Lesotho - Lesoto


Lesotho or Lesotho, officially the Kingdom of Lesotho (in English, Kingdom of Lesotho; in sesotho, Muso or to Lesotho), is a country in the south of Africa. It is nestled within South Africa. Formerly known as Basutoland, Lesotho is made up almost entirely of members of the Sotho ethnic group.



Before the European colonization of the area, the Sotho-Tswana people lived in what is now the Free State in neighboring South Africa. They were a farming people, and when the Zulus began attacking villages and voortrekkers Dutch began to invade their land, they fled towards the mountains of Lesotho. Here, continuous attacks by the Zulus forced the local tribes to band together to protect themselves, and by 1824, King Moeshoeshoe had established himself as king and Thaba Bosiu as his mountain fortress.

Later, Moeshoeshoe allied with the government of the British Cape Colony in an attempt to protect the Basotho from the growing Boer presence in the area. Many fighting followed, forcing Moeshoeshoe to pass over to the imperial rule of the British, and in 1868, Basotholand (as it was then called, later to be called Basutoland) became a protectorate of the British Empire. It gained independence within the Commonwealth of Nations on October 4, 1966.


The Kingdom of Lesotho was formed through the search for peace, and this peaceful nature still exists in Basotho. They are a friendly and welcoming people and do not have the aggressive history that some of the peoples of neighboring countries have. People are especially grateful to the British, and the older generation will reach out to a Briton and tell them how much they thank them for saving them from Apartheid.


Lesotho has 300 days of sunshine. The rainy season runs from October to April, in which Lesotho receives 70mm of rain, mostly during severe thunderstorms. Extensive snowfall is possible in winter, but can occur in any month in the high mountains. Nighttime temperatures drop below freezing in winter (May to September) and the houses are not centrally heated, so bring a jacket. Due to the high altitude, the air is cold and dry, so bring moisturizer and a lipstick.


  • Independence Day (October 4) celebrates the day Lesotho achieved independence.
  • Moshoeshoe Day (March 14) celebrates the life of the founding father of the country. In Maseru, the procession runs from the Palace to the Sotho Stadium and involves many people dressed in the vibrant and colorful traditional Lesotho dress, usually comprising blankets and sticks and, if you're lucky, the cat hat. The women participating in the parade will carry huge bundles of sticks, as they traditionally do, while the men will perform traditional dances, ride horses or herd bulls along the way. In the stadium, after the arrival of the procession, there are military and police parades, which are not so pleasant.



  1. Maseru - the capital
  2. Hlotse (aka Leribe): regional market center, with excellent craft shops
  3. Mafeteng
  4. Hoek of Mohale
  5. Mokhotlong
  6. Nek of Qacha
  7. Quthing : fantastic rock art nearby
  8. Teyateyaneng (called 'TY' for short) - Lesotho's craft center
  9. Thaba-Tseka

Other destinations

  • Afriski, Oxbow (Afri-Ski) - ski and mountain resort for skiing in winter (June - September) and adventure mountain sports in summer (October - April). One of the few places in Africa to ski.
  • Sani Pass- 4x4 road to Lesotho from Underberg, with places to stay and activities at the top
  • Sehlabathebe National Park - Remote mountain reserve great for hiking with rare wildlife, stunning waterfalls, and ancient rock paintings and stone shelters
  • National Park Ts'ehlanyane: subalpine national park at the foot of the Holomo pass. Home to one of the few remaining Che-Che (old wood) forests, with hiking trails and virgin rock pools and rivers
  • Katse: pony rides and the impressive Katse dam
  • Malealea - pony-trekking
  • Morija - museum, dinosaur footprints
  • Semonkong - Maletsunyane Falls, one of the highest single-fall waterfalls in the world
  • Thaba Bosiu : the mountain fortress where King Moeshoeshoe the Great established the Kingdom of Lesotho

To get

Entry requirements

Foreign citizens of the following countries / territories can enter Lesotho without a visa:

Up to 90 days: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Brunei, Cameroon, Dominica, Eswatini, Fiji, Gambia, Grenada, Guyana, Hong Kong SAR, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Kiribati, Malawi, Malaysia , Maldives, Mauritius, Monaco, Namibia, Nauru, North Korea, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Vanuatu, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

Up to 14 days: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland

Your passport must be valid for another six months and you need at least two blank pages. Proof of a return or continuation ticket or your future travel plans may be required, but this should not be a problem.

If you need a visa to enter Lesotho, you may be able to apply at a British embassy, ​​high commission or consulate in the country where you legally reside if there is no foreign mission from Lesotho. For example, the British embassies / consulates in Al Khobar [1], Almaty [2], Belgrade [3], Budapest [4], Geneva [5], Guatemala City [6], Jeddah, Prague [7], Pristina [8], Riyadh, Rome [9], Sofia [10], Vienna [11] and Zurich [12] accept Lesotho visa applications (this list do notcomprehensive). British diplomatic posts charge £ 50 to process a Lesotho visa application and an additional £ 70 if the Lesotho authorities require the visa application to be sent to them. The Lesotho authorities may also decide to charge an additional fee if they contact you directly.

By plane

Moshoeshoe Airport Maseru is 18 km away. South African Airways and Airlink operate daily flights between Maseru and Johannesburg, typically costing around 1,400 South African rand (R). Luggage is lost very frequently and there is no missing luggage notification system. You should arrange taxi pick-up in advance as there are often no taxis at the airport. Taxis charge around R50-80.

By train

There is no train line within Lesotho, but the South African train line Bloemfontein Bohlokong (freight only) runs along the northwestern border of Lesotho, with a stop at Meqheleng.

By car

You will arrive from South Africa when entering by car. The main border posts are Caledonspoort, Ficksburg Bridge, Makhaleng Bridge, Maseru Bridge, Ngoangoma Gate, Peka Bridge, Qacha's Nek, Ramatseliso's Gate, Sani Pass, Sephaphos Gate, Tele Bridge and Van Rooyen's Gate. Note that some of the border posts are only accessible by four-wheel drive vehicles, and only the Maseru and Ficksburg bridges are open 24 hours; other borders may close at 4:00 p.m.

The Maseru Bridge can be crowded due to traffic, but the border guards are quite fast. There is a R30 road toll when driving to Maseru.

The Sani Pass Road (P318) from North Himesville to the South African border checkpoint 7km from the border is fine for normal cars. From there they are high clearance 4WD vehicles only from the South African border post. South African border guards can prevent you from continuing if your car is not suitable. The path then becomes a narrow, winding and incredibly steep rocky path that feels like you are climbing into a lost world shrouded in mist. Once the final climb has started, you are committed as there is no room to turn around if you find the challenge too great for you or your vehicle. At the top, entering Lesotho, the road is sealed and in very good condition until Maseru (May 2019).

The main roads in Lesotho are similar to the secondary roads in Europe: they are sealed and have no potholes. Highway A1 (also known as 'Main North') is paved from Maseru to Mokhotlong, and A2 (also known as 'Main South') is paved from Maseru to Qacha's Nek. The roads to Rome, the Mohale Dam, Semonkong and Katse are also paved. For the visitor, the only unpaved road you are likely to use is the last 20km to Malealea, which is easy in a saloon (sedan). Please note that the road running east to west to Thaba Tseka is now sealed and in good condition.

If you are heading into the mountains, check your car before the trip (fill up the oil, pump the spare tire, etc.) There are some steep climbs that require 2nd or even 1st gear to get up, so don't try to drive up to Qacha's Nek with 5 people crammed into a 1.3 liter rented CitiGolf.

When in doubt, ask the locals if the path you are going to take is okay, especially during winter. The truth is, if you stay on the main roads, you are likely to be driving on a smoother road than the Eastern Free State (RSA) highways. However, the stretch from Oxbow to Mokhotlong is not tarred (regardless of some maps claiming it is) and has a lot of potholes.

When renting a car, be sure to get permission from the rental company to take it to Lesotho. You will need to show a written permission from the rental company at border control. Be clear with your rental agency about what is covered and what is not to avoid unpleasant surprises. Full coverage does not necessarily mean full coverage.

As of September 2018, the price of the border letter varies greatly between rental agencies: Bidvest (free), Avis (R550), Thrifty (R1,513), Hertz (R1,614.03).

Finally, gasoline can be a problem if you want to go to the mountains, it is better to refuel in Butha-Buthe if you want to go to Mokhotlong, as there are no refueling stations until the district camp that goes by the same name, if you want to go To Thaba-Tseka, you can refuel in Maseru or Hlotse, or in any of the cities you will come across, such as Lejone, Seshote, and 'Mamohau, depending on which route you have taken. You will find leaded and unleaded gasoline (gasoline), including diesel, in most service stations, there are several service stations in most cities. Diesel fuel dispensers are usually remote, usually behind service stations.

By bus

Vaal-Maseru has a bus service between Johannesburg and Maseru.

Minibuses run pretty much anywhere from the Maseru Bridge border, but you need to arrive early in the morning (07:00) as there may be only 1 bus a day.

Doing autostop

If you are traveling from Bloemfontein, you can hitchhike quite easily (look for Lesotho license plates). If you go from Maseru to Bloemfontein, being around the border (especially on Saturday mornings) should take you (offers some money).


By regular taxi

The regular taxis (you call on the phone, they pick it up) and the 4 1 have a yellow stripe on the side and squeeze 4 passengers. Always check the cost of a taxi before rise.

By minibus taxi

As with most of Africa, the minibus "taxi" (also known as a combi or Toyota Hiace) is the transport of people.

Make sure you are clear about where the minibus is going (there should be a sign on the front windshield), you will be asked for money after a minute or two, and then you will pass the money through the minibus. Try to get the front seat next to the driver to have more legroom. Prices are set by the government. There is a risk of overcharging foreigners, so ask other passengers if you are unsure of the price. Be careful, minibus taxis are very cheap because they squeeze a lot of people. Don't be surprised to see children sitting on laps four or five high, or being told to have large amounts of luggage on your lap or snuggled around you. Minibus taxis tend to be poorly maintained and uninsured. However, very few taxi accidents occur.

Intercity taxi rides will cost no more than M50 (maloti) for a one-way ticket, and minibus taxi rides within the city will cost you around M2.50 (4 1 will cost you M20 for the entire car, no matter how many are with you, as long as it is within a city.)

Always check the cost of a taxi before rise.

Find a taxi

When you arrive at one of the main towns, you will notice that all the minibuses are honking their horns, which is to indicate that they have room for more passengers. To stop one, just wave to a taxi as it approaches, the driver (who will lean out the window on the curb side of the van) will usually yell the destination of the taxi. If you are not sure you will go where you want to go, ask before entering.

In Maseru, there is a place called Setopong on Moeshoeshoe Road, near Shoprite by The Circle / Cathedral. This is where all the minibus taxis leave from, and if you want a taxi out of town, you should head here. However, it is a very busy and bustling place, full of people. It is easier to take a 4 1 taxi to Setopong and ask the driver to drop you off near the taxis traveling to the part of the country you are going to.

By car

It is also possible to rent a car and move around. Sun hotels in Maseru have car rental places, as does the airport. If you rent your car in South Africa (probably cheaper than renting it in Lesotho) make sure you get permission to bring the car to Lesotho (your rental car insurance may not cover Lesotho).

But it's not as much fun as getting up close to the locals and chatting with them.

You don't need a 4x4 to see Lesotho's top sights, for the average visitor only the road to Semonkong will need a 4x4. The road is paved to Mokhotlong (via Leribe) and is now paved all the way to Qacha's Nek heading south from Maseru. In cities, some back roads are not sealed, but you can easily trip over a room. If you are heading into the mountains on unsealed roads (eg Kao Diamond Mine) then a 4x4 is a must. The same goes for Thaba Tseka and going up or down the Sani pass.

When driving, it is not advisable to stop at intersections or traffic lights at night, as there is a small chance that something unpleasant will happen, such as a carjacking.

By plane

  • Mission Aviation Scholarship , [2232 5699]. It offers flights to NGOs operating in Lesotho and also offers charter flights from Moeshoeshoe I Airport in Maseru if you want to reach an inaccessible part of the country.

To buy


Exchange rates for Lesotho loti / maloti

As of October 25, 2020:

  • FOB Price: US $ 1 ≈ M14
  • € 1 ≈ M15.7
  • UK £ 1 ≈ M18.5
  • South Africa R1 ≈ M1 / ​​L1 (fixed)

Exchange rates fluctuate. Current rates for these and other currencies are available on XE.com

The currency of Lesotho is the loti (plural maloti), denoted by the symbol " L "(for a loti)" M "(for more than one loti) (ISO code: LSL). It is pegged at a 1: 1 ratio to the South African rand (ZAR), as are the Namibian dollar and the Swazi emalilangeni. South African currency is accepted everywhere, so there is no need to change money. However, you will get maloti instead (unless you ask for it), which is very difficult to download in South Africa and quite impossible elsewhere.

There are ATMs in banks in most cities, although you won't find them elsewhere. Most banks will change traveler's checks for you, but it can be a very, very long process if they are in any currency other than the South African rand.


There are several western style supermarkets in Maseru, which are good for stocking up on supplies before heading to another part of the country.

If you are looking for locally made products and crafts, your best bet is to skip Maseru and head to Teyateyaneng (TY) or Hlotse where the markets are much better and cheaper. You can buy traditional Basotho hats (Mokorotlo), sticks (molamo), rugs and various other curiosities. In particular, the Basotho blanket is a hallmark of the Basotho culture. Equally popular in South Africa, they were brought in by the British for commercial purposes, but overtime became ingrained in Basotho culture and is worn as both informal and formal attire. They are sold in shops and markets throughout Lesotho, but the best prices are most likely to be found in Maseru, TY, or Mafekeng.

Credit cards will be accepted at Shoprite and major hotels, but not elsewhere. Your cash from home card may work at some Maseru ATMs (FNB or Standard Bank), but it is best to withdraw cash in South Africa beforehand.

Restaurants outside of Maseru (and most in Maseru) will probably not accept credit cards as a means of payment.

Eat and drink

To eat

There are many western style restaurants in Maseru. For a more traditional meal, why not befriend some locals and see what they cook for you?

To drink

Maluti beer is excellent.

  • Chalet Sani Top It has the highest pub in Africa. Maluti Beer: M15.
Pub in Sani Pass.

external links

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