Fermana brand - Marca Fermana

Fermana brand
Panorama of Fermo
Marca Fermana - Location
Coat of arms
Marca Fermana - Coat of arms
Institutional website

Fermano is the territory of the city of Stop in Marche

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Map of the Fermano

Urban centers


  • Porto San Giorgio - Known as Portus Firmi in the Roman period, it is today a tourist center as well as the nearby Marina Palmense. Equally close are Lido di Fermo, Casabianca and Lido San Tommaso.
  • Sant'Elpidio a Mare - it is above all a manufacturing center. In its surroundings is the abbey of Santa Croce al Chienti, a notable example of Romanesque architecture.


  • Stop - 8 km from the coast, Fermo was a Roman colony from 264 BC, although archaeological excavations have brought to light settlements from the Iron Age. From the Roman era it preserves the cisterns dating back to 90 AD. Very well preserved and of considerable size, the cisterns of Fermo testify to the high degree of hydraulic engineering achieved by the Romans as well as their passion for water.
  • Massa Fermana - The small town (less than 1000 inhabitants) is known above all for its church dedicated to Saints Lorenzo and Silvestro where a polyptych from 1468 bearing the signature of Carlo Crivelli is exhibited.
  • Montelparo

Other destinations

  • Gorges of the Infernaccio - Formed inland by the River Tenna, the gorges fall into the national park of Sibillini Mountains and can be reached from the nearby center of Montefortino. The evocative landscapes are marked by small waterfalls.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Fermana brand
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Fermana brand
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