Lipnica Murowana - Lipnica Murowana

Lipnica Murowana
The market square in Murowana Lipnica IMG 0192 c. JPGThe market square in Lipnica Murowana
POL Lipnica Murowana COA.svg
RegionLesser Poland Voivodeship
Height281 m above sea level
Area code( 48) 14
Postal Code32-724

Lipnica Murowana - a village situated on the Uszwica river in the central part of the Wiśnickie Foothills, the seat of the commune in Bochnia district, in in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship. The town is famous for the Easter palm competition, organized on Palm Sunday. In Lipnica there is a cemetery church of St. Leonard, the pearl of wooden architecture.

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The town was founded by King Władysław Łokietek in 1326, allowing the village head of Lipnica Murowana to establish a town on 100 Franconian łans under the Średzki law. As a privilege, he allocated four fiefs, a third denarius from land, allowed him to build meat, fish, shoemakers, bakery butchers, a bathhouse and a mill, and finally to fish in ponds. On the other hand, the mayor was obliged to appear on the popular “cum lancea et una spadone” move. The settlers were freed for 13 years from all levies, levies and burdens, and from customs duties throughout the country forever if they sold and transported their own products.

The town under King Casimir the Great was surrounded by city walls, hence the name "Murowana". The Średzkie law did not survive and the town fell into decline, and in 1370 the mother of King Ludwik of Hungary, Queen Regent Elżbieta issued a new document, in which she announced that seeing the poor condition of the town of Lipnica, she granted it Magdeburg law, repealing all Polish laws and common customs. There was a "trivial" folk school in the town (he studied there Kazimierz Brodziński).

In 1934, the town lost its municipal rights.

Lipnica Murowana is located at the Małopolska Wooden Architecture Trail, with two sites on the list (out of four in the municipality) and belongs to Association "On the Plum Trail"promoting local and unique food products.

Lipnica A brick wooden church of the 15th century. st. Leonard with the church cemetery
The wooden building of the former school, currently the Regional Chamber, 2nd half of the 19th century
Lipnica Murowana Parish Church. st. Andrew the Apostle
Lipnica Murowana The interior of the parish church. st. Andrew the Apostle
Lipnica Murowana, the Church of st. Simon
Lipnica Murowana Palm Sunday
Lipnica Murowana Market 3


By car

Coming from the west (Krakow), there are two options for choosing the route, with the entrance from Lipnica Górna:

  • Kraków - Wieliczka - Gdów - Łapanów - Muchówka - Lipnica Murowana A picturesque route leading through small towns and villages. It is enough to follow the route from Wieliczka DW966.
  • Krakow - Bochnia - Nowy Wiśnicz - There are two routes to Bochnia A4 (DK75) or DK94. There is only one route to Nowy Wiśnicz DW965but in the center of Nowy Wiśnicz you can choose two routes:
    • - Nowy Wiśnicz - Lipnica Murowana The route is direct and a few kilometers shorter, leading through unlit villages and forests. The surface is good, but narrow in places and requires special attention from drivers due to cyclists and pedestrians on the roadside. There is an outdoor swimming pool just behind Wiśnicz on the right.
    • - Nowy Wiśnicz - Połom Duży - Muchówka - Lipnica MurowanaRecommended route! It goes on DW965, through many villages, where you can use, among others, petrol stations along the way. The surface is good and illuminated in many places, and the safest because of the wider street and long sidewalks. After reaching Muchówka, take the second exit at the roundabout near the church and continue your journey along the route DW966.


In the village of Połom Duży, there is a sign leading to Lipnica Murowana, but NO you should take it, it is a dangerous route due to the poor condition of the surface, sharp turns combined with a steep slope of the road, and narrow sections. There you should go to Muchówka.

In Połom Duży, right next to the fire station, there is a point from which you can see the Lipnica panorama, while driving through Muchówka, the route passes the Brodziński Stones.

Driving from the east (Tarnów, Nowy Sącz), with the entrance from Lipnica Dolna:

  • Tarnow - Brzesko - Gnojnik - There are two routes to Brzesko A4 or DK94. There is only one route to Gnojnik DK75but after Gnojnik you can choose two routes:
    • - Gnojnik - Gosprzydowa - Lipnica Murowana Exit on 1445Kthat's easy to miss. The route is direct and several kilometers shorter, sometimes leading through unlit villages. The surface is good, but narrow in places and requires special attention from drivers due to cyclists and pedestrians on the roadside. In Lipnica Dolna it connects with DW966.
    • - Gnojnik - Tymowa - Lipnica Murowana Direct exit from DK75 on DW966 in Tymowa.
  • Nowy Sącz - Czchów - Tymowa - Lipnica Murowana Follow this route DK75 up to Tymowa where there is a direct exit to DW966 leading to Lipnica Murowana.


Design work is currently underway for the new run DK75 on the Brzesko-Nowy Sącz section, which will run on the border of the Lipnica Murowana commune. The planned commissioning year is 2025, it is expected that there will be difficulties in entering Lipnica from this side.

Notes on holidays and parking:

On Palm Sunday, passage through the market square may be hindered or blocked by the uniformed services, which guide car traffic around the detours and, if necessary, inform about car parks created additionally for this celebration.

Normally (not counting the fair days) you can park on the market square. In addition, there are several car parks close to the market, especially at cemeteries, which are close to the center.

By train

Direct access by train is not possible.

The nearest railway station is in Bochnia, where, among others, fast Agglomeration Railway (SKA) trains run between Kraków and Tarnów.

Then, it is recommended to go to the bus stop in the center of Bochnia, one kilometer from the station, where buses depart.

By bus

Buses run practically every day, except on selected public holidays. The routes on which the buses run are presented below:

  • Cracow - Bochnia - Nowy Wiśnicz - Muchówka - Lipnica Górna (Stones B.) - Lipnica Murowana - Rajbrot
  • Bochnia - Nowy Wiśnicz - Lipnica Górna (Bukowiec) - Lipnica Murowana - Lipnica Dolna
  • Bochnia - Nowy Wiśnicz - Muchówka - Lipnica Górna (Stones B.) - Lipnica Murowana - Rajbrot
  • Brzesko - Okocim - Uszew - Gnojnik - Gosprzydowa - Lipnica Dolna - LipnicaBrick


The "Lipnica Murowana" stop is located on the Lipnica Market Square.

Some of the buses going from Bochnia, go in the direction of the village of Rajbrot (written on the board at the carrier), where the final stop is, and they should be taken.

Buses going through Muchówka have the opportunity to stop at the "Lipnica Górna - Kamienie Brodzińskiego" stop, from which there is only a short walk into the forest to the said natural monument.

Currently, the fastest option to travel from Krakow is a change in Bochnia. A large number of buses, various carriers, run between Krakow and Bochnia, and one from Bochnia to Lipnica, but relatively often.

Current bus courses can be found on the side of the commune.


There is no internal public transport in Lipnica Murowana, and it is operated by private carriers.

The "Lipnica Murowana" stop is located on the Lipnica Market Square, from where it is close to most attractions.

Stop "Lipnica Górna (Brodzińskiego Stones)", from which there is only a short walk into the forest to the said natural monument.

Worth seeing

Objects entered in the register of monuments of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship.

  • The old urban layout of the city with a quadrilateral Market Square built up with wooden arcaded houses. One-story arcaded houses in the frontages of the square, with their gables facing the center of the square, were built in the 18th century, when the town lost its importance. These are mainly wooden houses with a carcass construction, covered with half-hip roofs, only some of them are partially brick. Most of the arcades rest on modestly decorated wooden poles. In the middle of the Market Square, on a tall column, there is a statue of Bl. Simon of Lipnica from the 19th century, and a lime tree growing referring to the coat of arms and the town's foundation.
    • In the north-west in the corner of the market square, there is a large starost's house built in the 17th century, Rynek 3.
    • In the western wall of the market (Rynek 55) there is a wooden house, where the legion's staff, together with Józef Piłsudski, stayed for three weeks (December 29, 1914 - January 19, 1915). the battle of Lowczówek.
  • The Gothic silhouette dominates over the one-story buildings of the market square and nearby streets parish church of st. Andrew the Apostle from 1364, renewed in 1720.
  • In a street facing north-east. the corner of the market square stands in the early baroque style church of st. Simon of Lipnica from the 17th century (around 1680).
  • The most interesting monument is a wooden, gothic one St. Leonard from the 15th century, single-nave, built on a framework, shingled, surrounded by Saturdays. Inside, there are valuable polychromes: Gothic from 1502, Renaissance from around 1600 and Baroque in 1711, and the Gothic triptych in the main altar from around 1500 is particularly noteworthy.
  • Former trivial school in Lipnica Murowana - currently headquarters Regional Chamber.
  • The Lipnicki Palm Competition, organized annually on Palm Sunday for decades.

Nearest neighborhood

  • Brodziński Stones"On Paprotna (441 m above sea level), less than an hour's walk from Lipnica Murowana, following the blue signs of the tourist trail to Wieliczka. Monument of inanimate nature, named in honor of the poet born in the nearby Królówka and in his adolescence associated with the Bochnia land. It is a very picturesque group of 9 rocks in the shape of towers, mushrooms, pulpits and rock projections. The largest of the outliers, called the Great Stone, is about 10 m high and 16 m long.
  • Melsztyn, a hamlet of the village of Charzewice situated at a height of 240 m by the road running along the Dunajec valley, surrounded by the hills of the Wieliczka Foothills. The history of the village is connected with the Melsztyński family, who held the highest dignities in Poland of the last Piasts and Jagiellons (probably they are mentioned in the "Teutonic Knights" of Spytko from Melsztyn). On a hill of 317 m, towering over the Dunajec valley, they erected a gothic defensive castle around 1340, and around 1550 it was transformed into a Renaissance stronghold. It was destroyed in 1771 during the fights of the Bar Confederates. To this day, the ruins of one tower and traces of the ground floor of the entire defensive structure with the outline of walls and ramparts have been preserved. From the castle hill there is an interesting view of the vast valley of the Dunajec, called the Zakliczynska Valley, with a winding ribbon of the river, and the hill of the Wieliczka Foothills.
  • Lipnica Murowana is located On the Plum Trail, the culinary tourist route of the surrounding municipalities (Czchów, The manure, Iwkow, Lower salmon, Gródek on the Dunajec River and Laskowa) with whom they share many regional dishes. Lipnica Murowana has two local products, "Razowiec lipnicki" (a kind of bread) and "Lipnicka lipina" (tea made of linden flowers), which are entered on the List of Traditional Products of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
  • At Szpilówka (516 m above sea level), on the border with Iwkowa, at the end of 2018, a 30-m high observation tower was erected. To get there you have to go black hiking trail along the black trail from the Lipnica market square, then turn into green hiking trail green trail.



In the area of ​​Lipnica Murowana there are:

  • Private Nursery
  • Public Kindergarten
  • Public Primary School

Lipnica Murowana does not have any secondary schools. The most common choice are numerous branches in the district city (Bochnia), to which buses run regularly. Less frequent choice are schools in Brzesko, Nowy Wiśnicz or Kraków.


In Lipnica Murowana there are:

  • Three supermarkets (food, food and industrial, clothing and industrial)
  • Several grocery stores
  • Petrol Station in Lipnica Dolna (less than a kilometer from the Market Square)
  • Several clothing stores
  • Two DIY stores
  • Two florists

There is no problem with making purchases on non-trading Sundays.

Market dayit's Monday, weekly from morning to early noon on the market square stalls of local and door-to-door sellers are spread out, selling, among other things: agricultural produce, flowers, clothing, foreign chemicals, and many others.

On the occasion of the church fair (events described below), the market square and the streets that depart from it are lined with stalls with souvenirs and themed products, as well as local food.


In Lipnica Murowana there are:

  • "Piwniczka" Cafe - an atmospheric place a few steps east of the Market Square (Address: Lipnica Murowana 157).
  • Pizzeria Torino - the northern wall of the Market Square.
  • Traditional Ice Cream at Szymona's - the western wall of the Market Square, where you can buy ice cream prepared with the same recipe since 1966, by the Kawalec family, and bee honey.
  • Tavern under the Stone - in Lipnica Górna, next to the hotel (Address: Lipnica Górna 304).

Lipnica Murowana, together with several surrounding communes, creates Association "On the Plum Trail", promoting local and unique food products (listed on List of Traditional Products of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development). These products are:

  • Lipnica lipina - linden flower tea
  • Razowiec Lipnica - a kind of wholemeal bread


  • Palm Sunday - Lipnica Murowana is famous for the Lipnica Palm and Artistic Handicraft competition easter palm, organized since 1958. The tallest palms presented in the competition were already over 30 meters high (the record for 2019 is 37.78 meters).
  • July - a week-long indulgence in honor of St. Simon of Lipnica.
  • November:
    • Indulgence in the church of St. Leonard - who is the patron of the historic church in the old cemetery, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. - Beginning of November.
    • Indulgence in honor of St. Andrew the Apostle - who is the patron of the parish and the largest of the Lipnica churches - End of November (around Andrzejek).

The parish in Lipnica is famous for its numerous churches and, consequently, for the indulgences that result from the feasts of their Patrons.




Tourist information

The village has a mobile tourist guide, available in 5 languages. The guide describes 6 selected objects, including the most important monuments in the commune. The guide is in the form of a mobile website available at There are signs with QR codeswhich, after being scanned by phone or smartphone, refer to the description of a given object.


Geographical Coordinates