Peter - Mäxchen

The Mäxchen is a seasonal bus line in the Aachener Verkehrsverbund, the tourist interesting places in the region around Heimbach and the eastern one Rurseeufer on the edge of Eifel National Park connects. During the journey, information about the region is conveyed via loudspeakers. Nevertheless, the tariff is a normal bus line that can be used with normal network tickets and can therefore also be seamlessly and inexpensively integrated into longer journeys with public transport.

Timetable and tariff

The Mäxchen runs on weekends and public holidays in the season from the beginning of May to the end of October between Heimbach station and the eastern bank of the Rurtalsperre Schwammenauel. On Saturdays, the first trip starts at 12:15 p.m. at Heimbach train station, Sundays and public holidays at 10:15 a.m. The last trip is always at 5:15 p.m. and the last arrival in Heimbach is 6:10 p.m.

The Mäxchen is a regular bus line and can be used with tickets from the Aachener Verkehrsverbund and with tickets according to the NRW tariff (e.g. SchönerTagTicket NRW). Apart from the branch trip to Schmidt, the route des Mäxchens is completely in AVV price level 1 Heimbach (single trip € 2.80, 4-trip ticket € 10.40). For extended journeys in the Düren district (where the Mäxchen line is located), the 24-hour Düren district ticket (€ 11.30), which is also available for up to five people (€ 22.20), is ideal. The euregioticket (€ 19.00) is very interesting for couples and families, with which up to two adults and three children can travel for a whole day on weekends and public holidays in the Euregio-Meuse-Rhine, which extends far beyond the area of ​​the AVV goes out. (All prices as of 2021). More information on prices and tickets on the AVV website.


Map of Maxchen

The bus runs between Heimbach station with a connection to the train and the Rur dam Schwammenauel with connection to the Rurseeschiffahrt and takes about an hour for a whole loop, with a long and a short loop alternating, so that some stops such as e.g. Mariawald only be approached every two hours. Individual branch trips are binding on Sundays and public holidays Schmidt Wildlife Park over the short lap.

The individual stops

Heimbach train station with the National Park gate
  • The 1 Heimbach stationHeimbach station in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHeimbach station (Q14386337) in the Wikidata database is the terminus of the Ruhr Valley Railway (RB21), which also runs hourly to and from Düren. There is also a so-called one here National park gate, an information center for the national park with exhibition and tourist information, which is a good starting point for a tour through the national park. The bus rides are coordinated with the trains in both directions. The buses arrive here at *: 10 a.m. and leave again at *: 3 p.m., while the trains arrive at *: 6 a.m. and leave again at *: 5 p.m. So you can easily change in both directions with seven or nine minutes.
  • The bus stop 2 WIZE is quite centrally located in the historic town center of Heimbach near the Eifel water information center, which gives it its name. Hengebach Castle is also nearby. The Mäxchen only drives to this stop every two hours.
  • The former monastery 3 MariawaldWebsite of this institutionMariawald in the encyclopedia WikipediaMariawald in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMariawald (Q334026) in the Wikidata database is particularly popular with tourists because of its restaurant, where you can eat well and cheaply. The pea soup is famous. There is also a monastery shop and a small playground. This is also a good starting or ending point for hikes. The Mäxchen only drives to this stop every two hours.
  • 4 House Kermeter
  • The bus stop 5 Wild Kermeter is located in the barrier-free nature experience area of ​​the same name. This is where a 6.2-kilometer network of trails begins, which allows people with and without disabilities to experience nature in the Kermeter. With lots of information about nature and the Eifel National Park, also suitable for children. The highlight is the guided ranger tour, which starts on Sundays at 1 p.m. and can be used free of charge and without registration. Further information on the Wilder Kerrmeter is available on the website of the Eifel National Park
Ship landing stage in Schwammenauel
  • The bus stop 6 Landal Eifeler Tor connects to the holiday park of the same name, see There is also a national park information point here.
  • The bus stop 7 Schwammenauel is located on the banks of the Rursee in the immediate vicinity of the dam, which can be easily visited from here. This is also the headquarters of the Ruse shipping with restaurant, toilet and ticket office. The bus takes a break there, which is longer or shorter depending on the course, so that the arrival time in Heimbach is identical again. Here you have a connection to the ship to and from Rurberg with transfer times of 17 minutes in both directions or 37 minutes after the short circuit.
  • The Schmidt Wildlife Park (Bus stop 8 Schmidt Wildlife Park) is a small, family-run wildlife park that is ideal for a family outing. In addition to a short and long circular route, there is a café & bistro with delicious homemade cakes and venison ham or wild salami from our own production, as well as a playground and a petting zoo. The paths are partly steep and poorly paved, making them difficult to cope with with a wheelchair and buggies should also be somewhat cross-country. The Mäxchen stops here three times on Sundays and public holidays. You arrive at 11:37 a.m. and leave at 3:46 p.m. If you missed the bus, you can still take the last bus at 5:46 pm after the park closes. The four-hour stay from 11:37 a.m. to 3:46 p.m. is, however, very generous. You have to take a lot of time to get around there for more than three hours.
  • 9 Hasenfeld Chapel
  • 10 Hasenfeld Post
  • 11 Hasenfelder Str


A scout accompanies the journey on Sundays at 12:15 p.m. from Heimbach train station and tells things about the area. This trip also connects you to the ranger tour on the wild Kermeter.

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