Inner Mongolia - Mongolia Interna

Inner Mongolia
Coal mine in Inner Mongolia
Inner Mongolia - Localization
Institutional website

Inner Mongolia it is a province Chinese in Northern China.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

       Central Inner Mongolia - He understands Hulunbuir, Xing'an League (Hinggan).

Urban centers

  • Hohhot - Capital of Inner Mongolia.
  • Baotou (包头, Bāotóu) - The largest industrial city in Inner Mongolia.
  • Chifeng (赤峰; Chìfēng) - Human existence in the Chifeng area can be traced back almost ten thousand years ago.
  • Dongsheng (東勝 區; Dongsheng Qū) - The fastest growing district of Ordos.
  • Erenhot (二连浩特; Erlian) - Located in the Gobi Desert, equipped with a remarkable range of facilities for residents and travelers crossing the border.
  • Hailar (海拉尔; Hǎilā'ěr) - Founded in 1734 as a Chinese fort, today an important agricultural market
  • Manzhouli (满洲里; Mǎnzhōulǐ) - On the border with Russia is Mongolia, Manzhouli forms the basis for excursions to the boundless grasslands of Hulunbuir.
  • Wuhai (乌海; Wūhǎi) - Mountaineering is an extremely popular activity with locals and foreigners alike.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table

Traditional Mongolian food is consumed throughout Inner Mongolia. Mongolian cuisine includes dairy products, such as milk, yogurt and cheese. Traditional Mongolian milk tea is exceptionally good. Meats, especially lamb, make up most of the meals. The meat is usually roasted with a spice coating to give it a strong distinctive flavor.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Inner Mongolia
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Inner Mongolia
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