Malmantile - Malmantile

Via Francesco Ferrucci in Malmantile
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Malmantile is a fraction of the municipality of Lastra a Signa in the province of Florence.

To know

The toponym literally means "bad tablecloth", understood as"bad reception", and its origin derives from an episode that took place in the fourth century, at the time of the visit to Florence of the bishop of Milan Sant'Ambrogio and his meeting with San Zanobi, bishop of Florence, in the spot still marked today by a commemorative tabernacle. The two saints were housed in a farmhouse in the area, but the bad reception cursed the farmhouse that would have sunk into a crevasse.


The small village probably arose as a military outpost along the road between Florence is Pisa, which later developed into a civilian settlement.

How to orient yourself

Tabernacle of Sant'Ambrogio

How to get

How to get around

What see

Church and Hermitage of Saints Jacopo and Filippo in Lecceto
  • 1 Church and Hermitage of Saints Jacopo and Filippo in Lecceto (Inside the complex of the hermitage of Lecceto). The Dominican convent was founded in 1473 with the support of Filippo Strozzi, as a place of rest and meditation for the Dominicans of San Marco di Florence; currently the complex is the seat of the house of spirituality Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa, run by the sacrament fathers. The church is a perfect example of late fifteenth-century architecture, with a harmonious tribune which is accessed by an arch in pietra serena. The suppressions involved the stripping of the paintings that decorated the altars; the finely inlaid choir benches are also lost. The frontal frescoed with Christ in pity of Bernardo di Stefano Rosselli. On the altar there is a table with the Madonna and Child painted by Neri di Bicci on a pre-existing fourteenth-century work, flanked by side panels depicting Saints of the fifteenth-century Master of Marradi. Church of Saints Jacopo and Filippo in Lecceto on Wikipedia church of Santi Jacopo e Filippo in Lecceto (Q3668238) on Wikidata
Walls of Malmantile - Porta Pisana
  • 2 Walls of Malmantile. Malmantile is one of the best examples in Tuscany of a fortified medieval village, also because the next settlement was built a short distance away, not affecting the oldest part. The current circle dates back to 1424 and is among the first Tuscan examples of a wall with a protruding apparatus, the most used in the following centuries in the region. The construction seems to have been supervised by Filippo Brunelleschi, who was also active at the same time as the nearby walls of Signa and of Lastra a Signa. At the four corners there are towers with a square base, plus two taller towers, which are located in the center of the long sides. The largest, on the side of the road, is also the best preserved. Walls of Malmantile on Wikipedia walls of Malmantile (Q3867275) on Wikidata
Church of San Pietro in Selva
  • 3 Church of San Pietro in Selva. The church of San Pietro in Selva (Sancti Petri in Silva prope Castrum Malmantilis) has been documented since 1286 and is located at the southwestern end of the town, along the road to Pisa. It was almost completely rebuilt in 1955-1956. Also called in the past San Piero in Selva, the Lights of Florence, until the first half of the nineteenth century. On the facade of the church there are very deteriorated frescoes from the end of the fourteenth century, referable to the circle of Lorenzo di Bicci and depicting San Cristoforo, Two holy bishops and the Stigmata of St. Francis. In the lunette of the portal is a sinopia depicting St. Peter in the Chair between Saints Paul and Andrew. Inside is a Crucifix wooden painted fourteenth century, from the circle of Jacopo di Cione, and one Madonna and Child by a Florentine painter, datable to around 1470, attributed to the Master of the Nativity Johnson. Church of San Pietro in Selva on Wikipedia church of San Pietro in Selva (Q3671795) on Wikidata
  • Tabernacle of Sant'Ambrogio, Via di San Vito (Just outside the town). Built in 1732 at the behest of Vincenzo Antinori in memory of the legendary fact linked to saints Ambrogio and Zanobi.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Malmantile
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Malmantile
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