Porto San Giorgio - Porto San Giorgio

Porto San Giorgio
Porto San Giorgio square
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Porto San Giorgio
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Porto San Giorgio is a city of Marche.

To know

Geographical notes

Porto San Giorgio is a coastal town in the province of Stop which is washed by the Adriatic Sea.


Porto San Giorgio was named by Strabone in the first century.

Instead in the eleventh century it became a castle and took the name of Castel San Giorgio. In the following centuries it tried to break away from Fermo, but without success until 1741.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

The nearest airport is that of Ancona-Falconara.

By car

There Strada Statale 16 Italia.svg passes through Porto San Giorgio. It goes from Padua and reaches up to Santa Filomena (district of Pescara). From Ravenna down it overlooks the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

On boat

Porto San Giorgio is one of the largest tourist ports on the Adriatic. Built in 1984, it has obtained nineteen blue flags over the years in recognition of its efficiency, organization and cleanliness.For the countries on the other side of the Adriatic Sea you can take ships bound for the port of Ancona.

On the train

In Porto San Giorgio there is a railway station where several lines pass. One of these connects the city directly with Milan.

How to get around

By public transport

To see timetables and bus destinations visit the website of urban lines of Fermo and Porto San Giorgio.

By bike

On the coast line there is no real cycle path; there are only short sections in the internal streets, of different sizes and characteristics and not delimited by curbs. This makes Porto San Giorgio the only center in the Piceno area not equipped with cycle paths that can be included in the construction Adriatic Cycle Route, which once completed will connect all the towns on the Adriatic coast.

What see

  • Rocca Tiepolo, Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 3 (Castle). Built in 1267 by the Venetian Lorenzo Tiepolo, mayor of Fermo. The fortress, quadrangular in shape with a keep and Guelph battlements, has been recently renovated and is home to theatrical cultural events of dramatic art.
  • Villa Bonaparte. Built on the orders of Napoleon's brother, Girolamo Bonaparte, who lived in Porto San Giorgio from 1829 to 1832. Built in neoclassical style following the design of Ireneo Aleandri, it was dedicated to "Caterina" by Bonaparte. For political differences with the King of Naples, in 1831 it was confiscated and a few years later sold to the noble Pelagallo family, after being used as an Apostolic Chamber. The villa has decorations on the façade with bas-reliefs and high-reliefs of trophies of arms. It is surrounded by a large park. The rooms, exquisitely frescoed, are furnished with numerous Empire-style furniture of the time. The floor is in grit and has mosaic decorations.
  • Church of San Giorgio. Built in 1830 next to the clock tower and at the foot of Rocca Tiepolo on a project by the architect Ildebrando Giunchini. In front of the façade, which is unfinished, there must have been a portico with Doric columns. The interior with three naves is punctuated by Ionic columns. In the apse a sculpture by Giorgio Paci depicting St. George with the dragon. Hosts a copy of the Polyptych of Porto San Giorgio by Carlo Crivelli. Church of San Giorgio (Porto San Giorgio) on Wikipedia church of San Giorgio (Q3670320) on Wikidata
  • Church of the Dead. Built in the 18th century, it is located adjacent to the church of San Giorgio. The structure is preceded by a sort of atrium, where bas-reliefs can be seen on the external façade. Above the entrance (also in the atrium) we find the coat of arms of the archbishop of Fermo Cesare Brancadoro.
  • Clock tower. Built in 1829 in the main square to replace another tower demolished in 1820.
  • Fountain of Democracy (Fountain of Abundance). In 1897 the aqueduct for the city of Porto San Giorgio was built and, to celebrate the important event, Alfonso Bernardini was commissioned to create a sculpture. In the upper part of the entire sculptural structure, placed on a globe, a female figure stands majestically (allegorical image of democracy) holding a pomegranate in her right hand and ears of wheat in her left hand, symbols of fertility and abundance respectively.
  • Villa degli Oleandri (Riva Fiorita). Owned by the municipality, in the past it was used for parties, concerts and dances. The villa is surrounded by a large garden, used in the past as an open-air cinema. Today it houses a Museum of the sea and theatrical events and performances.
  • Church of the Madonna del Carmine (Church of the Holy Souls). Built in the second half of the seventeenth century and with a single nave. The altar houses a canvas from 1695 depicting the Madonna del Carmine, San Giovanni Evangelista and San Nicola da Tolentino who intercedes for the Souls in Purgatory, a work by Francesco Trevisani. On the sides of the altar we find two statues that respectively represent: Faith and Charity while in the upper part you can see a work by Filippo Ricci of 1760 and depicting the Education of the Virgin. The church also preserves a panel by Vincenzo Pagani (Crucifixion with the Addolorata Santa Maria Maddalena, San Girolamo and San Giovanni Evangelista).
  • Church of the Most Holy Rosary. Built in 1728. The interior has three naves. Interesting are: a statue of the early 1700s depicting the Madonna del Rosario and the fresco of the apse basin made by the Sangiorgese Sigismondo Nardi at the end of the 1800s depicting a Madonna with Child and angels.
  • Town Hall. Inside we find preserved a canvas dated 1775 depicting San Giacomo between two saints, the work of Gaetano Gandolfi.

Events and parties

  • Feast of the Sea. Simple icon time.svgAugust 14. The key element of the Porto San Giorgio sea festival is the Giant Adriatic pan(whose handle measures 8 meters, with a diameter of 6 meters at the edge and 4 meters at the bottom; 1,000 liters of oil are poured inside); the festival is held in mid-August in honor of the Madonna. In the morning there is a mass at the port and a parade of fishing boats at sea, in the evening the giant pan.
Born at the end of the sixties of the twentieth century, the party intends to remember an event that occurred on April 7, 1795, when the fishermen of Porto San Giorgio went on strike because the owners of the boats did not intend to increase their pay. The fishermen, worried about the family budgets put in crisis by the strike, entrusted the artisan Tommaso Mostarda with the construction of a huge pan in order to consume together the last food reserves of each family. When the wage increase was granted, they finally went back to fishing.

What to do


How to have fun


  • Municipal theater. Built in 1815 and frescoed in 1910 by Sigismondo Nardi. Municipal Theater (Porto San Giorgio) on Wikipedia Municipal Theater (Q3982227) on Wikidata

Where to eat

The typical Sangiorgese dish isloving him, a sweet made with almonds and dark chocolate, created by a Piedmontese pastry chef based in the city. It is usually prepared under the Christmas period but it can be found in any pastry shop throughout the year.

A typical dish is the "sangiorgese broth". The municipality of Porto San Giorgio has in fact codified the Communal Denomination of Origin (De.Co.) for the brodetto. In the De.Co. recipe, frozen fish, fish not from the central Adriatic, and all other ingredients must be local. The official recipe therefore includes mackerel, dogfish and / or dogfish, cod, suro, scorpion fish, sanpietro, conger eel, mullet, whiting, baraccola (or race), monkfish, weever, moorhen, priest fish, baby octopus, shrimp, mullet and crab. You must choose at least 13 different species of these fish, and you will have to accompany them with green tomatoes, parsley, vinegar, chilli, oil and salt.

In Porto San Giorgio you can appreciate vincisgrassi, olives and cremini all'ascolana and ciauscolo. During the Christmas period you can taste the frustingo, a typical sweet from the Marche made with dried fruit and figs.

Porto San Giorgio was the headquarters of the "Ditta Francesco Olivieri" which produced theAnisette "Anisina Olivieri Award Winning Specialty"Meletti di Ascoli is famous today. Other liqueurs that can be found in Porto San Giorgio and typical of the Marche region are: Mistrà (aniseed liqueur similar to sambuca) and mulled wine (hardly for sale).

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Porto San Giorgio
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Porto San Giorgio
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