Lutom (Greater Poland Voivodeship) - Lutom (województwo wielkopolskie)

Lutom - the village of the village administrator in Poland, located in Greater Poland Voivodeship, in you will say Międzychodzki, in Sieraków commune. The village is located 5 km from the commune Sierakow, on the eastern shore of the largest and longest lake in the commune - Lutomskie Lake.


Geographic coordinates: 52 ° 37'N, 16 ° 08'E

In the years 1975–1998 the village administratively belonged to the then Poznań Province.

Location map of Lutomia
Lutom from a bird's eye view

In 2010, the village had 522 inhabitants on an area of ​​12.72 km², so the average population density was 40 people / km². Therefore, Lutom is the largest village in the commune in terms of the number of inhabitants. It also takes the leading third place in terms of area.

Probably already in the fourteenth century there was a Catholic church in the village, in the second half of the The sixteenth century was temporarily in the hands of infidels.

Tourist Lutom

tourist part Sieraków commune and Of the Międzychód County, covering the area of ​​the village council Lutom and belonging to the Greater Poland Land of 100 Lakes. This area is known for its over 750-year historical and cultural heritage, natural environment with rare species of plants and animals, and suitable conditions for practicing competitive sports and recreation.

Natural environment

Buki forest nature reserve on the Lutomskie lake

The largest of the reserves in the area of ​​the Sieraków commune, covering an area of ​​55.17 ha. It protects the edge of the lake ridge overgrown with beech. It was established in 1958 on the basis of the ordinance of the Minister of Forestry and Wood Industry of October 10, 1958 in order to preserve the scientific, didactic and landscape considerations of a fragment of a beech forest with the features of a natural complex.[1]

The greater part of the reserve is covered by Central European oak-hornbeam forest, which includes: beeches, English oaks, Scots pines and sycamore trees. In the undergrowth, there is spring grouse, yellow woodcock, scented woodcarse, scabies, one-sided bell and black grass. The area by the lake is occupied by an alder-ash riparian forest with high ash, black alder and black poplars, as well as bitter watercress and sparse sedge.

Many species of animals live in the reserve. The world of snails is particularly varied. The most impressive is the well-known grape snail (protected species) and the great naked saliva, the eastern border of which runs through the Greater Poland Voivodeship. There are three species of gimlets on the trunks of beech trees. Rare species of birds include the tawny owl, buzzard, honey buzzard, green and black woodpecker, kingfisher, and also moisture. The most common mammals are: roe deer, wild boar, foxes and squirrels. In the reserve, you can see traces of beaver activity in the form of felled trees and trunks devoid of bark.

The peculiarity of the reserve "Beeches on Lake Lutomskie" is the only position of occurrence in Wielkopolska dormice, a protected arboreal rodent. In order to implement active protection of the species of animals, in order to ensure the continuity of the occurrence of this species in Wielkopolska, in recent years studies and reintroduction treatments of dormouse have been carried out in several other places in the Sierakowski Landscape Park. The red tourist trail from Sieraków to Kurnatowice runs through the reserve, parallel to the lake.[2]

The Beech Reserve on Lake Lutomskie is an integral part of the Sieraków Landscape Park, located at the junction of two physical and geographical regions: the Gorzów Basin and the Poznań Lakeland. The reserve is also protected under the Natura 2000 network: Notecka Forest as a special bird protection area (Birds Directive).[3]

Lutomskie Lake

Covering an area of ​​151 ha, covered in the coastal zone mostly by: common reed, narrow-leaved cattail and broadleaf cattail. It is a feeding and habitat for birds such as coot, mallard, reed weeds and great crested grebe. Lake rushes are an ideal habitat for plants such as Calamus, Siberian iris, lanceolate sorrel, hedgehogs or lake bulrush, which through its long stems forms characteristic "bristly islands". Lake Lutomskie is a habitat for many species of snails, and snails are particularly fond of this area: common amber (Succinea putris) and stream brook (Ancylus fluviatilis). Lake Lutomskie has a belt of nnymfeids, i.e. plants floating on the water, rooted in the bottom of the reservoir. These plants include the following strictly protected: yellow water lilies and white water lilies. -February 750 - the summer of the village

Devil's stone

With a circumference of 11 meters, it is located in the forest, 1 km south of the village. At the stone of the shelter, there is a resting place and a commemorative plaque prepared on the occasion of the 750th anniversary of Lutom.

Historical and cultural heritage

In 2012, Lutom sumptuously celebrated the 750th anniversary of the town. The first mentions of the village appeared in 1262, when the Duke of Greater Poland, Bolesław the Pious, issued a document confirming that Komes Przybysław of Lutom made a donation to the Cistercian monastery in Obra. It is the oldest surviving document confirming the existence of the village in the 13th century. The first owners of the village are the knights from the Realists' family, who took the name of the Lutomskis. In the mid-fourteenth century, in the village of Lutom, a parish was established, next to which there was a wooden church of St. Andrew the Apostle. In 1753, the wife of Henryk Brühl - Franciszek Marianna née Countess Kolovrat-Krakovskych ordered the demolition of the temple, which was falling into decay. In its place in 1762 a brick church was built, which was hit by fire exactly 100 years later. In the following years, the interior was refurbished and the losses made in 1892 repaired. Thanks to the efforts of the parish priest, Stanisław Gintrowski, it is possible to obtain an altar tomb with a tabernacle, lodges at the presbytery, side altars and a pulpit. Currently, the church is under the invocation of st. Andrew the Apostle and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians.

Manor house in Lutom

A two-story building on a rectangular plan with a separate porch on the west side of the property. Above the main entrance there is a large balcony with a pair of simple columns as its pillar. Above the balcony there is a triangular gable with a small, oval window. The masks with rich facial expressions are an interesting finish to the facade of the manor. On the eastern side there is a terrace with access to the garden. In the vicinity of the manor there is a landscape park, a farm complex which once included: a steam engine hall, a brickyard, a blacksmith's shop, a stable, a cowshed, a pigsty, a coach house and quadruplets.[4]

Lutom owners:

  1. knights of the Truth family taking the family name of the Lutomski family;
  2. Belęcki from Belęcin, Samson coat of arms
  3. The Bobolecki family of the Łodzia coat of arms
  4. Drużbicki of the Nałęcz coat of arms
  5. The Mieszkowski family of the Odrowąż coat of arms
  6. The Żółkowskis of the Ogończyk coat of arms
  7. Opaliński family, coat of arms Łodzia
  8. Stanisław Leszczyński by marrying Katarzyna Opalińska
  9. Henryk count. Bruhl
  10. Piotr Mikołaj von Gartenberg-Sadogórski
  11. Abraham von Fritsch
  12. The Bnińskis of the Łódź coat of arms
  13. Johann Friedrich Louis Leopold von Bredow
  14. Rudolf Hoffmann
  15. The Stobwassers
  16. Rodatts[5]

In the conservation records of immovable historic buildings in Lutom, protection covers: residential buildings - 4 objects sacred buildings - the church of st. Andrew and the Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians in Lutom Palaces and manors - manor house in Lutom Granary complexes - 1[6]

Tourist routes:

On foot

  • The Trail Around Lake Lutomskie: Sieraków - Lake Lutomskie - Lutom - Sieraków; red, black and yellow trail, 17.7 km. Trails: black - yellow - black - red; length 17.7 km

Description: A scenic trail around the Lutomskie Lake - the longest lake in the Lakeland. On the route there are many beautiful viewpoints of the lake, the largest erratic boulder in the area, the historic village of Lutom with over 750-year history and the strict reserve "Buki nad Jeziorem Lutomskie", protecting over 300-year-old trees on the high shores of the lake. For cyclists, the trail is available along its entire length, in some places a nuisance in the form of sandy roads. Difficult in the reserve section.

  • The Kwilcz - Kurnatowice - Góra Głazów - Sieraków trail; black and red trail, 17.9 km, of which in the Sieraków Commune, 9.9 km. Trails: black and red; length 17.9 km

Description: An attractive route through the hilly area of ​​the Lake District. The route mostly leads along dirt roads and paths. On the trail, there are monuments of Kwilcz and Rozbitka, a vantage point on Góra Głazów, the picturesque Głęboczek Lake and the "Buki nad Jeziorem Lutomskie" reserve. The trail is easy for cyclists. Only in the reserve "Buki nad Jeziorem Lutomskie" the trail is not available - a detour along a local road through Grobia and Jaroszewo.

  • Trail to the viewpoint: Sieraków - Lutomek - Viewpoint - Chrzypsko Great Trails: red - black - green; 15.1 km long

Description: A trip to one of the most famous viewpoints of the Lake District. On the route, historic mansions in Lutomek and Łężce, the reserve "Buki nad Jeziorem Lutomskie", the first monument unveiled in the third millennium and beautiful views of the lakes and the undulating Lake District. In the Lutomek - Łężeczki section, the trail is unmarked, but easy to find in the field. The trail is easy for cyclists, difficult only on the part of the reserve.

  • The trail around Lutom: Lutom - Bath - Lake Lutomskie - Lake Godziszewskie - Diabelski Kamień - Lutom; Trails: green and black; length 9.6 km. Description: A scenic trail around Lutom - the largest village in the commune with over 750 years of history. The route runs along the eastern shore of Lake Lutomskie - the longest lake in the Lakeland. On the route there are many beautiful viewpoints of the lake, the largest erratic boulder in the area and the monuments of Lutom. For cyclists, the trail to Lake Godziszewskie is inaccessible in some places, but still easy.[7]


  • Landscape Trail - yellow color; 21.7 km; Góra - Lutomek - Tuchola

A varied trail; interesting in terms of view, sometimes leading through wild areas. Nature protected areas along the way. Possibility to swim and buy fish. The lowest point on the trail is located 37 m above sea level, and the highest point is 79 m above sea level. [8]


Trail: moderately difficult, length 15.6 km Szczenica is the second longest river flowing through the commune of Sieraków. It leads from Ryżyna through Lake Lutomskie straight to the Warta River.[9]

Center of Culture, Sport and Tourism in Lutom

Center for Culture, Sport and Tourism in Lutom (KSiT Center) - a local government unit, located in the center of the village council at Lutom 77, established in 2015 on the initiative of the Sieraków commune. The project to create the KSiT Center was implemented with the support of the European Union from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development under Measure 413 Implementation of Local Development Strategies for operations corresponding to the conditions for granting aid under the measure Renewal and development of villages covered by the Rural Development Program for 2007 -2013.[10]

The offer of Centrum KsiT is adjusted to people of all ages. Thanks to the rich infrastructure used to activate social, cultural or sports life, children and adults can find in this institution services tailored to their needs. By creating the KSiT Center, the residents of Lutom have access to a fully equipped facility where they can develop their passions and interests, but also learn about the tourist attractions of their region.[11]

The aim of the KSiT Center

is social activation related to the development of culture, sport and tourism through: - organizing thematic lectures, - conducting historical presentations, - presenting local bands and artists, - promoting and disseminating physical culture, - promoting education in cooperation with educational units - promoting values tourist, natural and historical and cultural heritage - education in the field of renewable energy sources (RES)

Recipients of KSiT Center activities

the local community of the village of Lutom, school children and youth, preschool children, seniors and students of Third Age Universities, local artists and young artists, employees of the cultural sector, institutions and organizations operating in the field of culture, associations actively operating in the field of culture and sport and tourism tourists visiting the village of Lutom

KSiT Center website

Historical monuments

  • Late baroque parish church pw. st. Andrew and the Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians - The wooden church in the village was already mentioned in 1725. The present church was built in the years 1753–1762, funded by the then owner of the village, Anna Maria née Kolovratha Brühlowa, restored after a fire in 1862, thanks to the efforts of the parish priest Stanisław Gintrowski (new roof and cupola of the tower). Renovated in 1956, restored at the end of the 1970s and in the years 1982–1983. Late baroque style with baroque and late classicist furnishings. Interesting paintings inside: St. Roch from around 1860 (J. Kopczyński) and Our Lady with the Child from the 18th century. At the main altar - a canopy modeled on a baroque canopy from the Gniezno cathedral. In 2009, it was discovered that this construction, previously considered a confession, is in fact the only one preserved in Poland Castrum Doloris (a torment camp) from the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries.
  • Manor-villa was built in 1905 for the then owner of the village - Emil Rodatz. It has survived to this day in its original external form, but with significantly rebuilt interiors.


Devil's stone

"Devil's Stone" it is situated in a forest 1 km south of the village. It has a circumference of 11 m and is the largest erratic boulder in Sieraków Landscape Park.


Lutomskie Lake


  • Agritourism house Out of the way


  • The Volunteer Fire Department (OSP), established in 1922, has its seat in Lutom. In 1974, a new fire station was built, ceremonially opened on August 21 this year.
  • Lutom is the only village in the commune of Sieraków with more than 500 inhabitants.
  • Lutom is the first village in the commune where the street was given the name - ul. Sunny.
  • Lutom is the only village in the commune with its own parish and primary school.
Geographical Coordinates