Mid-Ouest - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Mid-Ouest — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

42 ° 18 ′ 0 ″ N 87 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ W

The Mid-West is a region of United States of America known as being the "Center of America", which relates to its primary role in nation-making and farm sectors as well as its patchwork of large commercial towns and small towns which, in association, are considered as the broadest representation of American culture. In fact, most national television broadcasters speak with a mid-to-midwestern accent. The Midwest was the home of more than a quarter of Presidents of the United States as well as the birthplace of inventors and entrepreneurs of much of the technology that fuels the global economy (airplanes, automobiles, electric lighting). , petroleum, steel production - to name a few).


The term "Midwest" or "Midwest" refers to a collection of states just east of central United States. This area is sometimes referred to as "the heart" of America and is often associated with agriculture and industry. Midwestern culture is widely recognized to have to be “down to earth,” as many of the population are far removed from the influences of coastal cities and cultural hubs such as New York City and Los Angeles. The largest city in the Midwest region is Chicago, Illinois, the third largest city in the United States.

States surrounding the Great Lakes (the Ohio, theIllinois, the Minnesota, the Michigan and the Wisconsin) are sometimes called the northern coast, the third coast or the cool coast as parallel to the east and west coasts.



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The Midwest is a patchwork of big cities, small towns and farming communities. Being the epicenter of the American Industrial Revolution, it attracted an influx of immigrants and centuries of Americans in the late 19th and early 20th Africans, resulting in an ethnically diverse dining experience of urban populations of Germany, Ireland, Poland. and heavy African-American to rural Amish and Mennonite cooking traditions. Big Midwestern cities like Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and Milwaukee are known for their bratwurst, kielbasa, Italian sausage, and good old American hot dogs. Minnesota and parts of Wisconsin have heavier Scandinavian influences. Hispanic, Pan-Asian, Middle Eastern and Indian greats are now adding spice to this international potpouri.

Locally grown food is seasonally available in rural areas, often at roadside kiosks. Spring crops include salad greens, radishes, sweet peas and spinach. Summer abundance includes corn, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, onions, melons, berries, apples, peaches and pears. Agricultural abundance can be excellent in the season and seems to encourage the great portion year around.

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  • beer - of the major domestic breweries, the Annheuser-Busch and Miller are headquartered in the Midwest. Many renowned microbreweries dot the landscape as well.
  • wine - wine is made in every state in the Midwest. Catawba grapes were first discovered in Ohio in 1802, and catawba vines thus line the shores and islands of Lake Erie. Michigan and Missouri also have significant wine countries.




  • Dial 911 from any telephone for police, medical, and emergency fire services.

Rural areas in the Midwest are generally among the safest in the country. Big cities, like Detroit, Chicago, and St. Louis, have rotten neighborhoods that should be avoided after the sun goes down.




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