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Neuchâtel coastline
46 ° 59 ′ 53 ″ N 6 ° 56 ′ 38 ″ E

The Neuchâtel coast designates the part bordering Lake Neuchâtel. This region is also called the Lower Canton of Neuchâtel.


The Neuchâtel coast is endowed with essential museums, including the Laténium de Hauterive, which will take you on a journey through 50,000 years Prehistory and History.In order to discover more than 2000 years of Neuchâtel wine-growing history, do not hesitate to visit the Vine and Wine Museum at the Château de Boudry. Many museums such as the Ethnography Museum, the Natural History Museum or the Art and History Museum, in which the famous Jaquet-Droz Automata are exhibited, are to be discovered in Neuchâtel itself.

Lake Neuchâtel, the largest entirely Swiss lake with 217 km2, is an invitation to relaxation and water sports such as sailing, wakeboarding, water skiing or rowing. There are magnificent beaches for about fifteen kilometers, as well as beautiful places for games and relaxation, on which grills and volleyball games are very popular during the summer.


Authentic villages between Vaumarcus and Marin-Epagnier follow one another, without resembling each other, between the vineyards and the shores of Lake Neuchâtel. Among these welcoming villages, we can cite Colombier, Boudry, Cressier and Vaumarcus, all of which have very beautiful castles, or Le Landeron and its town hall dating from the XVe century.

To go


It is very easy to get from one point to another along the Neuchâtel coast. On the one hand with your own vehicle, and on the other hand with a wide choice of public transport. In fact, in addition to the train and buses, a small tram runs along the lake of Neuchâtel to Boudry, passing through the small villages of Serrières, Auvernier, Colombier and Areuse.During beautiful sunny days, we like to cycle, walk or rollerblade on the cycle paths and pedestrian lanes that surround the lake .

The people of Neuchâtel also like to explore this rural and urban landscape on foot. There are indeed many walks that crisscross the Neuchâtel coast.

To see


Tram Museum
This museum brings together 5 trams (4 motor and 1 trailer) covering a period of fifty years of production of railway material in Switzerland (1897-1947). A 1975 bus, as well as a rich historical and technical archive complete the objects presented. Opening of the museum scheduled for fall 2013 (subject to change).


Cellar of the Auvernier cellars
The cellar communicating with the pint the GoléeAll Auvernier wines are available there. Some vintages by the glass can be tasted there at any time.


Areuse Museum
Permanent exhibition: lake objects, coins, painted canvases Indian, ethnography, stuffed animals, local history, etc. Temporary exhibition renewed every year.

Vine and Wine MuseumEvolution of the culture and the vine through the ages. Temporary exhibitions. Museum located in the magnificent Château de Boudry. Guided tours on request. Château de Boudry: embassy of the Neuchâtel vineyard. Wine bar. Possibility of tasting wines and local products.

Boudry wine tasting cellar
Panoramic view. Perfect place to taste and compare wines and other specialties. Sausages, Neuchâtel tommes and wines to take away. Temporary exhibitions.


Military museum and painted canvases
The military museum presents two remarkable collections of weapons and uniforms and the museum of painted fabrics recalls the Indian industry. Temporary exhibition Battles and armed figures by Aloys Perregaux, from March 15 to .

Commercial flights - taxi flights throughout Europe and pleasure flights during the week or at weekends.

Neuchâtel Aviation Club
Flight school, first flights and introductory flights by plane or glider.


Cortaillod and Bevaix wine tasting cellar
Close to the port and the beach, this cellar presents a picturesque setting where you will discover all the richness of the wines of Cortaillod and Bevaix.


The Laténium - Park and Museum of Archeology
The Laténium exhibits 50,000 years regional history, from glacial times to the Middle Ages, through lake villages and emblematic discoveries of Celtic civilization. Thousands of archaeological finds, modern design and innovative museography (Council of Europe Museum Prize). The museum and its 30 'archaeological park000 m2 are located in an idyllic setting, by the lake, facing the Alps.


CIS Sports and Leisure
Sports complex, tennis, squash, badminton, minigolf (18-hole course) and pétanque. Restaurant, dining room. Shaded terrace.


Click on the page wikivoyage - Neuchâtel to discover all the activities offered by this capital.


Mario Botta: The Millennium Fountain
Located at the port, the fountain designed by Mario Botta to mark the millennium of the village, uses water from the Ruau. It is made up of three bucket wheels and symbolizes the history of Saint-Blaise.
Visit to combine with Trail The Stroll of the 12 Fountains along the Ruau.
Explore the picturesque places of the village of Saint-Blaise along the Ruau, following an established route.

Fun Laser
Unique in the region, a must-try! Dressed in your electronic armor, navigate a labyrinth of 430 m2.Equipped with your pistolaser, flush out your opponents and deactivate them! Birthday organization, bachelor party, etc.


Vaumarcus Castle
Historic site, café, shops, administrative center. Panoramic view. Park of monumental sculptures.


The beautiful vines of this region allow the production of very good wines such as Chasselas blanc, Pinot Gris or even Charpenté and flowery Pinot Noir, not to mention Oeil de Perdrix. the Canton of Neuchâtel a offers many culinary specialties, in particular the Neuchâtel Taillaule, originating in Peseux, a village on the Neuchâtel coast and bordering the city of Neuchâtel. The complete list of regional products can be found on the website of the Office of Wines and Local Products (OVPT).

Have a drink / Go out

The small villages that make up the Neuchâtel coast all offer a few bars in the center of the villages. For a real festive night, the people of Neuchâtel come to Neuchâtel itself. This city has plenty of bars and nightclubs for trendy nights.

There are a lot of varied events in the region. Starting with the traditional Harvest Festival with its guggenmusik groups and the magnificent procession in bloom, in September. The small coastal villages are also celebrating the coming of the harvest with activities in the center of the villages. In June, many international artists come to perform for Festi'Neuch concerts, and in August, artists from the region take advantage of the Buskers Festival to showcase their music in the streets of Neuchâtel. films from all over the world are shown during the Neuchâtel Fantastic Film Festival.



The Neuchâtel mountains (the top of the canton of Neuchâtel) are represented by two key towns in the canton: La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle. These two watchmaking metropolises are listed on the Unesco World Heritage. In winter, many activities are offered for the upper part of the canton. Indeed, you can discover vast snow-covered fields during a snowshoe trip or cross-country skiing. Alpine skiing is also possible thanks to the three tracks of Chapeau-Râblé, at La Chaux-de-Fonds.

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