Dealu Monastery - Mănăstirea Dealu

Dealu Monastery
Dealu Monastery.JPG
The church of Dealu monastery
The profile of the monastery
Hram:St. Nicholas at the big church and The covering of the Mother of God to chapel
Founder:Radu the Great (initial Mircea Cel Batran)
Data of the monastery
The country:Romania
Living:35 (in the year 2000)[1]

Dealu Monastery, a nunnery located on a hill near the city Targoviste (6 km N). The main access road is, on the last 2 km to the monastery, a steep slope that winds to the top of the hill.


Dealu Monastery is located 6 km from Targoviste, on the largest hill near the city and is one of the oldest religious monuments in the country and among the most important in County Dambovita. This is a nunnery, dedicated to St. Nicholas. The first church on this place dates from the end of the century. XIV, from the time of the ruler Mircea Cel Batran. The current monastery was founded in 1499-1501 by the ruler Radu cel Mare (1495-1508) made of brick and covered with stone. This foundation was to be followed as a model by Radu's successor, Neagoe Basarab (1512-1521), when he raised Arges Monastery.

Dealu Monastery includes: the Great Church, the cells with wide corridors, the chapel, the Bell Tower - Bibescu's Tower, a museum, a terrace where you can see the city of Targoviste and other annexes including stables, barns, orchards.

In the 16th century, Dealu Monastery was an important royal necropolis, fulfilling this role starting with 1508, the date of the burial here of Radu cel Mare, the founder of the monastery. After this date, the following were buried here: Caplea, the sister of Radu cel Mare (1511), Vlăduț Voievod, the brother of Radu cel Mare (1512), Radu Vodă Bădica, the son of Radu cel Mare (1524), Vlad Înecatul (1532) , Pătrașcu Vodă cel Bun, the nephew of the first founder (1567) and Mihai Movilă (1608).

In 1603, his head was brought by the clucer Radu Buzescu Michael the Brave, was killed on Câmpia Turzii in 1601. On the tombstone that covers his head, there is the following inscription: "Here lies the honest and deceased head of the Christian Mihail, the great voivode, who was lord of Wallachia and Transylvania and Moldavia."

Over time, various institutions functioned at the monastery, such as: a camp for a detachment of Turkish prisoners, a divisional school for officers, an army weapons depot and a military high school (established in 1912 at the initiative of Nicolae Filipescu).

At Dealu Monastery, under the patronage of Radu cel Mare, the scholar Macarie wrote the first book in Romanian country - The liturgy. He also wrote at the Dealu Monastery the books: Octoihul Slavon and Tetraevanghelul Slavon.

  1. Vlasie 2000, p. 43.