Lamanai - Lamanai

Lamanai is a Mayan archaeological site in the district of Orange Walk in Belize.

To know

Lamanai is an isolated Mayan site on the west bank of the "New River" lagoon. It was thanks to its isolated position that this city was able to survive for 3000 years. Its name means "city of the submerged crocodile" due to the large colony of crocodiles that populated the waters of the lagoon. Excavations have unearthed only 5% of the approximately 700 buildings that are estimated to still be hidden under the jungle terrain.

Lamanai was one of the few Mayan cities that escaped the collapse of the Mayan civilization in the 10th century, at the end of the classical period. Even in the subsequent post-classical period the copper and bronze trade was still flourishing and indeed the city increased its population reaching 35,000 inhabitants.

The arrival of the Spaniards in the 16th century marked the mass conversions to Catholicism and the building of some churches by missionaries. In 1640 the Maya revolted against the new masters by destroying the churches. Subsequently the epidemics decimated the inhabitants and the city was definitively abandoned.

Although Lamanai is accessible via a dirt road, the use of the boat is preferable. The boat trip is certainly more suggestive and gives the possibility to better admire the surrounding flora and fauna. The waterway was also trodden by the Mayan traders of Lamanai who went well into the Yucatan and Mexico. In fact, Lamanai is also a nature reserve with numerous species of exotic birds and rare medicinal plants. Many trees and plants have been labeled for quick identification.

A visit to Lamanai can be arranged through local agents or lodges owners.

How to get

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

Lamanai: Mask carved in the rock

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Lamanai
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Lamanai
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