Lambayeque (region) - Lambayeque (región)

The region Lambayeque It is located in the north of the Peru.



  • Chiclayo. Capital of the Lambayeque region, it has sites of tourist interest.
  • Lambayeque. Here we can find beautiful mansions from the viceregal period, in addition to admiring the longest balcony of the Peru (64 meters). A separate mention is to recommend its renowned museums.
  • Ferreñafe. City founded by Spaniards, populated by farmers. Known for the "Land of double faith".
  • Pepper. Spa on the shores of Pacific Ocean, where you will enjoy an unforgettable ride in a "reed horse".
  • Zaña. City founded by the Spanish in 1563, it has many legends and stories to share.
  • Eten. Called the Third Eucharistic City of the World for its religious fervor.
  • Santa Rosa. It is a very remarkable city for its marine fauna, with the presence of a great variety and quantity of fish and crustaceans. is known as a city of "Cradle of Fishermen". and for its picturesque boats in the boathouses of its beaches

Other destinations

  • Huaca Rajada archaeological complex. Where the remains of the Lord of Sipán.
  • National Museum of Sicán. Where you can see the artifacts found in Batán Grande linked to culture Sicán.
  • Pomac Forest Historic Sanctuary. Dry forest refuge of carob trees, birds and archaeological remains of the Sicán culture.
  • Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum. It houses the archaeological objects that come from the tomb of the Lord of Sipán.
  • Bruning National Archaeological Museum. Where various archaeological objects collected by the German ethnographer Enrique Bruning are exhibited.
  • Archaeological Complex of Huaca Chotuna. Set of truncated pyramids located in the district of Lambayeque.
  • Archaeological Complex of Túcume. Also known as the Valley of the Pyramids, it is made up of 26 pyramids.



On the north coast of Peru. It limits the north with the region Piura, to the east with the region Cajamarca, to the south with the region Freedom and to the west with the Pacific Ocean.

Lambayeque has an area of ​​14,213 square kilometers.


Average warm of 20º centigrade.


In Lambayeque various cultural manifestations are cultivated, ranging from joyous dances such as the Marinera and the Tondero, to the beaked cockfights and the Peruvian paso horses ridden by the expert chalanes.

In addition, in many of the districts traditional medicine or quackery are still practiced, an act where herbs and magical rites are used to alleviate the sorrows of the people.


Many festivities are celebrated in the region, among the main ones we can mention:

  • Santísima Cruz de Chalpón. Made in the district of Motupe, with the veneration of the sacred cross that dates back to the year 1866.
  • Captive Lord of Monsefú. In the district of Monsefu, where the image of Christ is venerated. This activity includes artisan and gastronomic fairs.


To get

By plane

There are regular flights from Lima to Chiclayo (approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes). These are served by airlines:

  • Avianca
  • LC Peru

By plane bus

From lime, Chimbote or Trujillo, along the Panamericana Norte, traveling 785 kilometers (12-13 hours approximately). This service is provided by various transport companies, including:

  • Civa
  • Oltursa
  • Movil Tours
  • Cial
  • Line
  • Ittsa
  • Emtrafesa
  • South Cross


By car

In the region there are car rental companies with which you can visit it, in the company of a tour guide.

By rural truck

You can travel the region through the services of transport companies in combis, they are somewhat uncomfortable but they reach every corner.

By bus

For far away places like Elms or Canaris there is this transport. As well as to reach neighboring regions.

By taxi

There is a taxi service to visit the main cities, at affordable prices.

To buy

The Lambayeque region is strategically located on the north coast of the Peru, which makes it a great commercial area. In its capital Chiclayo we can find well-stocked stores with various products. Special mention is its modern shopping centers where we locate stores for the sale of electrical appliances, clothing, footwear, etc.

In the districts we can find high quality crafts.

To eat

This region is well known for its typical dishes that will be the delight of good palates.

We can highlight the following dishes:

  • Ceviche - A fish fillet cut into pieces, cooked with lemon juice, accompanied by onion and ají limo.
  • Ray omelette: made with dried and soaked ray, all mixed with eggs.
  • Chinguirito - Variety of ceviche prepared with dried guitar fish meat.
  • Dried kid with beans - Stew made with tender kid, macerated in chicha de jora.
  • Rice with duck - Cooked with tender duck meat mixed with coriander and black beer.
  • Chirimpico - Stew made with goat giblets, all seasoned with onions, garlic, chili, coriander and loche, mixed with corn kernels or young corn.
  • King kong - Delicious alfajor filled with manjarblanco or dulce de leche, pineapple and peanut candy.
  • Stuffed dates
  • Quince crushed

Also in the main cities we will find vegetarian food restaurants.

There are also restaurants where you can consume the renowned grilled chicken. Due to population migration from the regions Piura Y Cajamarca we can find typical food from these regions.


The region has hotels (up to 4 stars) and high-class hostels in the main cities, with varied prices within everyone's reach. All of them have the minimum facilities necessary to provide good service (restaurants, cafeteria, gym, casinos, etc.).

In the remote districts there are also lodgings where the traveler will find what he needs to enjoy his journey.

There are also private lodging houses at an affordable price.


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