Bistrița Monastery, Vâlcea - Mănăstirea Bistrița, Vâlcea

Bistrița Monastery, Vâlcea
RO VL Bistrița Monastery.JPG
The monastery church
The profile of the monastery
Hram:"Assumption of the Virgin Mary"
Founder:the boyars of Craiova
Data of the monastery
Dating:1492 - 1494
The country:Romania
Location:Bistrița, Vâlcea

Bistrita Monastery is a monastic settlement located in Vâlcea county, Romania.


Built between 1492-1494, Bistrița Monastery is the foundation of the Craiova boyars: Barbu, Banul Craiova and his brothers: Pârvu vornicul, Danciu armașul and Radu postelnicul. Destroyed from its foundations by Mihnea Vodă in 1509, it was rebuilt during the time of Neagoe Basarab (between 1515 - 1519) also by the Craiova boyars. The church painting, realistic, with wide registers, was executed in 1850 by Gheorghe Tattarescu, a pioneer of neoclassicism in Romanian painting. The iconostasis was made in Vienna, made of gilded lime wood. The church of the monastery houses the relics of Saint Gregory the Decapolite brought from Constantinople by the great ban Barbu Craiovescu of Oltenia. The monastery also has an impressive library of rare, manuscript and printed books. Bistrița Monastery is included in the List of historical monuments in Romania.


The monastery is located in Bistrița village in Vâlcea county, a locality belonging to Costești commune.


  • Pilgrims can be accommodated in the archondaric of the monastery 60 seats, bedrooms with 4-6 beds).


  • Address: Bistrița village, Costești commune, Vâlcea county
  • Goal.: 40.250.863327
  • Official

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