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The village seen from the Ubayette valley
The village seen from the Ubayette valley
Postal code
Telephone prefix
44 ° 28 ′ 30 ″ N 6 ° 48 ′ 0 ″ E
Official site

Meyronnes is a village located in the department of Alpes de Haute Provence, in the region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, in the South-East of France.


Located on the road leading toItaly by the Col de Larche, Meyronnes is the least populated village of the community of communes Ubaye Valley, with 59 inhabitants in the 2012 census, just behind Larche. He was a victim of the rural exodus.

The village is crossed by a tributary of the Ubaye, the Ubayette, having its source at Lake Lauzanier, in the neighboring town of Larche.

Since 1er January 2016, Meyronnes and Larche merged to form the new commune of Val-d'Oronaye.

  • City Hall Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Tourist office - Haute Ubaye sector Logo indicating a link to the website – The Haute Ubaye sector of the eponymous valley includes the municipalities of Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye and Val-d'Oronaye (made up of the two former communes of Meyronnes and Larche).

To go

By car

Access to the Ubayette valley from the rest of France is first via the Ubaye valley.

Since Paris Where Lyon, take the A6 and A7 motorways to Valence-Sud, then direction Gap and Barcelonnette. Another possible solution from Lyon: the A43 and A48 motorways to Grenoble then the national 85 to Gap (then follow Barcelonnette).

Since Marseilles, take the A51 motorway to La Saulce, then part of the national 85 and the departmental 942, 900B and 900 towards Barcelonnette.

Since Nice and the French Riviera, access to the Ubaye valley can be done via the Var valley and the Cayolle pass, or the Tinée valley via the Bonette-Restefond pass. These passes are however closed in winter, more than six months in the year given their altitude, higher than 2,300 meters.

The village of Meyronnes is signposted after crossing La Condamine-Châtelard.

By bike

Cyclists are not allowed to take the RD 900. Climbing the Col de Larche then remains impossible.


Access to the village of Meyronnes is difficult and may be prohibited in the event of an imminent landslide.

Ditto in the event of snow cover: the roadway can become slippery in winter, a chaining area has been set up just before the bridge over the Ubayette, before the crossroads between the departmental 900 and 902, 6 km downstream.

To see

  • Structures of the Maginot line Logo indicating a wikipedia link Saint-Ours – We find the fortress of Roche-la-Croix on the line built in the 1930s.
  • Parish church  – From the XIXe century.


It is possible to hike around Meyronnes, even beyond the Franco-Italian border.

To buy


  • Saint-Ours Inn Logo indicating a link to the website Saint-Ours (towards Larche, then D 225 towards Saint-Ours), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 4 92 84 37 03 Logo indicating tariffs menu at 20 .

Have a drink / Go out


  • Gite inn of Saint-Ours Logo indicating a link to the website Saint-Ours (towards Larche, then D 225 towards Saint-Ours), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 4 92 84 37 03 Logo indicating tariffs 45  half board, 60  full board, per day and per person.


Manage the day-to-day


  • 1 Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye (downstream, then direction Col de Vars - D 902) – One of the highest villages in France.
  • 2 La Condamine-Châtelard (downstream, then direction Barcelonnette)
  • 3 Larche (to Italy) – Highest village in the department (1 680 m altitude).
  • Mercantour national park  – The municipality is located in the membership area of ​​the national park, without however adhering to the charter.
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Complete list of other articles in the region: Alpes de Haute Provence