Malaysia - Malaezia

Malaysia (Malaysia) is a country in Southeast Asia.

Sabah located in the north of the island of Borneo (especially Bahagian Tawau and Bahagian Sandakan districts). In this region, located in the southern vicinity of the Philippine archipelago Sulu, hostage-taking organized by militants of the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Mindanao operating from the territory of the neighboring state frequently takes place.

Citizens who come to Malaysia for tourism are advised to wear decent clothing, especially when visiting Muslim places of worship (long pants, skirts, shirts or blouses with sleeves) and on the beach (full bathing suit) .Malaysia is one one of the most pleasant and peaceful countries in Southeast Asia. It is a lively and rich country, with a multiple culture, a fusion of Malaysian, Chinese and Indian traditions and customs.

Most tourists head to Kuala Lampur, Cameron or the hedonic Langkawi. However, the island of East Malaysia is characterized by spectacular wildlife, the main attraction here being Mount Kinabalu. In the big cities you can see the influences of the Western European lifestyle, which the locals have adopted with great pleasure. Malaysia has some of the most beautiful beaches, mountains and national parks in Asia.

The country is a multicultural society, with Malaysians, Chinese and Indians living together. Malaysians are the largest community. Music, art, food, dance, architecture and everyday life are influenced by these nationalities, giving rise to the most fascinating sounds, tastes and views of Asia.

Capital: Kuala Lumpur Population: 23,000,000 inhabitants Currency: Malaysian ringgit Language: English, Tamil dialect, Chinese, Malaysian Time: GMT 8
