Mercedes (Buenos Aires) - Mercedes (Buenos Aires)

For other places with the same name, visit Mercedes (disambiguation).

Mercedes is a town in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, located 100 kilometers from the city of Buenos Aires. It is an ideal mini-tourism center for people who want to spend a dynamic weekend or a few days in the country surrounded by a beautiful natural environment. The city offers many alternatives for agritourism, sports activities, baptism flights or visits to different cultural centers.


The visitor can enjoy the tourist stays that offer the possibility of rural activities, such as ring races, pig races, horseback riding, as well as observing different folkloric shows.

From the city of Mercedes you can stroll through one of the largest municipal parks in the province, the Municipal Park "Independencia", which is one of the most paradisiacal postcards of the city. It has 54 hectares of refreshing forests with pure air that make it a more than suitable and conducive place for the enjoyment of intense recreational and sports days, as well as for the full satisfaction of relaxation without limits, being able to camp on the banks of the Luján river that crosses it. Today it has an important infrastructure to fully enjoy nature (drinking water - bathrooms - tables and grills - swimming pools - basketball court - rugby court - soccer fields - velodrome - tent area).

In the Aeroclub Mercedes lovers of the great outdoors have an opportunity to enjoy new adventures, as here there are baptism flights in Delta wing, commanded by an instructor and trike guide. Trike baptism flights are also carried out, which are two-seater hang gliders with a motor. In addition, trailers are made for those who have their own equipment and equipment is rented for those who do not have it.

Other sites that should be known when passing through Mercedes are the Municipal Astronomical Observatory, the city ​​Hall, the Hall of the Honorable Deliberative Council, the famous grocery store "Cacho Dicatarina" dating from 1830, the Church "San Patricio", the Basilica Cathedral "Our Lady of the Mercedes", the Church "San Luis", the Museum of Natural Sciences "Carlos Ameghino" and the Historical Museum "Víctor Miguez".


In the outside of Mercedes there is an old grocer's shop built in the middle of the field, next to Luján river in 1830, by the side of a dirt road where the frequent passage of gauchos on horseback he confesses that the road remains in the past like the original business, never closed but never remodeled. Known as "La Pulpería de Cacho", is one of the last grocery stores in the Pampas region that still maintains its facade intact even the palenque where the countrymen tied their horses. It was one of the grocery stores visited by the gaucho Juan MoreiraIn fact, the original arrest warrant dating from 1868 is preserved. The grocery store has been a natural setting for films such as "Don Segundo Sombra", in which Chub He personified his own pulpero role: regular sales, dances, folk clubs, bocce and soccer championships, and the historic trick, continue to draw crowds to the "Pulpería Cacho Dicatarina"whose owner was a traditional character in the area. In 2004 it was declared" Municipal Historical Heritage ".

"The Cross of Palo" It is a historical monument of the city located on the extension of Calle 26 and immediately to the Bridge 3 de Marzo, on the Luján River. This monument was placed in the mid-nineteenth century in memory of those who fell in combat against the Indian in what was the last indigenous attack on Mercedes on October 23, 1823. In an act of justice, a plaque was placed next to said monument to also remember the natives who died defending their lands.

The "Dr. Julio César Gioscio Cultural Center" (former Argentine Theater) is located at Calle 27 between 24 and 26, named in this way due to the acquisition of the building by the municipality during its management. Since 1931 the popular "Argentine Cinema" had been operating there. In 1984 the Municipality acquired it and transformed it into the current Cultural Center. Today there are innumerable musical shows, plays, and dances by local and foreign artists. Its largest room is used as a multipurpose room for different events such as Business Round, fashion shows, shows, exhibitions, conferences, etc.

The "General San Martín" Square It has existed since the very beginning of the city; That is why, on June 25, 2002, it was 250 years old, just like the city. In principle it was only a space of land through which some settlers traveled on foot and on horseback; But, from 1856 on, a pyramid with the Statue of Liberty at its vertex was built in the middle of it; Inside, a box of wood and lead was jealously guarded, with 18 medals, one of gold and the certificate in which its construction was arranged; From here, the first trees began to be planted and it was fenced off. The advances continued through the years, not only changing its brick floors for tile and its lighting, but also changing its name; from "Principal" to "America" ​​in 1874 and by its current name of "General Don José de San Martín" in 1878 in homage to the Argentine liberator. Its current layout follows an English design, is crossed by paths bordered by gardens that contain different tree species, all these paths converge in the center of the square where the monument to Gral. San Martín stands, and in front of it is find freedom; On the square at the corner of Av. 29 and Calle 24 we find the mast and below it the coat of arms of the city.

In the center there are many cafes, restaurants, shops and traditional clubs. We could highlight the "Club Mercedes"and the" Club Del Progreso ", the Italian Circle, the Aloisio ice cream parlor, the Sorrento pizzeria, the cafe and restaurant" La Recova "(housed in one of the oldest buildings in the center), different clothing houses, toys, to the pharmacy called today "De la Merced", at the intersection of streets 24 and 27, and so on.

Mercedes is known so much for its peaches as for its excellent salami handcrafted from the very origins of the city, which give rise to two of its most traditional festivities: the "National Peach Festival" and the "National Festival of Salame Quintero". They both have their own elected Queen each year.

Basilica Cathedral "Our Mrs. de las Mercedes": of style neo-gothic French was inaugurated on April 16, 1921. In 1934 the Parish of Mercedes acquired the dignity of Cathedral Church, by Papal Bull. In 2010 the Basilica Cathedral was declared National hystoric monument by decree of the President of the Nation.

Church "San Patricio": inaugurated on March 17, 1932 and restored in 2003, it has 2,500 and a series of impressive stained glass windows, starting with that of St. Patrick crowning the central nave, behind the main altar. Inside is the largest pipe organ in South America, with 4700 tubes with chime, brought from Germany. The Parish belongs to the Pallottine community and, as Notre Dame of Paris, is characterized by having gargoyles on his forehead. There are 18 gargoyles of 4 types of animals.

Church "San Luis": architect's work Pedro Benoit (son of the mythical Frenchman), it was inaugurated on October 27, 1891, after twelve years of work. In 1893 the old municipality clock was placed. In June 1941 the San Luis chapel was erected as Perpetual Vicar, likewise, the Virgin of Luján She is declared a Secondary Employer. On December 23 of the same year, thanks to the pastoral action of its parish priest, the chapel was transformed into the San Luis Gonzaga Parish.


"Double Bragado": traditional cycling competition, in the urban area and in the main avenues of the city, speed sprints are carried out, creating a colorful and sporting spirit in all those who witness it. It takes place during the month of January.

"Corsos Mercedinos": held during the month of February, the Corsicans of Mercedon congregate more than 30,000 people per night. The color of the costumes, the floats, the murgueros dances, the comparsas and the sound of the music accompany the passage of this festival.

"International Motorcycle Meeting": takes place on the premises of the Municipal Park "Independencia" and it has managed to summon more than 3,000 motorcycles from national and international groups. It takes place during the month of March.

"Provincial Party of the Fried Cake": this party has great popularity for all those families who visit Mercedes to join the festivities that, since 1999 and consecutively, are made up of a wide range of activities with gastronomic proposals from the region, musical numbers and the choice of the best "Tortera of the Year" to close the event.

"Creole parade of May 25": national festival carried out with herds, old carriages and the different gaucho groups that compete with their dedicated and beautiful horses.

"Annual Painting Salon": During the month of June this exhibition is held, which has the presence of works of great value and quality by local, provincial and national artists, where the winning work is acquired by the Municipality of Mercedes.

"Book Festival": event that takes place in the field of Dr. Julio César Gioscio Cultural Center. Within this framework, writers, journalists and the general public are summoned. Talks and courses are held on different topics. Artists are present.

"National Festival of Salame Quintero": the Fiesta del Salame Quintero is a tradition installed since 1975 during the month of September. It is organized by a festivities commission, together with the Municipality of Mercedes. The activities program is prepared for visitors and friends who arrive in the city in mid-September. This includes a tour to get to know the city, and an afternoon in the country with a folkloric show, a pig race and a ring race. There is also a lunch where the main dish is salami. Simultaneously there are different shows and fairs of artisan products in the area. The Fiesta concludes with a great contest and awards ceremony for the best salami from Merced. Great artists like Jorge Rojas, Soledad Pastorutti, the Chaco Palavecino, Victor Heredia, Roxana Carabajal, Manuel Wirtz Y Teresa Parodi, among others, have performed live.

"National Peach Festival": The idea of ​​organizing the Fiesta del Durazno in Mercedes arose back in 1966. The Mayor of Mercedes, Juan Carlos Uncal Donnelly, saw the possibility of being able to honor the men who in the farms of Mercedes produced such an exquisite and copious amount of peaches while promoting their production and quality. This is how, in agreement with Dr. Luis Bereterbide, they summoned a group of fruit growers and the initiative of the annual Fiesta was proposed to them. This first stage of the festival was from 1967 to 1979. Subsequently, there was an eleven-year impasse and at the initiative of the Government of the Municipal Mayor, Dr. Julio César Gioscio, the idea of ​​holding this annual festival was re-floated, starting with from 1991 the second stage. In December 2003, under the administration of Mayor Carlos Selva, it was held on the premises of the former Martin Rodríguez Institute and became highly relevant with the excellent quality of artists who began to perform on stage. , the cultural contribution of the artists and the glamor of the election of the queen make this event a total success. Top-notch artists like Soledad Pastorutti, The Authentic Decadent, Valeria lynch, Leo Mattioli, Kapanga, Javier Calamaro, The Tse-Tse Fly Y La Vela Puerca, among others, have participated in live shows.