La Maddalena (island) - La Maddalena (isola)

La Maddalena (island)
Parorama La Maddalena

La Maddalena is an island ofarchipelago of the same name.

To know

It is part of the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • La Maddalena - The only urban center of the island and of the whole archipelago.

Other destinations

  • Trinita bay - Here is the beach called Bassa Trinita.
  • Cala Francese
  • Cala dello Splamatore - Rich in granite formations.
  • Cala di Abbattoggia - Formed by granite cliffs and small sandy stretches, it still preserves an uncontaminated environment.
  • Cala di Giardinelli - Rich in spectacular granite formations.
The chapel of the Madonnetta

How to get

The church of the Holy Trinity
The port of La Maddalena

By plane

From the airport of Olbia.

On boat

1 Port of La Maddalena. Frequent ferries from the Delcomar and of Maddalena Lines connect La Maddalena with Palau. From the port of La Maddalena it is also possible to go on excursions to the islands of the archipelago.

How to get around

What see

Churches and chapels

  • Chapel of Santa Maria Assunta.
  • 1 Chapel of the Madonnetta. Located in Cala Francese.
  • Rock chapel of Moneta.
  • 2 Church of the Holy Trinity.
  • 3 Oasis San Francesco. Place of worship.

Military architectures

  • 4 Maritime traffic light of Guardia Vecchia. Lighthouse built at the end of the nineteenth century, which can be visited on special occasions. Guardiavecchia weather station on Wikipedia Guardiavecchia weather station (Q3971704) on Wikidata

What to do

At the table

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


For useful numbers, refer to the article on La Maddalena.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning La Maddalena (island)
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