hotel). 5 minutes from the train station on Seikphu Taung Hill, then another 30 minutes by pickup to Kinpun Base Camp. Room with fan, shower, toilet; breakfast included.Price: 15-30 $ US (single) 20-40 (double).
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